Renzi: encouraging signs for employment. “There are encouraging signs of recovery in the number of employed people has risen from February over 80 thousand units – writes the prime minister – In the years of the crisis we have lost a million jobs, then we are not even 10% of what must be done to return to the golden days. But it is a first positive sign after all this time. ”
‘severance pay, we will verify the feasibility with the unions. ” “ When will meet Tuesday the unions and the social partners – announced Renzi – will test the feasibility of a proposal that meets on severance pay to workers without burdening the banking situation of small and medium-sized enterprises.”
“The severance pay I would like to paycheck.” “The debate has moved on severance pay, settlement – said Renzi – are workers’ money , it says. But are given all together at the end. The philosophy seems to be protective: you put them aside, so that you will “burn” all together. A State-Mom, then, that subtly convey the message does not trust the workers and children. I see it differently: for me a citizen is mature and aware. And as happens in the world can not be the state to decide for him. That’s why I’d like that from next year the money went straight into the severance pay monthly paycheck. This would result in a doubling of the operation 80 euro, more purchasing opportunities, another step towards the Italian model: in fact, we have chosen not to reduce wages, as have other countries, but to make reforms to create competitiveness . This from the philosophical point of view. From the practical point of view, however, the problem is not to scuttle the liquidity of small and medium businesses that could suffer the need to immediately pay the monthly installment more. In fact, even in the light of the measures of the ECB, the system has significant cash reserves. For this, we will present Tuesday when the social partners to the proposal – even reopen the green room of Palazzo Chigi, the meetings with the unions, you see that I’m getting old:-) – verify the feasibility of a proposal that meets on severance pay to workers without burden on the banking situation of small and medium-sized enterprises. “
” School, priority is restore her dignity and future. ” “Match the listening campaign on school – wrote the Prime Minister – I beg you, I beg you, I implore you to fill out the questionnaire. Visit the We are writing the future of our children, let’s do it together. Thousands of people are reading the government’s proposals (no time until November 15, but you do quickly) and there are creeping up with their ideas. Do you too. Make reforms preceded by a campaign of listening is one of the digits of this government. School, however, is even more important. And every time I go into a school, from Palermo to Ferrara, I realize that my priorities – before any maneuver, reform, destruction – is to restore dignity and the future of the Italian school. You give me a hand? The site is For the moment, 23 thousand responses to the questionnaire on the Internet, more than 150 debates already organized in the next couple of months, days of action in almost all municipalities. It will be the most extraordinary reform from the bottom ever made in Italy. “
” In the seven months many reforms. ” “Sometimes I stop to think and I say wow – says the Prime Minister – We did all this in seven months. It takes me an immediate feeling of gratitude for those who believed from the outset, for those who did not believe it and he changed his mind, for those who still do not believe it but pushing in the same direction and gives a helping hand instead of cheer against. Compared to seven months ago, many things have changed. But I am even more convinced than before. It is not true that Italy is doomed to immobility. And the more I find people who say it’s all bad, will not make it ever more convinced I am that this machine which have left us with the framework exhaust us rekindle. Why this car is a beautiful car. “
” Crash cards? The party that wins hands down is in health. ” “Someone said that the collapse of the Democratic Party has this card because it is not healthy. It seems to me that a party that goes where no one was coming since 1958, has won all the regional Away (Piedmont, Abruzzo, Sardinia), triumphs in common is a party that is in good health. But we can not beat around the bush: the subject membership exists. Then I can say that I’d rather have a fake passport in less an idea and more. Also because often the membership is high only in the years in which they vote secretaries circle: so Matteo Renzi on Enews.
“Back to the Leopolda.” The fifth edition of the Leopolda will have the slogan “The future is just the beginning” and will take place from Friday, October 24 until Sunday 26 at lunch. This was announced on the same Matteo Renzi Enews stating that the format will be substantially equal to that of other years. “What is the Leopolda? – Asks Renzi – Unable to explain, you have to be there. An area of freedom, a place where you will find people who think that politics is not a dirty word, the place where it all started. ”
“On October 20, the direction of the party-form.” “That part of the Democratic Party calling for a debate on the party form, about how it is set, the internal rules on the relationship between party and government poses an issue for me is a real issue – says Renzi – To this Directorate will be convened by the President Orfini to discuss the party form (I would say to start discussing) I think October 20th. ”
“Silicon Valley is the future, but Italy can surprise us.” “Post Scriptum. I was in Silicon Valley and saw a piece of the future. But those of you (more than 90,000, it seems) had the opportunity to go to Rome for the will have had an experience perhaps even more surprising. There is an Italy that is able to innovate and amaze us today. If you want to know more, take a look at the site. ”
Sunday, October 5, 2014, 22:10 – Last Updated: 22:11
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