After having visited the offices in a large open space, the President of the Council had a meeting with the CEO of Twitter, Dick Costolo
Rome – “conservatism, corporatism and injustice” restrain Italy is arrivat or the time to overcome resistances ancient to move from words to deeds and “renew Italy”. Punctual as always in recent months has arrived the endorsement Adhesives programs Chigi palace at this time under the friendly fire of the CGIL and the minority Democratic Party on the Jobs Act.
Clear words from the President of the Republic that are not new to the line strongly for reform of the Quirinale but at this time it is permissible to read as a message “to the left”, aimed at shoring up the efforts of the executive by the constitutional reforms to that of Labour.
“ In Italy serves a systematic revolution ‘:’ I am aware that some things are changed so violent ,” makes it a counterpoint Matteo Renzi from Silicon Valley. Reforms at full throttle then. Even if it means “angry,” someone – even inside the house Pd – “to make everyone happy,” added the prime minister who invites Italians to roll up their sleeves and “stop feeling sorry for him.”
But the acceleration of reform of the government is based on series bases as demonstrated once again the words of Mario Dragons “The crisis will end only when it becomes a full confidence in the economy, when companies will be back to take risks, invest, create jobs. This depends on many factors, including monetary policy, but especially from the implementation of reforms that will support the credibility. ” The Governor of the Central Bank seems to stigmatize the snail’s pace of Italy when making operational measures to be announced time but in fact, well drawing a sense of urgency seems to support the reasons for the determination of Renzi.
In this context, perplexing everyone – even the Quirinale – the deadlock in Parliament on the appointment of the two judges of the consultation and the two lay members of the CSM , as well as the furious battle in course on the Jobs Act.
Test voltages is also generalized the clash that opened today on Article 18 of the President of Confindustria and the secretary of the CGIL Camusso , ready to take to the streets with his union ” even alone. ” “The abolition of Article. 18 would be a strong signal “to Europe and the markets, underwrites Squinzi. Frosty the replication of the leader of the CGIL, “I see the sudden change of opinion because I remember many statements by the President of Confindustria said just the opposite,” he replied, explaining that “the Government does not know how to overcome the insecurity ‘and this feeds daily tensions and confirming the mobilizations that probably will not be uniform.
Perhaps for this reason, the head of state has also been received by the Government calling it a more concrete: “trust in the clarification and concretization of the commitments announced by the government to overcome situations unsustainable, that the policies of the past have never solved. ”
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