a straight leg spoke in the debate on civil unions Interior Minister Angelino Alfano, a halt to gay marriage and the announcement of a circular to the prefects as requested from “a formal invitation to the collection and cancellation ‘transcripts marriages between same-sex spouses abroad. “In the event of inaction – warned Alfano to RTL 102.5 – will proceed to the subsequent cancellation of office of the acts that have been illegally taken,” because “the guidelines that were given with the mayors measures are not in accordance with Italian laws.” Words that provoke reactions from many sides, and the announcement of acts of “disobedience” by those mayors who have already taken steps to transcribe unions abroad. The harder, the mayor of Bologna Virginio Merola, “If you want to annul acts of the transcripts of marriages contracted abroad do so. I will not withdraw my signature. Therefore they do but not in the name of Bologna, which I represent as mayor. I do not obey. ”
Criticism rain intervention of the minister arrive from many other Italian cities. A Milan the City Council has done just in time to cash in on the last night of the approval document that invites the Mayor Pisapia, to find ways for the transcription of gay marriage contracts to ‘ External: Luca Ghibellines (Sel), the first signatory of the measure, wrote on his Facebook profile that “Milan is scary to those who want to deny rights”, while fellow party Mirko Mazzali addressed his criticisms directly to those who “governs with Alfano , “a clear reference to the President of the Council and the Democratic Party. “A circular can not solve so administrative, bureaucratic, an issue that involves values and rights,” said the mayor of Udine , Furio Honsell, adding that “there is no nothing in our Constitution that prohibits “homosexual unions. The City of Naples , meanwhile, has announced that “recur in the competent judicial offices” against the circular of the Minister Alfano, since this “is contrary to the constitutional principle of equality of rights . ”
The output of Angelino Alfano did not like even to some dem MPs: “I do not need the circular Interior Ministry to cancel the registration of marriages abroad, but a law recognizing civil unions for gay couples, “said the senators of the Democratic Party and Laura Andrea Marcucci Cantini, the first signatories of the bill establishing civil unions and the stepchild adoption. The President of Sel Nichi Vendola takes issue with the government “of the big cartels’ fer, in which” dictate “on civil rights and the dignity and freedom of the people” is otherwise Berlusconi Alfano, famous for the story and the Kazakh you vote for at the time the shame of Bossi / Fini. ” The Secretary for Reforms and Relations with Parliament Ivan Scalfarotto reacts angrily on Twitter: “It would be desirable that Angelino Alfano before deciding on equal opportunities will co-ordinate with the holder of such delegation, Matteo Renzi.”
An entirely different view Transport Minister Maurizio Lupi who said, “Alfano has only mentioned the existence of the law,” while the parliamentary forzista Mara Carfagna said that what was announced by Alfano, “puts evidence in a legal vacuum that must be filled. As long as the policy does not have the courage to take the initiative and responsibility of a state law on civil unions will be impossible to avoid a circular from the Minister or, worse, a judgment of the judiciary may fill a political vacuum and regulatory. ”
“I left very appalled that the Minister of the Interior, the day where you decide the fate of the workers, go to dealing with civil rights affecting 10% of the population. Thereby denying these rights, “said Joseph Chigiotti, architect Grosseto, whose marriage with Stefano Bucci, which took place December 6, 2012 in New York, have been entered in the register of civil status of the town of Grosseto as required by an order of court notified the municipality on 11 April. Even Luke, who with her husband was one of the first couples to ask Bologna transcription of their marriage contracted abroad, said: “I do this I find it deeply unfair – added Luca -. And so we experience this sense of injustice. ”
The Dutch Socialist Commissioner Frans Timmermans , right arm of President Jean-Claude Juncker, has instead given a sentence that goes in the opposite direction to that of the minister Alfano, “Is not this Europe that someone of the same sex does not have the right to marry,” he said during a hearing at the European Parliament.
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