Monday, October 13, 2014

Genoa is truce, but the alert remains. Common suspend Tasi, IMU and … –

Genoa is truce, but the alert remains. Common suspend Tasi, IMU and … –

Genova, October 13, 2014 – A new violent storm made landfall on Genoa, after the truce followed the flooding of recent days that has caused a victim and damage to more than 300 million of euro. The patrols of policemen and civil protection have traveled the areas most at risk, such as the Fereggiano and Bisagno, to warn people with loudspeakers warning the public not to leave the house. Meanwhile, the prosecutor is investigating culpable disaster and the army is working inland to secure the banks of rivers (PHOTOS). Strong wave of bad weather also sull’Alessandrino (PHOTOS) . Flooding in the Parma : a bridge collapses, rumors speak of a dispersed.


CONTINUES IN ALERT Liguria – Until midnight remains the state of alert 2, the maximum in the areas of Savona, Genoa, La Spezia and their hinterland. Was declared the alert 1 also Imperia hinterland. In Genoa and in other towns where there is an alert has been prepared for the day today the closure of all schools of every grade. The gunners of the 1st regiment of Fossano are working side by side with the population of Campo Ligure to secure the areas close to the river banks to limit damage from new floods. There are now thousands of sandbags filled and positioned. Meanwhile we are still shoveling, with the volunteers arrived from Tuscany and other neighboring regions.


LANDSLIDE AND FLOODS IN PIEDMONT – The bad weather is coming down at this time the province of Alessandria. E ‘Gavi, on the right side of the river at the confluence with the Lemme rio Neirone, the country most affected . About twenty people displaced from nearby villages, which are now housed in the elementary school gym. Roads flooded up to one meter in height. Families evacuated from their homes in Arquata: here is slid down one side of the hill on which a house and this is a family were evacuated by the police. Problems even in the Tortona. A Tour Tickets Frascata overflows is the rio San Rocco. Costa Bishopric Ossona the creek and there are isolated houses. A Casasco, however, is the river overflows Polverola and Lerna, where there was also a violent hailstorm, the sod. A Castelletto d’Orba rivers have overflowed the Albedosa and Albara with flooding of streets and basements. The Stura is a Ovada overflows. Circulation problems also in Novi Ligure, where schools will be closed tomorrow (VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2).

The Piedmont Region will ask the state to disaster for the area of ​​the Alexandrian, hit by heavy rains . This was announced by the Regional Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Public Works and Soil Conservation Balocco Francis, who has traveled in areas affected by the storms that have hit the Alexandrian, for a first finding of damages.

EMERGENCY IN PARMA – The southwestern part of Parma was flooded dall’esondazione of Baganza . Chiusi ll the bridges in the city and one of the shuttle, collapsed . Several residents on the lower floors and basements were evacuated; the waters have invaded a nursing home. Rumors, unconfirmed at the moment, speak of a dispersed area Marzolara. E ‘was activated from the 16-alarm phase of civil protection for Parma and its territory. Expected flooding of riverside areas with involvement of homes and businesses . Among the recommendations the timely evacuation of these areas and those in close proximity to other critical. Interested in the full river Baganza (the municipalities of Berceto, Caledon, Collecchio, Corniglio, Feline, Sala Baganza, Terenzo addition to the capital) and the river Parma (in addition to Corniglio, Colorno, Langhirano, Lesignano de ‘Bagni, Mezzani, Montechiarugolo, neviano degli Arduini, Tizzano Val Parma, Torrile and Traversetolo.)

“Do not go in Via Po and Via Baganza, the river has overflowed its banks. Bridges in closing, use the bypass” . This is the tweet from the mayor of Parma Federico Pizzarotti on the situation of the rivers of the ducal city, swollen by the rains of these hours. While the census of the damage is still going on in the city and province “are not currently dead or missing” . Tomorrow in the presence of weather alert schools will be closed . He wrote on Facebook, the first citizen of Parma, Federico Pizzarotti, making the point on the floods currently affecting the city. Environment Minister Gian Luca Galletti is directed at Parma. The Minister achieve the coordination center for emergency.

BERCETO IN PARMA MAYOR: WE ARE ISOLATED – “We are isolated, now, even as both mobile and fixed phones. strong I have a deputy mayor who can, on foot, to reach the most problematic, to bring help to a few isolated families. Crossing fingers, and after this fear, without wanting to do the blame game, I know that I will be a mayor different, more guerrilla. ” He wrote, in a note, Luigi Lucchi, mayor of Berceto (Parma), one of the countries affected by the flood that is coming down on Parma. The mayor explained that the streets are canals, and the situation is similar to Alpe di Bedonia and Sugremaro in the village in the municipality of Compiano.

FLOODS IN BOLOGNA AND KILLING TREES – Forty intervention of the fire within one hour, starting at 18 for the storm that made landfall in the late afternoon also Bolognese. Most of the requests were for flooding of garages, basements and shops, but also for broken trees that ended up in the middle of the streets. The area most affected is the upper valley of the Rhine, in the Apennines, but also in the center of Bologna have been made various interventions.

REGGIO EMILIA, PHONES IN TILT – A heavy downpour hit violently the Lower Reggio Emilia, in particular the town of Guastalla . In a short time, from 14 to 15, the rain has flooded several downtown shops, in addition to basements and cellars of private houses. The firefighters of Reggio Emilia have worked with different teams: up to now have been carried out almost 40 interventions, for most drainages and minimally branches torn. The floods were caused mainly by the difficulty of the drainage system to absorb the rain. Discomfort also Reggiolo and Rolo. In the latter, a large branch has blocked part of the roadway. And in the area of ​​Lower it continues to rain, albeit with less intensity. Fortunately there were no injuries, but a lot of damage to commercial activities. Tim The network of the province of Reggio Emilia, then, does not work due to the flooding of a unit in the Parma area.

