the feast of movement 5 stars THE CIRCUS MAXIMUS
Milan , October 11, 2014 – 11:50
ROME – And at the end of the square of the Circus Maximus was populated between the music and the referendum to abolish the euro. “We will bring one million signatures” is the new battle cry of the movement after the European election results and the failure of the Democratic Party. The second day of the festival comes to an end while activists summoned to huddle under the stage. A warm them thinks Edward Jackson with the rock’n’roll of “Renegade” and more engaged with the notes of “Buy Bagnoli.” It’s a duet with Captain Hook that of rocker which sees in a scene Grillo definitely in better shape than the opening. Part of a new blues scream “we have more members of the Democratic Party.” Then the word goes to Casaleggio. “I see an Italian flag makes me very happy,” greets the co founder.
The criticisms of Casaleggio
Draghi, the grandfather partisan, monkeys and the Jobs Act The voice is low. The guru dares a joke: “Excuse me, there are some technical problems that it is not clear whether they are technical or if there is someone who has not done a c … o.” The first arrow is for the Dragons, “This gentleman is a banker is not entitled to give orders, can not say that if there are no reforms the government will disappear because then the government should already be gone.” And on the big screen scroll the titles of the Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica of the last days. Then the tone becomes less official: “My grandfather has been a partisan, my sovereignty does not mind anyone.” On the technological platform of the Movement Casaleggio admits: “We just have to improve, we will leave the control of the voting outside. But we are many and they are one, maybe half. ”
Grillo and the referendum on the euro
Talk to the little guru of the movement, as always. Is in “rescue” Grillo with a comparison animal “between monkeys backside red skinned” and “Masons who run the country.” The applause is triggered when Grillo risfodera the vaffa for Renzi and Merkel: “Greater Germany has created the Jobs Act.” Comes the “bomb” announced in the morning, Cricket launches referendum to leave the euro, “They can not throw the signatures in the process as the first V-day, this time we parliamentarians.” And the square launches the first chorus and pp-be-be-ppe. “In May 2015, settles the first law of popular initiative, we have a story to defend we will not steal from these monkeys,” shouts Grillo. The applause is also triggered the proposal to go back to an Italian currency. They jump out even the slide (as Renzi?) On unemployment and fall in output. It is precisely the appeal to the Prime Minister: “We are at risk of default, Matteo please hurry to blow up this country so we understand your devastating work.” The tips economy continues: “If you have government bonds change them immediately.” “We’re a human shield against those who want to destroy us,” however, is the reassurance. As expected comes the slap to the press: “A journalist should be moved because we are working for his children.”
“Italian, look at the Crane»
In addition to the frontman, the second day of the festival is dedicated to grillina actions of the leaders of the movement who are confronted with activists in the agora grillino between the gazebo that go to form ideally between Italy and vegan restaurants, 3d printers and sellers of gadgets. There Alessandro Di Battista scalp to talk to (intervene Sunday). But arise, among others, also Crimi joking with reporters, Roberta Lombardi who does the honors of the house, Nicola Morra who patiently explains the points of the program to investigators, Marta Grande speaking of Isis and military interventions. A surprise is revealed also the IDV leader Di Pietro protagonist of the first V-Day. In the morning had already appeared surrounded and escorted by security Casaleggio scolding journalists (Arise from the c …). In the afternoon, the comedian has also climbed on a crane, installed for the occasion at the expense of the Roman traffic that is crazy for a few minutes, between those who stopped in double rows to listen and those who protested for the inconvenience. From twenty feet high to the cry of “Italian, look at me,” Grillo joked: “O turn now, or I’ll throw down.” Theme, yet again, is his Genoa. Renzi and points the finger at the government: “To say that the damage is the fault of the Tar is like saying that Hitler invaded Europe because Jesse Owen won the Berlin Olympics. We explain that the perfect mathematical method did not work, that the fault is not theirs but the Tar … These people must be stopped with the Army. ” But there is also room for “disputes” .A group appeared on stage armed with a yellow banner at the cry of Occupy stage and calls for more transparency in the decision-making process and the counting of the votes of the votes. “You came to Rome but you never did talk to the counselors Romans,” they say (but the four go on stage). Abriportare the order we think that Senator Paola Taverna apostrophizes the audience with a “I am no apology, I make an analogy between the right and left.”
Captain Pizza in Rome
Throughout the morning instead was the arrival of the mayor of Parma Federico Pizzarotti holding court. He, who in recent days has been the center of controversy because they are excluded from the interventions on stage and for his criticism of the approach of Grillo and Casaleggio, appears to Rome by train. Starting at dawn from Parma, accompanied by his wife and spokesperson. When enters the cameras are all about Luigi Di Maio, the dolphin, the Chosen One as he called the press on the decision of the Casaleggio Associati to entrust to him the closing of the event. And while Di Maio denied for the umpteenth time his investiture, someone shouts, “Hey look there Pizzarotti,” and the cameras move. The two make a quick hello, a few pleasantries. The atmosphere is strange. Pizzarotti slips into his stand, a small, next to that of the new mayor of Livorno Philip Nogarin, the other engineer became the first citizen of a capital (Livorno), which instead was reserved for a moment on stage. He, Captain Pizza as they have nicknamed loyalists, do not worry, it pulls straight (in the spirit of Aung San Suu Kyi as he wrote on Facebook before you start your journey). “My presence on stage is not the biggest problem,” says without renouncing to have their say. “Structure and organization are two different things. An organization serving since childhood and organization hierarchy does not mean, “he continues. Pizzarotti is made of strong expressions of esteem of many activists who go to shake his hand. “No official meeting with the leaders of the movement is expected,” said the well-informed. In the meantime, however, the first citizen of Livorno Nogarin takes the stage and begins to list his achievements. From the collection registers for civil wedding (on which, he says, we’ll go ahead). But Pizzarotti, no. And from his stand still and listen.
October 11, 2014 | 11:50

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