Monday, September 29, 2014

Reform of the labor unions divided Pd fibrillation before the … – Corriere della Sera

Reform of the labor unions divided Pd fibrillation before the … – Corriere della Sera

Milan , September 29, 2014 – 15:04


The minority Democratic Party unleashed attack against Prime Minister Renzi during the party leadership convened to discuss labor reforms. And ‘the old guard to monopolize the flurry of interventions. With the prime minister and secretary of the Democratic Party, Matteo Renzi , absolutely firm on his positions, and an adversarial hard and tight with his opponents. D’Alema Bersani in the first firing broadsides of fire on the President of the Council. On the reform of labor “you do not make compromises at all costs,” said Renzi. The reactions were swift. Pungent, Gianni Cuperlo , an exponent of the Left: “You are the secretary of my party and you’re not the reincarnation of Mrs. Thatcher, who, however, would be a reincarnation coming very bad. But you should try here in the parliamentary groups and mediation. ” Even more severe Massimo D’Alema: “Dear Renzi, less commercials, less slogan” and more reflections. “To deal with certain issues,” D’Alema said, “you do not need to know things. But, of course, it would be useful to study. ” D’Alema quoted the Nobel Prize Stiglitz, who says that “the labor market is not reformed when there is a recession, but when there is growth. Hear a prime minister saying “it is right that the boss can lay off” is something that does not exactly induce the consumer. ” Pierluigi Bersani, just as hard, “Warning: we go to the brink but not to Article 18 for the method Boffo , one must be able to tell her, without him taking off his dignity, and I want to discuss before there is blackmail, “take it or leave it. ‘”

We are not a club of philosophers

Matthew Renzi opened with a premise. “We’re not a club of philosophers, but a political party decides. In Italy, the Democratic Party is the reference point of a challenge that tends to change Italy and Europe. We are the largest party in Europe. Italians have told us that Italy has to change the Democratic Party. May 25 We have stopped the advance of anti. “It is not a case that has failed the strength of the Five stars : When the blue car, the salaries of managers are issues on which we act, there is less force of anti. I do not care about the plots of others, it is normal for someone to be afraid of being ousted by the Italian political scene and try to recover the place. Do not call them powers that be, as they were defeated by us. Let’s call … aristocrats powers. ”

The challenge for trade unions on three points

Renzi has challenged the unions saying he was willing to meet them but to talk with them about minimum wage, union representation and liaison between national bargaining and second-level bargaining. Article 18 showed only a small opening to the internal minority stating that he wants to keep only as regards’ discriminatory dismissals and disciplinary ones. ” “I’m willing to reopen the green room of the Palazzo Chigi, to confront the next week. With CGIL, CISL and UIL . I challenge you on three points: a law of union representation, the minimum wage, the connection with the second-level bargaining “states Renzi. The government works because “the severance pay can be inserted from January 1, 2015 in payroll, through a protocol between Abi, Confindustria and the government to allow a further step of purchasing power. Furthermore, the reduction in labor costs will also continue in the calendar year 2015, “said the prime minister and secretary of the Democratic Party.

shadow carousel


From D? Alema to Madia, the entire Democratic Party to the direction on the Jobs Act


“If it was Article 18 the reference point on the working of the Constitution,” said Renzi “I explain why for 44 years we have accepted the difference between firms with more and less than 15 employees?” he added. “I think it should be passed the current system of restoration, leaving that for discriminatory reasons and disciplinary. If you want to give rights to workers, we do not defend a battle that has no reason to be. The left must be where there is a change. You left this reform if it is to defend workers, the future and not the past, all and not someone who is already guaranteed. If left to defend the change and conservation. ”

CGIL, CISL and UIL ” Discussion to be continued “

Just to find a common stance on the reform of the labor secretaries confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL, Susanna Camusso, Annamaria Furlan and Luigi Angeletti, came together for over three hours in Rome at the headquarters of the CISL, for a face-to-face at the end of which “have decided to continue the comparison for the development of the unified platform,” says a joint statement . “We have decided to continue to discuss in order to understand what the government intends to do,” said the secretary of the CGIL union Susanna Camusso, which for Saturday, October 25 confirmed the manifestation of his union against changing the rules on the reinstatement of the dismissed worker without just cause. Before going with any joint initiatives, unions prefer to wait for the evolution of the Bill on the job, whether and how it will be approved in the first reading in the Senate. “There continues to be uncertainty about what choices to make in practice the government,” said Camusso.

September 29, 2014 | 15:04



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