History article
This article was published on 17 September 2014 at 13:37.
The last change is the 17 September 2014 at 14:10.
Parliament stalled on costitzuonale Court appointments and CSM, Quirinale on the shields. After yet another round vacuum yesterday, the Parliament in joint session, stop for days on the names to send to palzzo palace of the Consulta and the Marshals, the head of state recalled that the mechanism of the “quorum high” for the posts of relevance Constitutional imply “absolutely convergences on the nominations and full sharing in the expression of votes among different political forces, majority and minority.” Something that has not yet occurred, raising “serious questions” about the political class. As for the “miserable old ‘impasse, do not detract from the seriousness of the situation.
unjustified foreclosures paralyze the guarantee scheme quorum
In his statement, published today by the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano then invokes the mechanism of quorum qualified for the ‘ election of the institutional (3-5 of voters to the Constitutional Court, 3/5 of voters for the directors of the CSM). It warns of the prevalence of “unjustified foreclosures” by “any political force,” or individual elected. If in the end prevail prevail “against candidates of other political forces,” or you did well in “the sectarian claim to be considered eligible only candidates of their party,” then presses the head of state, “the mechanism is paralyzed and the same guarantee institution represented by the system of qualified quorum wears out and can be put into question. ”
Parliamentary inconsistent elevation of quorum and lack of convergence
In one passage, Napolitano then takes its cue from the lack of convergence of parliamentarians to highlight their inconsistency on the face of the constitutional reforms. On the one hand, the demand raised by many in the ‘recent discussion in the Senate on the overcoming of bicameralism equal, “” a raising of the quorum required by the Constitution of 1948 for the election by the parliamentary commissions to certain of constitutional significance. ” Quorum, Napolitano noted, however, “already increased after the adoption – in 1993 and 2005 – a majority of electoral laws and the adoption of a new one (for the moment only approved in first reading by the Chamber), also majority» . On the other hand, the succession in the last month and a half of empty voting, which denotes the rejection converge on shared names imposed by the system of qualified quorum.
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