Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Napolitano: See the black smoke generated serious questions – Corriere della Sera

Napolitano: See the black smoke generated serious questions – Corriere della Sera

Milan , September 17, 2014 – 13:50


Yet another missed election to the See of two of the five members appointed by parliament and the simultaneous failure indication of the lay members of the Superior Council of Magistracy has caused a new intervention of the head of the state. “The succession without conclusive results of the voting in the Parliament in joint session for the election of lay members of the CSM and the judges of the Constitutional Court bound to happen to the two who have completed their term of office, raises serious questions,” said the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, in a statement continues: “What has occurred in the past unhappy similar precedents, does not detract from the seriousness.”


The intervention of Napolitano has caused turmoil in the political forces that have decided to find a way to end the stalemate. In this regard, the premier Matteo Renzi is meeting at Palazzo Chigi, the leader of Forza Italy Silvio Berlusconi. A face-to-face waiting for days and that will serve to make the point on several issues: the reforms, the voting for the selection of candidates to Consult and CSM.

The statement

Moreover Napolitano’s words left no room for doubt about the need to take action immediately. This is the statement of the head of state: “The succession without conclusive results of the voting in the Parliament in joint session for the election of lay members of the CSM and the judges of the Constitutional Court bound to happen to the two who have completed their term of office, raises serious questions. That have occurred in the past unhappy similar precedents, does not alter that gravity. I do not know if all participants have the votes in the course clear in particular an important issue on which I wish to draw their attention. Recently – and especially in the debate in the Senate on the overcoming of bicameralism equal – was raised by various political parties raising the issue of a quorum required by the Constitution of 1948 for the election by the parliamentary commissions to certain of constitutional significance. It was deemed necessary to the raising of such quorum after the adoption – in 1993 and 2005 – of majoritarian electoral laws and the adoption of a new (currently only approved in first reading by the Chamber), also the majority. But high quorum for such election in Parliament convergences imply strictly on the nominations and full sharing in the expression of votes among different political forces, majority and minority. Where are by any political force, or individual representatives in Parliament, and end up dominated by unjustified foreclosures against candidates of other political or sectarian claim to be considered eligible only candidates of their party, the mechanism is paralyzed and the same guarantee institution represented by the system of qualified quorum wears out and can be challenged in the opposite orientation that I first called. It therefore reflects well on this important aspect of the consequences of a protracted stalemate in the overall voting under way, which prevents the first settlement in the new CSM. ”


Meanwhile, the Movement 5 star white board will vote at the next ballot for the election of the two Constitutional Court judges, then giving up its candidates. But he asks the other parties to change the names of Donato Bruno and Luciano Violante and find candidates ‘super partes’ on which may possibly be also their convergence. This was announced were the same 5-star during a press conference in the House: Members Roberta Lombardi and Danilo Toninelli, senators Vito and John Petrocelli Endrizzi. “It’s a signal that we take – explained Toninelli – we do not care that our walk a name but a name that steps to ensure the public good. Give us the names of honest and valid to vote. ” The 5 star explained that the choice of white card covers only the vote of the judges of the Consulta since it is “the most important organ of assurance on the legality of our laws,” as pointed out Endrizzi. Who added: “The paradox is that it should be the easiest choice and the parties should appoint people fray. Instead, they want to put the hat on the judiciary. ” M5S then continue to vote for its candidates to the CSM.


The indication sent via SMS to the parliamentarians of the Democratic Party and Forza Italy, is about to begin when the twelfth vote to elect members of constitutional bodies, is instead to vote Luciano Violante and Donato Bruno to See , Pierantonio Zanettin, Parliamentary FI, for the CSM.

September 17, 2014 | 13:50



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