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It does not calm the controversy blows of fiery tweets Fedez between, Maurizio Gasparri and a girl.
Yesterday, the vice chairman of the Senate to a young fan who defended her idol with a tweet (“it is a clean person and humble, unlike you that you’re dirty and you believe it because you’re a Congressman”) had responded by tweeting again more offensive: “Less drugs, more diet, in a bad way.” Twitter then deleted after a wave of criticism and insults relieved to have offended a girl.
“The fans Fedez on Twitter? When you insult me I reply. She insulted me and I answered, “Gasparri said today in a Day by Pecora, on Rai Radio 2. Senator, she claims that it was the fan of Fedez to insulting her? “Yes, yes. I have been insulted, and I believe that we must respect others. ” The people of Twitter asks her to offer her an apology. “I do not apologize, apologize to her, because I have offended.”
Fedez said that if the girl wanted to sue her, he would incur legal costs. “I have been insulted. Does that mean my lawyer wants to denounce the parents of this girl, if she is a minor. ” She is complaining of this girl? “There’s an insult to me, I was told ‘dirty’ and things like that. So would not recommend to sue. And indeed, at this point, the lawsuit will do it before me. “
The controversy was born from the comment Gasparri message to a user who had posted an image of Fedez with the sign:” #Stopinvasione of Northern League! I welcome migrants at home. Free. ” The vice president of the Senate, known to post often over the top, he had written: “I mean this thing had painted something to say?”. And then: “There is no doubt that #cosodipinto inspired punishment, it horrifies and hides himself.
At that point Fedez had replied:” Dear Gasparri, I’m dirty on the outside but judging appearances is the attitude of one who is dirty inside. ” And soon after he had entered the givoane fan with a pair of message by against Gasparri.
The rapper then spoke again in the controversy by writing a long post on FB, which has already received over 50,000 Likes. “What the vice chairman of the Senate Maurizio Gasparri insult me for my appearance, exhibiting ignorance and intellectual limits embarrassing for a man in his position, I care little. I’m not surprised. That the Honourable uses the same methods sleazy, bullying and harassment against a young girl, however, I am sincerely afraid. “
” Surely the problems of the nation – adds Fedez – at this moment are others. Gasparri certainly will not be punished in any way for this obscene display of arrogance. But they are small incidents like these detectors to be no end of pride and soul iced with which many men of power to the citizens think. They are small episodes like these that brighten the day of omnipotence mania, the ego overflowing and the total lack of a sense of guilt that plagues some sad characters. I alone can not do much. But I want to do the only concrete thing that seems possible if the girl insulted by the Deputy President of the Senate, decided to retaliate with legal action, I will be happy to support the cost of the action. Not out of spite. Not for revenge. For optimism. Why I can not read anymore of these people on a daily basis. “
” Do nothing – concluded Fedez – if then someone will have to say that I insist on wanting to do politics and want me to deal with things that do not concern me close. For me respect, particularly by
those in power, is the basis of representative democracy and civil society itself.
Otherwise there is little wonder kids sdegnarsi and tortured in the car wash and do the ministerial anti bullying campaigns. I can not bring myself to consider an act of violence as something that does not concern me. It is not politics. It’s just common sense. “
” We sincerely baffled by the tweet with which the Vice-President of the Senate Gasparri responds to criticism of an underage girl with heavy innuendo about his alleged drug use and vulgar jokes about his physical appearance , “says the chairman of the Joint Group SEL-Loredana De Petris in the Senate.
” Beyond the origin of the story of the exchange of tweets – says De Petris – you have to wonder at what level is reaching policy in this country if a representative of the institutions considered normal turn to a very young girl with insults and tone appropriate to a tavern quarrel. It’s time to put away the tweet and a policy of jokes ever lower to return to use reason. ”
Rome, October 14 (TMNews) – Widely heralded by the decision of the Democratic Party and vote Fi white board, arrived this afternoon the eighteenth black smoke a joint session of Parliament called to elect two Constitutional Court judges: no candidate has reached the required quorum of 570 for the Consulta.
The most voted was Pietro Grasso with 94 preferences, a protest vote and the opposition M5S League. He collected yet consensus – 27 – Donato Bruno, a candidate from the party of Silvio Berlusconi to the Constitutional Court, then forced to retire after rumors of an investigation on its behalf. They also received votes Lorenza Carlassare with 22 preferences, Luciano Violante with 16 and Michele Ainis with 11 white cards were 524, 37 the void, the 36 scattered votes.
