History article
This article was published on 17 September 2014 at 19:47.
The last change is the 17 September 2014 at 20:10.
It is finished, after an hour and 45 minutes, the meeting at Palazzo Chigi between the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Renzi. The meeting, which began shortly after the 17 was also attended by Gianni Letta and Denis Verdini for Forza Italy, and the Deputy Secretary of the Democratic Party, Lorenzo Guerini. Earlier, the Prime Minister had had a face-to-face with the economy minister Padoan. The summit Renzi-Berlusconi had been expected for days and the news of his inclusion on the agenda today was anticipated by Il Sole 24 Ore yesterday. The meeting served to make the point on several topics: from constitutional reforms to the electoral law (on which it was decided to “acceleration”) stall on the choice of candidates to Consult and CSM. On the latter point, however, while it is the 12th vote in Parliament to appoint two judges of the consultation and the ninth vote to appoint two lay members of the CSM yet to be elected, it would not be coming from the top of the display names alternative.
Guerini by Renzi-Cav ok to acceleration of the electoral law
According to reports from the Democratic Party deputy secretary Lorenzo Guerini, Renzi and Berlusconi have agreed on the need to “acceleration of the path of the electoral law and its scheduling.” It was also the horizon of the legislature also indicated yesterday by Prime Minister Renzi before the Chambers. When asked whether in face-to-face had talked about early voting the Democratic Party deputy secretary of the respondents replied “absolutely not.”
Pd: See the candidates are decided by those groups
Guerini also explained that the meeting “was not discussed by Look and CSM if not in the terms in which has expressed the head of state. ” He added that the names for the View “have already pronounced the parliamentary groups and the pronouncement we remain.” A statement in line with what is reported by the Democratic Party to parliamentary sources, according to which the meeting Renzi and Berlusconi would not have led to new names for the Consulta. And the covenant Pd-FI to bring to the Constitutional Court Luciano Violante and Donato Bruno holds also in the case of new black smoke tonight. Sources of Forza Italy instead avevavano announced the end of the race for Bruno and Violante and the directions of two new names to the Consultation as a result of the summit.
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