Wednesday, September 24, 2014

F35: Camera, ok in motion Pd “Revise plan, reduce budget” – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

F35: Camera, ok in motion Pd "Revise plan, reduce budget" – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

F35 Camera motion Pd ok to revise the plan and reduce the budget September 24, 2014 14:54

(AGI) – Rome, September 24 – Pass, in the Chamber in the House, the Democratic Party motion calling on the government to review the program for F35 fighter, pointing to halving of the financial budget expected. Therefore approved the motions of the majority, and FI, F35 on the node. Shot down rather than, as the motion Sel, calling for the complete cancellation of the Italian participation in the program.

Gian Piero Scanu, Democratic Party leader in the Defence Committee in the House, during the explanation of votes on motions F35, stated that the motion commits the government “ to re-examine the entire F-35 program to clarify criticality ‘and costs with the ultimate goal of halving the budget financial originally planned, so’ as indicated in the document approved by the parliamentary defense of the Chamber of Deputies at the conclusion of the hearings on weapon systems, in view of the European Council in December 2013, taking into account the economic returns and industrial character arising from it, “the device of Pd motion passed in the House today in the House.

With the motion approved, the government and ‘altresi’ committed “to seek, within these limits, each possible solution and agreement with the international partners of the F-35 program, in order to maximize economic returns, employment and technological valuing the investments already ‘made in Phaco and its potential’ as manufacturing hub and international logistics; to keep a constant check on the full compliance of the aircraft with the requirements of efficiency and safety and operational criteria of the Armed Forces. “

The signatories are: Scanu, Marazziti, Aiello, Bolognesi, D’Arienzo, Iron , Fioroni, Fontanelli, Carlo Galli, Carnations, Gregori, Marantelli, Massa, Moscatt, Salvatore Piccolo, Judith Pines, Stumpo, Valeria Valente, Villecco Calipari, Zanin, Carra, Iacono, Amoddio.
in its premises, the motion recalls, inter alia, that “the context of international relations is characterized by a proliferation of new and growing lit situations criticality ‘ and complexity’ they call our country to assume its responsibility ‘within supranational institutions and alliances to which it belongs: the UN, the EU and NATO “and that” the responsibility ‘of our country are even more’ accentuated by the leading role of the European Union made by Italy in this semester and by appointment Mogherini Minister as head of foreign and security policy of the European Union and force our country to strive to achieve a more ‘effective and unified European political strategy able to deal with the current crisis. “

This “brings to our government a threefold responsibility ‘marked, on the one hand, by the need’ to leave no stone unturned on the difficult terrain of the initiative diplomatic priority in order to establish the conditions for a negotiated settlement the main areas of crisis, from the Ukraine, on the other hand, the equally urgent need ‘of a containment and a reduction in public spending in Italy and, again, to ensure that the availability ‘of the armed forces efficient, modern and integrated within Europe and with our allies. “

” The amount’ of resources that our country is planning to allocate to weapon systems, so ‘like that for staff, and ‘at the moment – you said – still higher than those identified by the measure of reform of the military, and are significantly lower than the resources allocated to the exercise, according to the paradigm, shared in more’ occasions by the Government and Parliament, for a breakdown of the expenditure which reserves 50 percent of the budget to personnel costs, 25 percent for those in the exercise and the 25 per cent investment “.

The parliamentary document also mentions that “the Parliamentary Committee on Defense of the Chamber of Deputies, in particular, has more ‘frequently expressed the opinion that any decision regarding the planning of the military, including the activities’ of modernization and renewal of weapon systems, should rely on the appreciation of the strategic scenario, on account of the international commitments and, not least, on the level of available resources “and that” many doubts concerning the F-35 program have found the survey, the forum for more ‘appropriate to a severe test “, so’ like ‘many difficulties’ that meets the aircraft have led, in recent weeks, the decision, the American administration, after a period of suspension of flights, to subject them to restrictions until the resolution of technical problems. ”

“The motions approved today committing the government to halve the financial budget initially planned to purchase the F35 program.
This is an important indication both in substance and in method. Indeed, from on the one hand and ‘right in our rationalize the resources allocated to other F35 and’ essential that both the parliament to decide, so ‘as stated on the Reformation weapon systems we strongly at the end of the last Parliament. Our motion, then, and ‘consistent with a process of revision of the military and with the stringent constraints imposed by the budget crisis. “


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