Wednesday, October 8, 2014

+ EU Summit in Milan, Fiom take to the streets. Landini: “We are … – The Press

+ EU Summit in Milan, Fiom take to the streets. Landini: "We are … – The Press

“We are ready to occupy the factories.” It is the message launched by Maurizio Landini, secretary general of the Fiom, at the start of the march against the EU summit on the job in Milan. “The uncertainty can not be fought by making it easier dismissal but with the time limit and ensuring the rights of all,” he added Landini. “We are ready to occupy the factories because they ask us to lower wages. If Renzi think to be cool giving eighty euro and if you think that we are the cog that … i agree to sign the reduction, they’re wrong. ”


The workers took to the streets are thousands. To open the procession Secretary Maurizio Landini and the general secretary of the Trade Union of Milan Graziano Gorla. Behind them, dozens of workers of the major engineering companies of Lombardy and some delegations coming from other regions of the center-north. The watchwords were scanned by the protesters are heard in recent days against the Jobs Act: to reduce the rights and wages, against insecurity, freedom to dismiss and relocation. On the international front is launched instead the condemnation of the treaties on free trade “that will deliver to the multinational powers far beyond those of the states.” The parade, which is being held in a peaceful manner, it is closed by the piece of the social centers. According to the program, the procession is expected to arrive in piazza in Florence after a ride along the streets of the Fairgrounds.


At around 10 am a blitz of protest was made in Milan at the headquarters of the Ministry of Labour and social, in Mauro Macchi On 9 palace were left written against the Jobs Act and leaflets against “speculation on the job”, and Renzi and Merkel. On site you will find the police and the protesters have moved away. The protest action comes on the day of the European Summit on the work that takes place in the city.


The third intergovernmental conference on employment – which follows the summit of Berlin, in July 2013, and Paris In November of the same year – was strongly supported by the government before Letta and now the executive led by Matteo Renzi. In particular, the Prime Minister considers the central event in this stage of the discussion – in Parliament, and with the trade unions within the Democratic Party – the reform of the labor market in Italy.


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