Saturday, October 11, 2014

Cricket on a crane: “Tonight I throw myself down or turning” – La Stampa

Cricket on a crane: "Tonight I throw myself down or turning" – La Stampa

For the second day of the festival of the 5 Star Movement at the Circus Maximus, Grillo promises an “intervention bomb.” “Yesterday it went really well, it was a beautiful day, I also played the keyboard, but today is the day politics,” he announced as he left the hotel, directly at the Circus Maximus. For the second intervention on the stage, scheduled for 21.15 on the agenda is the launch of the referendum to leave the euro and the citizen’s income. “The Movement 5 Stars is the plan B to get out of this m … ‘.

There is a dig at the left: “This is not the Unity party mainly because we do not have the stands of the Mercedes and the sponsor of the incinerators.”


“I want that the Italian army arrive there at the Genoa before Renzi. I want it there and try to lend a hand, “then screams from the stage of the Circus Maximus to renew his outrage after the floods that hit Genoa.

“To say that the damage is the fault of the Tar is like saying that Hitler invaded Europe because Jesse Owen won the Berlin Olympics,” continues Grillo that targets the silences of politics and the explanations given for failure alarm. “We explain that the perfect mathematical method did not work, that the fault is not theirs but the Tar … These people must be stopped with the Army!”


” If tonight we can not make a change, I throw down …’ Announces then going on a crane and drawing the attention of the people 5 star dusting off that scream “Italian” shouted a stentorian voice in ironic imitation of Mussolini: “Italian … I’m not on stage. You have to stand there and rotate 180 degrees. ”

“You have to make a change and if you do not give in tonight I throw myself down ‘,` minaccia’ from the top of the crane. It is applauded by activists also the joke with which Grillo before he had observed: “I’m high, I see the whole of Italy – and refers to the gazebo arranged in the shape of the boot

– I see this Italian 5 stars that we would like. An Italy that you may live. An Italy that has 161 points protected by UNESCO. ”


“If it was not for Napolitano were already in government. With 25% and the highest number of votes needed to get us the task: it is thanks to him that the Constitution has been amended. There was a manipulation of the Charter and democratic rights. ” So Beppe Grillo adds that “we will get a little more, maybe a year older, but we’ll win.”


“With the Jobs Act will create millions of new slaves, “says Beppe Grillo, adding colorful phrases on the new labor reform:” Germany has done it and has stopped growing. ” It announces that the Movement will fight against the measure “by any means.”

The leader returns to talk about the referendum on the euro, one of the cornerstones of the election campaigns of the Movement: “Either we take back our money or not there is’ future. “We have delegated our budget to banks that are thousands of miles from here, and we are trapped by a balanced budget in the Constitution and by the bond of 3% (deficit-GDP).” The collection of signatures for the referendum last six months, announced, and Italy will not be the only one to “disengage”: “Even Germany will exit the euro. They are in thirteenth place out of eighteen for growth and decreases exports. They can not come to us lesson to us. ”

invectives against JOURNALISTS: “SOLD”

came through the stands of the Movement, Cricket, surrounded by reporters, he resumed the show, launching chants against journalists: “Sold, sold,” “Shame,” “Go away, then told only the false.” The comedian takes issue with cameras and reporters who, he says, does not allow him to “talk to people.” “Our media are network, not the TV and the newspapers they write what they want. On attendance at our meetings there are photos showing how many we are, “he said again.

The comic refers to the fact that the press has talked about that at the Circus Maximus as a rally a little ‘subdued than the “pienoni” of V-Day.



Beppe Grillo, encouraged to comment on the words of the mayor of Parma who recently said that the movement “there are men, but there are no ideas,” he said, “Tonight will convince even Pizzarotti.” The response of the mayor did not let wait: “The problem is not whether to go on stage or not, the problem is bigger.”


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