Thursday, October 9, 2014

On Pd shadow of others ‘cases Tocci’. Bersani and Fassina, serve … – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

On Pd shadow of others 'cases Tocci'. Bersani and Fassina, serve … – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

On Pd shadow of other cases Tocci Bersani and Fassina needed changes to the jobs act October 9, 2014 17:55

(AGI) – Rome, 9 October – Matteo Renzi pays him the honors of war and anticipates that it will spend ‘so that that parting announced yesterday in the Senate is taken to the extreme. Stefano Fassina suggests, however, that Walter Tocci may not be the only one to abandon the Democratic Party parliamentary institutions in protest after the confidence on the ‘Jobs Act’.

And if the Democratic Party secretary stressed that the senator resigned and ‘state, at least, resulting in personal beliefs and party discipline, Lorenzo Guerini warns that those who are’ left half ‘of the ford if not’ out Party certainly has questioned the bond that ties him to the ‘company’. In short, if there ‘and it will occupy’ the next direction.

Fassina: no changes to the jobs I will act ‘in the square with the CGIL

Even today, arriving at the office, Renzi confirms that “the bitterness remains for images” of the unrest in the courtroom yesterday in the Senate. “Keep doing dramatized yesterday and ‘a particular problem for them,” says the intemperate, the pitchers or dispensers of sets of coins to the ministers, but “we go forward quietly,” assures the President of the Council.
back to the minority Democratic Party.

“I think now the minority Democratic Party and ‘much more’ weak. I the maxi-amendment I read it, and did not even take all the promises made in the direction of the Democratic Party. Cosi ‘Parliament does not count more’ ‘, and’ the accusations of Corradino Mineo, one of the Dem senators yesterday that did not participate in the vote of confidence.

Other ‘cases Tocci’ around the corner? “I do not know … will depend ‘very much on the availability’ of the President of the Council listening positions that are not insulated and personal, but shared by significant pieces of our world and of the economic and social interests that we represent and we want to continue to represent,” leaves drop them ‘Stefano Fassina.

Meanwhile, the leftist Democratic Party controversially noted that “the line I find with the social doctrine of the Church, with the Evangelii Gaudium of Francis, and I can not find the words Renzi that retrieves the language of the conservatives. ” E Tocci? “The words of Matteo Renzi made me very happy,” confesses the star of these hours. “Renzi says that the party can coexist different locations? If these are the intentions, we have plenty of time to evaluate.”

For all others there are the words of Guerini: “Do not participate in the vote of confidence calls into question the bonds of relationship with their political party, “warns the Deputy Pd referring to the choice yesterday, senators Casson, Ricchiuti and Mineo. “I’m not out of the party – precise – then we’ll discuss also in direction. Theme for now will be ‘dealt with by the group of the Senate.”

There is also talk of membership, another object of conflict between the various souls Dem. At September 30, the members of the Democratic Party are 239,322, “well above the numbers we were talking about a few days ago,” emphasizes the same Guerini. “This is an important result which allows us to look with confidence to the goal of 300 thousand subscribers that we set,” assures.


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