A new joint session of Parliament will be held tomorrow at 13 and, if it is still black smoke, it turns out, the intention of the Speaker of the House, Laura Boldrini, in agreement with the President of the Senate fat is to convene Rooms also Thursday and Friday.
Nothing done today for the CSM: the rooms are in fact called to re-elect a lay member to replace Teresa Well declared ineligible. The parties have voted white card with the declared intention to get to the third ballot providing for a lower quorum for the election or three-fifths of voters.
October 14, 2014
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The poster mocking League
– ->
Rome – The stalemate in Parliament on the Council is total. Eighteenth black smoke and tomorrow we start again without a shred of agreement . And since you can not even get serious, because of a synthesis that is not between Pd and Fi, throw it into a joke. The parliamentarians of the League, in fact, present at the polling station set up in the Hall of the House for the election of constitutional judges and the secular component of the CSM with a leaflet in color with which you are invited to vote Pietro Grasso.
The inscription, placed under the picture of the smiling president of the Senate, is a whole program: “For the good of the Senate Vote please vote Pietro Grasso to the Constitutional Court” . Parliamentarians of the Northern League are satisfied with their found, but the individual concerned is not of the same opinion: “The votes cast for me at the Constitutional Court – replies Grasso on Twitter – they are a cross between a provocation and a joke. But the View does not deserve neither one nor the other. ”
Grease still gets 94 preferences , probably also by some 5stars and other revelers ‘transversal’, while former candidate Fi Donato Bruno collects 27 consents. Then the constitutionalist, Lorenza Carlassare, ranging 22 to 16, and Luciano Violante Michele Ainis 11; 524 blank ballots, 37 votes to nil and 36 missing. But today’s is a show across the board.
In addition to leafleting League, parliamentarians M5S stationed inside the polling station for 8 minutes, so much for wasting time, or break down and wear away the pencils , again to lengthen the time . There is, finally, those who vote for “old school” and who you shoot the selfie inside the cabin, as told by the deputy on Facebook 5 stars Daniele Del Grosso.
And tomorrow is the replica 1 3. With a similar opportunity to make a hole in the water. “Until they evacuate the camp by the name of Violante – reaffirming Force in Italy – we do not present another of our candidate.” Exactly the same position of confrontation that was expressed yesterday by the Democratic Party.
The problem is, there is always between the Blues , is that now the problems in the party “are those” which one of the judges to send to See “certainly does not fall between the priority . ” The dinner Arcore with Luxuria, for example, would still tightened the minds away from the fact the prospect of a united front interior, necessary to support a single candidate of the flag. In addition, the issues now on the political agenda “are definitely the most important” of the “names to be sent to the Court. And the negotiations between the parties are directed to many other plans that do not on that of the Consulta.
To avoid “further loss of time,” the leader of the House FI, Renato Brunetta, test today to ask for a stop of the vote indefinitely. The political forces that have more time to reach an agreement, without blocking parliamentary proceedings for days , and without looking to continue to do “bad impression” it says in Ncd. But the presidents of the chambers respond ‘spades’. Voting takes place until a solution is found, retort. And the joint sitting of Parliament met again tomorrow for the 19th time.
In the meantime, the “full-name” rages, and there are those who assume a pair of candidates like that of Augusto Barbera and Guido Alpa or the Luciano Violante and Francesco Paolo Sisto . And those who, like Brunette, continues to insist on constitutional Giovanni Guzzetta. But tomorrow, “unless agreements last minute” promises to be even “impasse.”
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This news leaves me
This article was published on 14 October 2014 at 12:58.
The last change is the 14 October 2014 at 19:54.
The leader of the Movement 5 stars, Beppe Grillo, who arrived in the center of Genoa flooded was challenged this morning by volunteers who were shoveling mud in the Museum of Natural History. Several teenagers have turned to the leader of the Five Star Movement, saying: “Take a shovel and come and shovel.” Grillo in response: “Go and tell Renzi of shoveling, we are all here. There are all the MPs. They have already wiped shit in Parliament let alone if they have problems to do with the mud here. ” Meanwhile, the governor of Liguria Claudio Burlando announced tomorrow for the signing of the decree for the work of re-roofing of the stream Bisagno, overflows in Genoa.
