Sunday, October 12, 2014

Flood Genoa, Doria mayor objected: ‘Go away’ –

Flood Genoa, Doria mayor objected: 'Go away' –

The mayor of Genoa, Marco Doria, was heavily disputed by the merchants of the historic center during a visit to the flooded areas. “Pagliacci, still spoken, dimezzatevi salaries,” traders said. “Take the shovel and clean,” said another. The mayor was also offeso.’Vai home ‘he was told.

No one should see the state inattentive and slow refuge behind the primacy of responsibility , one behind’ unacceptable and cumbersome bureaucracy to ensure legality and transparency is sinking in the mud those who have lost everything. ” He said the Cardinal Bagnasco talking about the flood of Genoa. ‘E’ in the misfortunes that measures the degree of civilization of a people, of a nation, the ability of the government and the maturity of those who have to watch over and care for the individual so that they can recover and natural disasters do not happen again. ”

“At this time, – said the Pope after Angelus our thoughts go out to the city of Genoa hit hard by the flood . I assure you of my prayers for the victims and for those who have suffered serious damage. Our Lady of the Guard support the dear people of Genoa in collective efforts to overcome the ordeal. ” And he prayed with the square the Madonna della Guardia.

town of Genoa suspend Tasi, IMU and Tari . He said the mayor Genoa Marco Doria . “The resignation? Can even think about it and if I was sure that my resignation accelerassero procedures for the interventions I would do it immediately,” said Doria.

Tomorrow with parliamentarians M5S, I have almost all said yes, we’re going to Genoa “. This was announced by Beppe Grillo conversing with the militants at the Circus Maximus. “You can not – he added – is a red plague that engulfs the country.”

It was a relatively quiet night that who has lived in Genoa after the last days of anguish and fear began Thursday evening with the flooding of major rivers citizens that have caused death and destruction. Widespread rainfalls were recorded mainly in the west of Genoa and Valpolcevera but, apart from some minor flooding of the roadway, caused no particular problems. The area where it rained most of last night is that of Pra ‘where they have fallen about 23 millimeters of rain but there were no emergencies. Firefighters and police together with the municipal civil protection have manned the area ready to intervene. Also continued other work in the city by emergency vehicles started in the past few hours. Were also recorded other small landslides or mudslides that have not yet created special problems. This morning the sky is clear but worsening, according to the forecast yesterday, are expected from the evening.

Some 200 people have created, last night, a barricade flooded with household goods to protest against the inaction of the means they would have to remove them. It ‘happened in via Bobbio, near the Marassi stadium. The protest blocked traffic and there have been moments of tension with motorists. In order not to escalate the situation, the police sent to the scene also agents of the mobile unit.

The police have arrested four looters who stole food, detergents and cosmetics among the shelves shops flooded street via Caesarea and Granello, a few steps from the central Via Venti Settembre in one of the hardest hit by the flooding of the Bisagno. In handcuffs are finished four men of Romanian origins 19, 23, 38 and 51 years. They will have to answer for the crime of robbery with aggravating the looting. Just to prevent these crimes and to protect traders already hard hit by the flood, the police have organized special inspection services day and night in the most devastated areas. Since the beginning of the ‘emergency are already 14, all citizens of Eastern Europe, the jackals ended up in handcuffs.


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