Article published in the : 09/20/2014
On the labor market “today who defends the current system defends a model of inequality where rights depend on the origin or age. We want to defend the rights of those who have no rights. Ones that no one has occupied until now.” The clash of work and art. 18 is not subsiding. After the video, comes the letter (READ) of the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, addressed to members of the Democratic Party. But this time in the viewfinder there is not much the union but the ” old guard ” party, which is accused to take the opportunity to art. 18 to return to a ” ideological struggle ” and ” maybe bring back the Democratic Party in the 25% ‘.’
“We have compared -says still premier- the leader of the right-liberal Anglo-Saxon eighties. A have taught me that being on the left means to fight injustice, do not store. Faced with a problem, there are those who are trying to find solutions to change and who organizes conferences leaving things as they are. Even in our party there are those who want to take the ball to return to the ideological clashes and maybe bring back the Democratic Party by 25%. We no ‘.’
“We are here to change -insiste Renzi- Italy and will never accept to do the fig leaves to the old guard that sometimes comes back. Or at least she tries. September 29, present in the national leadership of the Jobs Act. We need to attract new investment, because without new investment, there will be no jobs and increase the unemployed., but we also need to change an unjust system that divides people into citizens of series A and series B and humiliates precarious. “
In the letter, the Prime Minister, together with the reform of the labor market, focuses on the issues of school and the tax authorities. “Stop the bleeding of jobs and return to growth, simplify the tax paying less (but paying everyone, finally!) And, above all, invest in education and about the school: this is our challenge.”
Finally, with regard to the electoral law and constitutional reform “must be addressed without delay by Parliament in recent weeks. Because if the policy changes herself and setting a good example, then, everything is easier.”
CGIL – After the battle of Friday, the CGIL get an invitation to get it finished with ” insults’ and to open a debate. All with a double tweet. “ Just insults to the union: let us look in the eye and discuss ,” reads the first chirping. “As always we strive to extend rights and protections. Renzi wants to do the same?” Asks a second tweet.
And then a series of messages, a collage of tweets outlining the union’s position with respect to the amendment to the text of the Jobs Act presented by the Government in the Senate, all ‘targati’ strictly with the hastag fattinonideologia. Thus, “same job, same pay. Demotion to the No”, while with regard to the contract protections growing, the CGIL says “yes, if you erase the many contracts that produce insecurity.”
And if in general, again suggesting the union via tweet, “the simplest rule: to ensure the dignity of the worker”, a fortiori Article 18 states: “we do not want that people who work can not be fired without a reason” why ” to send them all in series B is not extending the rights and protections . “
But the Secretary to the Presidency of the Council Graziano Delrio provides: “ Exceeding the old taboos should not mean a reduction of rights . Will not reduce any rights.’m Convinced that the contract protections growing is an important solution and intelligent, and with the universal unemployment allowance you have two measures that, by themselves, will be able to make Italy a country better able to create jobs and to protect those who lose it ” .
“We have advanced – he adds – a comprehensive proposal of work. Law delegation has found consensus in the committee and hopefully will find it in the Senate. The controversy may give way to more substantive reflections instead that ideological battles. “
The leader of the Senate of the New center-President of the Commission as well as the work of the Senate, Maurizio Sacconi , warns: “The law delegating at work is an ambitious project and organic. The new center-right will never accept go back and trust the way in which the Prime Minister of the Democratic Party Secretary and the Minister of Labor registered with the Democratic Party will exercise the delegation. “
Intervenes in the debate on Article 18 also the chairman of the House Laura Boldrini which emphasizes: I’m not here to give marks: I can say, however, that I hope that from this clash, even harsh one arrives at the effective protection of workers , is guaranteed to be the most precarious, especially for those women who for too long have had to choose between motherhood and work “..
Meanwhile, Goofy Civati calls “on labor reform Pd immediately consult clubs, members and voters “. “The party – he says – is being mobilized from its base, the Secretary should take note and agree to promote a national consultation.”
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