Tomorrow, at Palazzo Chigi, we will see the new installment of the “challenge” Matteo Renzi trade union confederations. Hard to imagine that everything will be resolved in a single round of this match: some areas – such as a new distortion of the system of bargaining, which a few months had already been reformed by Confindustria and unions – the government and parliament, in theory, can not act by law or decree. What is certain is that if the shoulder of Matteo Renzi will be successful, in a few months the system that regulates the relationship between employers and workers will change radically.
Yeah. Protections that had been conquered 45 years ago, seem destined to disappear. The minimum wage laid down in the contracts and also automatically recognized by the courts. The fact that remuneration is established by national collective agreements of class. The freedom for a union to represent its members in the company, even if you do not agree with a contract signed by other organizations. And of course, the virtual illicenziabilità of an employee is protected by Article 18 and by the judicial system. For Renzi you must go to a “New World” of labor relations and work rules. It promises things that you do not know how or want to keep: l ‘”abolition of insecurity,” a “true unemployment benefits for all”, “employment services that ensure a new place soon.” Tomorrow, in the Green Room of Palazzo Chigi, the three leaders of the CGIL-CISL-UIL will have to decide whether to accept or reject this “New World”.
In the newspaper yesterday, the new system proposed by Renzi has been called “Fiat model.” Defining all things centered. Although it must be said that the proposals of the prime minister – a legal minimum wage (beneficial for temporary workers, a net loss to the contracted), the possibility for a company to choose à la carte whether to apply the rules of national contract or those of a corporate contract (one or the other), rules on representation that cut out the unions ‘hostile’ and allow some organizations to decide for all – are taken from the document submitted officially in May last year by Confindustria. Which, however, also suggested the elimination of the right of return to the workplace.
What position will take the three confederacies of these proposals? Obviously we need to see the contents in detail, and see how they are made. We expect a fully closed position by the CGIL on all three points. The CISL and the UIL would be more willing to discuss a further shift of bargaining power to the companies. But in particular, the trade union that was Raffaele Bonanni has always been opposed to the statutory definition of the material that it deems ‘own’, as a law regulating the representation or the definition of a statutory minimum wage (unless it is only a protection “minimal” for the most vulnerable workers or not covered by contracts). To fold the concerns of CISL and UIL – and move them away from the CGIL, that October 25 will bring together the streets of Rome what was the “people of the left” – Renzi knows he can count on an interesting “carrot”, but even on a nodosissimo “stick.”
The “carrot” is the possibility of granting tax incentives for reducing taxes on the share of wages linked to productivity, negotiated corporate contracts. In the past, this bonus does not have much work, but it is said that it can not act in the future. The ‘stick’, however, is the ability to insert a cut in the Law of Stability of the contributions paid by the State Unions unions, which play practices pensions, and tax assistance centers, handling 730 For the three confederations it would be a tough blow.
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