TRUMPET AIR IN Rovigo – Ten families evacuated, blown off the roofs of houses and a barn destroyed and the budget of a tornado that has fallen this afternoon around 16 to Melara, in the village of Santo Stefano.

Umbria ALERT FOR CIVIL PROTECTION AND LAZIO – The Department of Civil Protection in consultation with the Regional involved – to which it is the activation of civil protection systems in the territories concerned – has issued a notice of adverse weather conditions, which extends and integrates the one issued in recent days. The notice involves the persistence of precipitation predominantly thunderstorms, accompanied by frequent electrical activity and strong gusts of wind, on the northern regions, Umbria, in extension to the northern Lazio. Still red for critical risk hydrogeological Liguria located on Central and Eastern Europe and the north-western Lombardy, orange critical for hydraulic risk spread of western Lombardy and hydrogeological risk located on the northern and southern Lombardy, most of Emilia Romagna, Liguria to the west, the south-eastern area of ​​the Piedmont areas of the High-Bacchiglione Brenta in Veneto and the entire region Tuscany


TUSCANY WEATHER ALERT, trees uprooted IN PISTOIESE – was extended until 18 tomorrow, for the whole of Tuscany, the weather alert that was to expire at midnight tonight. As announced by the regional civil protection, heavy thunderstorms are expected until 12 o’clock tomorrow, which will be also accompanied by hail and gusts of wind, from the north-western areas in extension to the rest of the region. Because of bad weather the firefighters of Pistoia had to intervene in several areas of the province. Shortly after the 18 strong winds uprooted two large trees on the northern outskirts of Pistoia, in San Felice, which are killed on the side of the road, fortunately in a time when he was not passing anyone.

TROBA AIR in Versilia – Violent storms in Lunigiana but also in Versilia . A tornado and ‘cut down on the coast, damaging some bathing in Forte dei Marmi (Lucca): in one, the’ Bathroom Angel ‘, the wind ripped through a row of cabins and raised skates rescue. The full Magra is scary. ( VIDEO )

Liguria: TRAINS BLOCKED, hijacked planes, TRANSPORT IN TILT – Heavy rainfall throughout the province Savona and high in Valle Stura and Orba Valley High , in the hinterland of Genoa. The levels of the main rivers and their tributaries are stable even if you do not exclude sudden rises in the morning. Two trains with about 50 passengers are stuck to the flooding of the tracks on the stretch-Acqui Terme to Genoa Campo Ligure and Roussillon. Also closed the Genoa-Milan Arquata Scrivia to flooding of a stream. Traffic in tilt also on the A7-Genova Serravalle, where flooding has been closed for six hours on the stretch between Busalla and Vignole, in the direction of Milan. Discomfort at the airport Columbus: The haze and the wind make it impossible for the landing of the aircraft. There are at least 4 flights diverted from the airport , from Monaco, Naples, Rome and Catania. The first came back in Germany, the other three have landed at Malpensa. They were also canceled four flights due to leave from Genoa. The companies are providing a replacement bus service.

GENOA, DOZENS OF DISPLACED – Late yesterday evening in San Quirico, in the district of Genoa Bolzaneto, 60 families were evacuated from their homes as a precaution due to the swelling of a stream that flows under the road. Via Bobbio, in the district of Marassi, other 8 families have been displaced due to the risk of structural failure of a building.

FEES SUSPENDED – The Municipality of Genoa has meanwhile announced the suspension of Tasi, IMU and Tari for the citizens and merchants who have suffered damage in the flood and the premier Matteo Renzi has announced that part of the 2 billion euro for the safety of the territory that have not yet been spent because of the bureaucracy will go towards Genoa.

“GOVERNMENT RELEASES 95 MILLION, “EVEN THE BLUES IN THE FIELD -” There is the Government’s commitment to unlock 95 million for the floodway Bisagno “. This was announced by the mayor of Genoa, Marco Doria. To work for the safety of the river are already earmarked 35 million, now stopped for administrative disputes. Unlock The Italian will contain measures to accelerate actions after the flood of Genoa. He does know how to measure the rapporteur, Chiara Braga. And ‘arrival in an amendment “to the immediate custody of works relevant and urgent to combat hydrogeological, also above the EU threshold procurement.” Support also from the world of sport, and of the ‘”whole world of football to the people of Liguria.” He says the president of the FIGC Carlo Tavecchio, “We have as a tool for reconstruction – he explained – why l ‘friendly match Italy-Albania on 18 November will be played’ in Genoa “.

AWARDS TO DIRECTORS, CONTROVERSY – After allegations of yesterday to the Mayor Doria, today is controversy for the awards that the City of Genoa in 2014, has granted four managers : ‘salaries result’ between 6000 and 17 000 euro in most of the salary “given their good work for hydro-geological security of the city.” This was revealed by the city councilor and former mayoral candidate Enrico Musso . “The mayor Marco Doria and his junta have evidently considered ‘earned’ the following results – says Musso -: 1 for the executive objectives were risk mitigation for buildings located in areas of higher hydrological risk, development and promotion of knowledge the activities of civil protection. 2 The manager had as objectives the monitoring of the territory and contracts idrodrenaggio urbano.Il manager had 3 goals for the floodway of streams and Bisagno Chiaravagna, and the interventions of hydraulic adjustments, while the manager was like 4 objective, among others, the safety of the area. ” From here the storm on the earnings results, ranging between 6 thousand and 17 thousand euro.


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