Saturday, September 20, 2014

Labour CGIL replica Renzi: “Enough insults, we discuss to ensure … – The Republic

Labour CGIL replica Renzi: "Enough insults, we discuss to ensure … – The Republic

ROMA – Calanus a bit ‘the tone of the confrontation between the government and CGIL on labor reform. After the video of yesterday, in which the prime minister accused the CGIL not to defend the workers, get on Twitter, the replica of the union (“We do not want workers can be fired for no reason #fattinonideologia”). The CGIL there is to be accused of thinking only ideologies (“We have always strive to extend rights and protections. Renzi wants to do the same?”), But shows a willingness to open a dialogue: “Enough insults to the union: let us look in the eye and discuss it. ” It calls for extending sickness and maternity at all.

An opening more clearly comes from the leader of the CISL , Raffaele Bonanni, who distanced himself from the CGIL and does not exclude the ‘reformulation’ of Article 18: “I think the President of the Council – despite the harsh words used – do well to keep this profile. A humble advice I can give is to continue to maintain it. because when you ‘sgarra’ on the other hand, the mistakes speak for itself. ” He adds: “I am interested to discuss the events in the complex and understand the intentions of the government. Ie if it intends to put an end to the precarious area heavier than we have in the country. An army of young people cheated, that will not solve the their problems with the contract protections growing if you do not abolish the false matches vat, co. Co. Co in public administration and co. Co. Pro. Folks who do not have a salary, no pension, no nothing. Questi- concluded Bonanni- have to go into the contract protections growing, which at that point would make sense. CISL is ready for any solution- also a reformulation of Article 18 – in order to get to this. “

Matthew Renzi is prepared, however, to hold the point and not to retreat on reform. Which will cover the whole field of labor and not only Article 18 and increasing protections contracts. For this “no need for a maneuver of $ 20 billion – is to know the prime minister – also change the system of social safety nets.” The government projects will be introduced unemployment benefits and time will vanish, and that the extraordinary redundancy fund notwithstanding.

“I do not do report cards. I hope that from this clash, even harsh, one arrives at the effective protection of workers and the most guaranteed, both temporary and especially those women who for too long have had to choose between motherhood and work. ” The Speaker of the House, Laura Boldrini , prompted by reporters about the confrontation of government-CGIL Welfare and work, so said the fierce debate on Article 18, without giving any reason to the Chairman of the Board Matteo Renzi or union leader Susanna Camusso.

The German lesson at work

Speaker with harsh words Senator Choice Civica and professor of labor law Pietro Ichino , claiming that unions are wrong because “this reform is not so much about the world of work represented by them, but covers all the other that they do not are “. Then he warns: “The left, political and union, must be careful not to repeat the mistakes of the past, in consisititi disqualify the person who disagrees, to create that sort of cordon sanitaire to isolate those who support different ideas from that of the traditional Marxist left, because this isolation technique also presents the risk of shrapnel hit the isolated person. I am confident that the Left has learned the lessons of the past. “

It refrains, however, from the comments the president of Confindustria, Giorgio Squinzi . Arrived at the inauguration of the new headquarters building Zanutta, Sacile, told reporters: “We do not talk of Article 18 can not comment today” .Assicura that the rights will not be reduced, but it will attempt to overcome the old taboos Secretary to the Prime Minister, Graziano Delrio: “We have put forward a comprehensive proposal of the work, the enabling law has found consensus in the committee and hopefully will find it in the Senate. Controversies may leave way to more substantive reflections, rather than ideological battles. will not reduce any rights, “but will be overcome” old taboos … I am convinced that the contract is a solution to the growing safeguards important and intelligent and that with the universal allowance unemployment have two measures alone will be able to make Italy a country better able to create jobs and to protect those who lose it. ”

The same opinion is the Minister of Public Administration, Marianna Madia : “I do not want to lower workers’ rights, the government provides resources for the reform of social safety nets,” said excluding that there will be fractures within the party: “I believe there will be no fractures, when we discuss in the direction of the bill giving rights to those who do not. Would seem strange object.” The need to unite the party speaks also the chairman of the Democratic Party, Matthew Orfini , according to which the reform of the labor market must not become the Democratic Party “element of internal manipulation.” “Who lost the Congress must work unit of the party is not the unity of the minority. The moment – he added – is not easy for the party and for the country, you have to confront more and in a different spirit, a spirit more constructive.’s conference is lawful beating each thrashing, but you have to end when someone wins and someone loses. I lost and the next day I said we had to do to help Renzi secretary. become fer I am not and will not become – has concluded – but the comparison even harder in recent years has helped us to make a step forward all together. “

But within the Democratic Party the atmosphere is anything but quiet. For Renzi, the minority party does not seem to give priority to the defense of the workers: “They dream of revenge and Article 18 are playing the game of life to get back on track,” he said and hopes that eventually able to convince everyone, as is already the case for the reform of the Senate and the electoral law. But the opposition this time they want to be prepared and have cconvocato Tuesday for a summit in the House to discuss all together: there will be Cuperlo, Damian, Fassina, Civati ​​and also the chairman of the Budget Committee, Francesco Boccia. The intent is to raise a wall parliamentary reform.

“Dear Matteo Renzi, you prepare to realize the dream of the right political and economic break down all the rules that give dignity and rights to those in the world of work,” accuses Nichi Vendola , president of the Puglia Region and leader of Sel, who in a video-letter to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi commented on the reform of the government’s work, against which announces battle: “This is not a major reform is the end of a ‘idea of ​​reform of the labor market that focuses on the value and dignity of every worker and every worker. ” He adds: “We should give rights to those who do not have it, do not take them off to those who gave them” the banker should go “against the precariousness not make everyone insecure.” For this, he concludes Vendola, “we will strongly and stubbornly opposed to this counter that offends the democratic culture of our country.”

Excludes any alliance with Ncd, as long as the latter will continue to support the executive, the governor of Lombardy Roberto Maroni that Sirmione has intervened on the reform debate organized by Forza Italy: “Until Ncd will support the Government Renzi, the unification of the center is a mission impossible,” said He added that, with regard to the job, “Article 18 is only an ideological flag. Labour reform should allow companies to hire and dismiss any there may be, with the expectation of fair compensation, but not necessarily with the obligation of reinstatement. believe that reform is the right thing. “


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