Grillo contested in city
Grillo arrived from St. Hilary aboard a scooter. “If it pleases you let off steam blame me,” he defended himself the leader M5s before the dispute. One of the volunteers responded: “We need to face the City Municipality, the Region of the region, the state the state.” And to those who apostrophised warning him: “Come here to shovel instead of talking,” Grillo (from Genoa) said: “We are on the same side.”
Interviews for 2 thousand euro as aid
Intercepted through the streets of the city center, the leader M5s asked reporters and cameramen to get away, to be able to talk with volunteers. “I’m not here to make walkways,” he pointed out. And un’inviata Rai who had intercepted the leader M5S during his visit to the areas affected by flooding in Genoa, Grillo said a hard-nosed, “This is the Iban Relief in Genoa. Give me two thousand euro, money Rai pays them on quell’Iban and interview me. Otherwise, you’re going to do in c … “.
The cricket tour of areas damaged
After visiting the flooded areas of the center, Grillo has moved in motion towards Borgo Crosses, where the flooding last Thursday Bisagno also caused a victim, then reached over and over Sardinia Turin, where he stopped to talk with a group of mud angels. Before leaving, the owner of a bakery in Piazza Savonarola gave him a piece of cake.
Burlando: unlocking work tomorrow torrent Bisagno
Meanwhile, the governor of Liguria Claudio Burlando announced tomorrow for the signing of the decree for the work on the river Bisagno, overflows in Genoa. “Tomorrow – told Burlando I sign the decree to instruct Region and the Municipality that will call the company and enter into a contract” for the work of re-roofing of the Bisagno. Advocacy – added the governor Burlando – wrote that there are no reasons for disqualification to make the contract with the company that won the tender in consideration of the well-known emergency situation of Genoa. The company will have maximum of one hundred days to make the final design although we hope will serve less time then we can deliver jobs between January and March. The site will close in two and a half years.
Traders suffered 50 million or more not reopen
Earlier, the President of the Liguria region, speaking on 24 morning on Radio 24 had stressed the need for immediate funds to meet the emergency. “You have to give some fresh resources to the world of commerce and give him many, I hope that between the government and we can give fifty million because otherwise they do not re-open again,” said Burlando, who explained: “The agreement reached yesterday Palazzo Chigi – said Burlando – is to do half the area and half of the government with the law of stability and help a world that is desperate. ” Then he added, turning to the prime minister: “” I wish you were Renzi in Genoa, but I would like to come and give things to people because it seems to me that, at this time, the words are used quite a bit. In these moments, rather than the catwalks of people in need of answers. “
No candidate has reached the required quorum. It goes to the nineteenth vote. White card from Pd and Forza Italy. Obstruction of M5S
black smoke for the election of two constitutional judges from the Parliament in joint session. No candidate has reached the required quorum of 3/5 of the members of the Assembly, equal to 570 votes. Need a new vote, the nineteenth.
During the operations, which saw the Democratic Party, Fi and Ncd vote white board, there was obstruction of M5S. During the “calls” the deputies pentastellati have almost all focused for a few minutes in the voting booth, for a time much greater than that used to vote by all other MPs. The deputies then left in voting booths various leaflets prepared by the members of the League in calling for the vote to Piero Grasso Consulta. Andrea Colletti has posted on Twitter a picture of his ballot with the names of Denis Verdini and Maria Elena Boschi, “Two names of distinguished jurists to See.”
The Democratic Party blames the failure to come for the confusion shaking Forza Italy. Until the Blues will not present “an official application can collect the most votes at least in their party – says an authoritative exponent of the Democratic Party – we will leave the field in the name of Violante. It is useless to submit nominations, it is they who must break the deadlock at the moment and do not seem able to do so. ” “The hope – says Zanda – that is, after the retirement of Professor Caramazza, the center has a nomination equally valid, high-level, it has the consent of the parliamentary groups that designate.”
In the meantime, between the blues, there is some name that circulates more insistently than others, but to no avail, at least for the moment, the official investiture. Some speak of a sort of understanding that was reached between Massimo D’Alema and Raffaele Lease to send the Consulta Violante share in Pd and Francesco Paolo Sisto for FI, but, in any fer the lights on whether you ask, skepticism that transpires is always the same: “What chance can have a close agreement between the leaders of the two minorities?”. In addition, there would also be a discussion of regional branches to keep in mind. Sisto, in fact, would be a candidate Puglia, just like Donato Bruno that despite the setback did a few days ago, you would not feel out of the race yet.
