Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Government authorizes the confidence on the Jobs Act, Tuesday ‘s meeting Renzi … – Il Sole 24 Ore

The Government authorizes the confidence on the Jobs Act, Tuesday 's meeting Renzi … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History article


This article was published on 6 October 2014 at 10:08.
The last change is the 7 October 2014 at 08:03.

The premier Matteo Renzi has tight timing and the Council of Ministers has authorized the late afternoon Minister Maria Elena Boschi to put the question of confidence on the bill delegation on the Jobs Act. With the trust will not serve the help of Forza Italy that would have been embarrassing for the majority.

to close the final draft bill
The bill is now in its final stages, including the threat of non-confidence vote came from the minority Democratic Party and the government engaged in a tour of meetings and contacts to find a synthesis within the majority on the nodes of the delegation. As per the law of stability, even in this case, time is tight: the measure is expected tomorrow in the Senate on Wednesday instead is held in Milan on the EU summit on the job. Appunatmento to which the prime minister wants to present Matteo Renzi with a yes on the first significant reform of the labor market.

Waiting for the meeting with the social partners
At Palazzo Chigi, in these hours, weigh the pros and cons of the two options: leave the law delegates to the government as it is, in the version approved amid controversy in committee work, or bet on the submission of an amendment that gives space to reintegrate in particular in the case of disciplinary dismissal. There is then waiting for the meeting with the social partners that Renzi convened tomorrow morning at the headquarters of the government: at 8 am, in the green room, face to face with the secretaries-general of the CGIL, CISL, UIL and UGL. Afterwards, at 9am, the meeting with the Confindustria employers’ associations, network companies and the Alliance of Italian cooperatives.

Pa Salaries, tomorrow table with police unions
Identical to the agenda: the reforms in the pipeline, work bill in the head, an issue on which Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti today held a preparatory meeting with representatives of the Democratic Party and the majority in the Senate. At 10, the busy schedule of meetings of the Prime Minister tomorrow also provides a table with the unions and bake Police called on the issue of releasing salary for the security and defense sector.

CGIL available for comparison, but ready a mobilization
The climate is hot, because the game tied in Article 18 no one wants to back away. By opening this morning the work of the summit of the leading European trade unions CGIL, Susanna Camusso explains the line ribandendo that “the union is always ready to debate and equally ready to the conflict to counter non-shared policies.” Then he reminds us that “the idea of ​​the jobs act is to grant rights just extended in exchange for a cut of rights for those who have a stable job and a policy of reduction of wages”, whereas the employment crisis would require “a real plan Labour, his dignity and his freedom. ” Why, he concludes, “we do not want you steps from Europe asks us to” do it in Europe. ”



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