Thursday, October 9, 2014

Jobs Act, after the chaos in the Senate passes the trust. Renzi: “Great … – The Press

Jobs Act, after the chaos in the Senate passes the trust. Renzi: "Great … – The Press

She screams, fights, senators standing on desks, throwing books against the presidency. The opposition in the Senate becomes a battlefield, to try to block the path of the Jobs Act. It can prevent the vote on the reform coincide with the European Summit that Matteo Renzi oversees Milan. But confidence comes in the night with 165 yes, 111 no, and two abstentions. A full trust, then, even if the senators of the minority Democratic Party announced battle in the House to change the text.


“The Italians are tired of the theatrics of some, but yesterday the senators have made a huge step forward, “says the premier Matteo Renzi. “The lingering bitterness because the launches of books” against the presidency, “I’m sad pictures for citizens who wonder what sense it makes.” “But we go forward,” reiterates the head of government. Tonight in the Senate went very well. It seems to be growing support “to the government” even in the Senate. The margin is very strong: 165 to 111 numeric am very happy with the result, “he concludes. Renzi also holds out his hand to Walter Tocci, dem senator who yesterday announced his intention to resign after vote of confidence: “It’s a person that I respect very much, keep doing the senator.”


nickels AGAINST Poletti

But yesterday will be remembered for the clash in Parliament that has stretched beyond measure time. As soon intervened Labour Minister, Giuliano Poletti, to vindicate the goodness of the reform, the brawl broke out, sending the request to the maxi-amendment confidence from the government, then the time, too, strongly contested by the opposition. A unleash chaos were initially senators of the 5 Star Movement who exhibited posters and white papers to criticize a “delegation white” on the topics of work. “Go home,” they scream grillini, cover with the screaming the words of the minister. And the parent grillino Vito Petrocelli settles 50 cents on the benches of the government: “Alms,” he explains. The gesture does go on a rampage President Pietro Grasso, who expels Petrocelli and suspend the sitting. The chaos continues, the grillini resist, then calmed. But in the meantime to prevent Poletti finish to voice his speech, which must put on record by delivering a written copy.



the applause of MERKEL

A Milano is in the same hours during a march against the EU summit on the job: “We are ready to occupy factories” reiterates the secretary of Fiom Maurizio Landini. But Renzi, who arrived in town for a conference strongly supported by European leaders, challenge opponents: “They can contestarci, but the country change it.” The maxi-amendment which goes to the Senate (“Only at 16:32,” the complaint combative Paolo Romani, the parent FI) reform the labor market interventions such as rebates on new assumptions, the reduction of contractual forms, the new social safety nets. It is the “important step” for which Angela Merkel congratulates Renzi. The government and the majority, therefore, do not yield to the protests of the opposition and confirm the purpose of the trust vote in the day, even at the cost of making the night.


“I’ve been progress but not enough,” proclaims a ricompattata minority Democratic Party. But since the criticism is on the reform of labor and do not want to risk to topple the government, `ribelli’ announce they will vote yes to the trust but continue the battle for the changes to the delegation in the House. And put on record a document with the signatures of 35 at the end of the parliamentary minority dem. The tear is too severe for the civatiano Walter Tocci, which is presented to the parent Luigi Zanda and announced: “Vote yes but then I resign as a senator.” Ad then that will confirm in the classroom while rumors also on the defection of Corradino Mineo. Opposition parties in the House, by M5S, the League, the Sel, a combative FI, make obstructionism on the schedule to try to prevent that trust is voted in the day, as the government wants. And when Grasso, after listening to dozens of speeches, a vote will impose a strict order of business, the leader of the League Gianmarco Hundred hurls against a large book containing the rules of the Senate, grillini yelling “you can not” go up and standing on the benches of the government. Hemicycle back chaos and a fight breaks out among Sel and Pd: Loredana De Petris and Roberto Cociancich come to blows, separated by the ushers.


But the government and the majority are moving forward. The vote of confidence comes only with the beginning of a new day. The protests “are scripted, not politics. It is a lack of respect, to be allowed to vote, “he commented irritated Renzi yesterday evening. With only one certainty: “We waited 40 years for the reforms, our senators will have to wait a few hours, but we will bring home the result.”


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