Then, there are those who talk about Enrico La Loggia, but this name is also explained in the blues, “would never be voted by Ncd ‘view’ the now historic rivalry between La Loggia and Renato Schifani “although it should be noted, the former chairman of the Senate has begun his political career” just with the father of La Loggia. ” The leader of the House FI, Renato Brunetta, finally, resolutely insist on constitutional Giovanni Guzzetta (which in FI, however, it is recalled that it was “a candidate for election to Veltroni” and refused only “because he could not help the leaders’). But, in this case, also the Pd should choose a technician. And among these, the most recognized names would be those constitutionalists Massimo Luciani and Stefano Ceccanti.
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– The leader of the Movement 5 Stelle, Beppe Grillo, arrived in Genoa city center and has been disputed. An angel of the mud told him: “Do you want a shovel, come and shovel.” He said: “There are already MPs. If it pleases you – he added – blame me.” One of the volunteers responded: “We need to face the City Council that the City, Region the Region, State, the State.”
Grillo arrived from St. Hilary aboard a scooter. “If it pleases you blame me if you like to let off steam,” he reiterated and volunteers who told him “come here instead of talking,” he replied: “We are on the same side.”
C ‘and’ a group of parliamentarians M5s in Genoa, to try to give a helping hand to the people affected by the flood. “The parliamentarians are already ‘distributed sweeping. Already have swept shit in Parliament let alone if they have problems to sweep the mud here,” said Beppe Grillo fact. In Genoa, meanwhile, confirmed in Rome, should have arrived at least seven or eight MPs, if not more, and the objective would be “to go, in turn, all of them.” Starting with the parliamentary Liguria.
Grillo then attacked journalists during his tour in Borgo Crosses, one of the districts most affected by the flooding in Genoa. “Journalists have brought them here otherwise I here there was none, a large portion of faults is that the press does not do its job,” he said. To reporters who were pointing out that for days they were following the effects of the flood Grillo reiterated addressed to the people: “When I go away from here they all go, take advantage while I’m here to say what you have to say.”
To the reporters: “Pour 2 thousand euro to interview me” – “If you want an interview with me on this Iban paid 2 thousand Euros for the flood victims of Genoa.” The Grillo said to reporters who asked his statements. “When will the payment you will have the interview otherwise I do not speak,” said the leader of the M5S.
New arrest warrants for Colonel Fabio Massimo Mendella, already finished in handcuffs in June.
For the Public Prosecutor of Naples Colonel Mendella would have pocketed over a million euro for not making checks on Neapolitan entrepreneurs. The survey also shows the name of the general Spaziante, now on leave, the center of the case Mose. Among the papers also appears a boat party attended by players Ferrara and Cannavaro, completely unrelated to the facts. In handcuffs also an accountant
The Colonel Jacket is accused of corruption by the entrepreneur to have received Nazario Matacchione of Rolex, other valuables and free trips to Paris and New York in exchange for tax audits complacent. Events that took place when he was commander of the Guardia di Finanza di Torre Annunziata (Naples). Similar allegations, including Colonel Mendella already held.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 09:07 – Last Updated: 10:38
The regional president Augusto Rollandin sent to his counterpart in Liguria, Claudio Burlando, a message of “solidarity and closeness.”
The Region of Valle d’Aosta is ready to send personnel and equipment to aid in Liguria affected by the flood. The announcement was made today by the president of the Region of Augusto Rollandin who sent his colleague Claudio Burlando a message of “solidarity and closeness.”
“Fourteen years ago – remember Rollandin – Valle d’Aosta was hurt by an event that, even today, remains for all valdostani one of the most difficult times that our community has faced. On behalf of the Regional Government, I want to renew his condolences to all the families affected by the 2000 A condolence at this time that we send to the governor of Liguria, Claudio Burlando. A region that is experiencing dramatic moments that bring back memories for valdostani many sad events. ”
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BERGAMO – Out of shouting slogans, throwing flour and some vegetables and firecracker. Inside the promise entrepreneurs to cut IRAP and reduce taxes. Matteo Renzi, who spoke at the meeting of Confindustria Bergamo, he was greeted by protests of about 300 workers belonging to the Fiom-CGIL, in the pouring rain, they shouted against the abolition of Article 18 and the non-creation of posts job. In front of the audience the prime minister has secured a tax cut of $ 18 billion. And entrepreneurs say: “Enough alibi.”
