Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Jobs Act, after the chaos in the trust passes the Senate – La Stampa

Jobs Act, after the chaos in the trust passes the Senate – La Stampa


Jobs Act, after the chaos in the Senate passes the confidence


 Here comes the night the green light from the Senate to the maxi-amendment of the government. Go ahead with 165 yes, 111 no and 2 abstentions. Protest M5S and the League. Renzi: “dramatized”


The leader of the Northern League Gian Marco Hundred (not pictured) launches the Regulation at the president Pietro Grasso



She screams, fights, senators standing on the benches, launch books against the presidency. The opposition in the Senate becomes a battlefield, to try to block the path of the Jobs Act. It can prevent the vote on the reform coincide with the European Summit that Matteo Renzi oversees Milan. But confidence comes in the night with 165 yes, 111 no, and two abstentions. A full trust, then, even if the senators of the minority Democratic Party announced battle in the House to change the text.


nickels AGAINST Poletti

But yesterday will be remembered for the clash in Parliament that has stretched beyond measure time. As soon intervened Labour Minister, Giuliano Poletti, to vindicate the goodness of the reform, the brawl broke out, sending the request to the maxi-amendment confidence from the government, then the time, too, strongly contested by the opposition. A unleash chaos were initially senators of the 5 Star Movement who exhibited posters and white papers to criticize a “delegation white” on the topics of work. The President of the Senate, Pietro Grasso, has expelled the leader of grillini Vito Petrocelli (Poletti which showed a 20 per cent pay “the protections rising to my children”) and suspended the session, then returned in the afternoon. Petrocelli is perched in the House and says he does not want to quit desisting later. Poletti should explain, among others, that very point: how the government agrees to amend Article 18 in the decrees. But he can not do it. “Go home,” the senators scream 5 Star, covering with the screaming the words of the minister.


RENZI: “ONLY scripted”

From Milan Premier Matteo Renzi responded to opposition criticism that the dry and the protests as “dramatized” and stated: “This country change it.” At the resumption, the Minister Poletti gave up to pursue his speech and left the proceedings, as he took the floor Reforms Minister, Maria Elena Boschi, overwhelmed by the screams and protests of those who believes the reform harmful, “do not will create jobs but more precarious. ” The leaders established the timing of the trust, however, intended to lengthen again. Despite the announcement of the cause of the minorities that the Democratic Party is considered to be met, they said, for having implemented some of their demands. The tear is too severe for the civatiano Walter Tocci that is presented to the parent Luigi Zanda and announced: “Vote yes but then I resign as a senator.” An intent from which colleagues have tried to dissuade him.



The first call was to be held at 21 last night but then it slipped inexorably: broke the filibuster vote on the calendar because it requires majority approval to pass again to consider the substance of Jobs ACT. The President Grasso put to a vote the demands of the votes of the calendar and while M5S League and have occupied the government benches, were hurled against Grasso papers and books, including the Rules of the Senate. In the evening, the chairman of the Budget Committee, Antonio Azzollini, after asking more ‘time to consider the maxi-amendment, is back in the classroom and reported on the substantial green light of the Committee on the covers. They are then taken actions that will continue until the explanations of vote and then to the vote of confidence that has come only at night.

But the government and the majority are moving forward. The vote of confidence comes only with the beginning of a new day. Renzi says he has only one certainty: “We waited 40 years for the reforms now bring home the result.”

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