Renzi then went to Tenaris Dalmine, where he was again booed by the workers, who shouted “Buffoon, you go to work.” Even before his arrival protesters booed colleagues inside the factory, who chose not to strike.
Trust . “We’re not going anywhere unless we recover confidence,” said the premier. “We need change, but we must have the courage not to resign,” said Renzi, who reiterated that Italy “is today a major international power, especially industrial, for this we are now, if we do this here, we owe to those men and women who over the years have had the courage to take risks, to put not only the face but also the heart. ” For the prime minister, therefore, first “must change the policy. A business leads by example, does seminars. And the same thing has to do politics.”
Stability Law . “In this law of stability, which will be a ploy by $ 30 billion, without a penny of tax increases, we will free space provided by the municipalities for a billion euro, an improvement of 77% of the Stability Pact. Approve Lo Wednesday CDM, “announced the President of the Council, who, in answer to the President of the Lombardy Region, added the stability pact” is dumb, but I respect him because Italy has a credibility problem in Europe. I do not Like the fiscal compact, but since it was voted by the political forces of all colors, I can not now say ‘I do as I please.’ Can I say we get from 3% to 2.9%, to release 11.5 billion. ”
Shortly before Roberto Maroni had addressed to the government’s request to “allow you to use the resources that we saved by abolishing the stability pact.” The President of the Region applauded by the audience, called the constraint of spending “unfair and unjust”: “You yourself from the mayor had called stupidity pact,” he added, turning to Renzi and remembering his criticism of the Stability Pact when he was mayor of Florence.
“Less taxes.” In the law of stability there will be “incentives that will allow for a period of not paying contributions to those who make appointments to permanent,” continued the premier. “We take off for new hires Article 18 and take away the tax burden for the first three years,” he clarified. “Everyone is talking instead of Article 18 are the 18 billion that we will cut taxes as between the law of Stability for 2014 and one for 2015 Of these 18 billion ten will go to fund a stable bonus of 80 euro, means billion in tax relief for families, and the rest will fall into two measures: incentives that will allow for a period not to pay contributions for those who make permanent hiring, “and the rest for the reduction of IRAP” which is a tax that sends out of your head for its component work. ”
all for what the Prime Minister calls “the most great reduction of taxes “ever made in Italy. “From 2015 abolishes the labor component of the tax IRAP that is worth about 6.5 billion euro – he continued -. Confindustria on this and other employers’ organizations have urged several times,” said Renzi.
severance pay. The issue of severance pay is center of attention of the government: “We want to allow those who want to leave the severance pay on a monthly basis” in companies “and seek an agreement with banks for an operation in support of small and medium-sized enterprises.” The agreement says Renzi, could arrive soon, even if the Abi does know a that there is still a text: “There were contacts of a technical legal – says John Sabatini, Managing Director of ABI – to verify and analyze all the profiles of the operation, when there is a text on which to confront, we will provide our assessment. We are ready to examine without bias, as we have always done in recent years with the diversde conventions on credit. ”
Reforms and Public Works . In Italy, he said Renzi, ” work more judges that the laborers ” and ” the unbearable thing is passing the buck ‘,’ he said, without directly mentioning the disaster of Genoa, but explaining that although ” reforms are fundamental ” then it happens that ” public works are stopped by appeals and defenses ‘.’
School . The occupations of schools against the government are not surprising Renzi: “It’s always like this,” the premier said, adding however that “the boys” have to accept “a challenge” on school reform: “They say that the government needs to change .. .’m very proud because if the occupations of this year they had not targeted the government I would have felt crippled. Pongo It’s always like that … but also a challenge to the boys, there is a site, good school, criticized the reform, but criticatela the merits of these 136 pages. “
Until 2018 No doubt, Renzi, to get to the end of the term: ‘I ask you to leave by cultural divides and ideological ” and ” to lend a hand but not to us Italians ”, asked the President of the Council Matteo Renzi entrepreneurs to Bergamo, ensuring that ” the end of term we will get there with Country Transformed ‘.’
Estero. “The world has changed at a frightening speed, we live in a tough time,” said the prime minister, talking about foreign policy and remembering how happens in Ukraine and Syria. “It is necessary to strengthen the peace process – he continued – because situzaione in Libya and Iraq is explosive.” Then he remembered that ” the sidelines of the ASEM summit in Milan we will meet with Putin and Poroshenko to try to strengthen dialogue ” between Russia and Ukraine.