[13 October 2014]
The anger of Genoa, which overflows with the mud from streams canned by the cement and blocks built where it was not, it should be to invest the poor mayor of Genoa, Doria, perhaps one of the directors less guilty Ligurian stay at least for the administrative, of what has now become the norm in what is considered the second most dangerous city in Europe for landslide risk. While even the ultras of Genoa and Sampdoria are transformed into “Mud Angels” alongside the beautiful young people gathered at Genoa, while the Head of the Civil Protection Gabrielli raises his hands in front of a battle fought with unequal weapons, our Chairman of the Board uses a proven tactic so effective as trying to pull themselves out of the mire that engulfs an entire ruling class and accusing in turn: “Now all to tear his clothes, all wearing the contrite face of an ordinance. But let’s face it: you have to deal with the financial collapse when no one talks about it, “then re-announces that the government will use throughout the national territory two billion so far unspent because of the bureaucracy and gives a right, but a little ‘hairy recognition to the “mud angels:” The guys who smile wiping the mud of Genoa are beautiful and show us that there is a generation of young people who do not like is being told in a superficial and trivial. “
But Renzi knows that this time, in this country crushed waiting with dread that arrives in the rain and with traders and Genoese citizens hoisted for incidents in which angry as they left the lobby of the cement and the great works malpensate should restrict their Superba and dangerous city , a bit ‘of rhetoric will not be enough and admits that “We need to unlock the yards, as we have started to do with the unit’s mission. To overcome the logic of appeals and responses that make procurement more useful to lawyers not to the people, as we expected with the draft law on public administration. To coordinate civil protection with a greater role of the central level as required by the constitutional reform of Title V “. All promises already made with complacency months ago and that almost no one has seen from the map to the territory, perhaps because, in Genoa, as elsewhere, a true safety of the territory would mean first of all that does not break down that you had to build, including lucrative and endless public works which have proved multipliers risk. For Matteo Renzi instead solutions “are called” Sbloccaitalia, reform of the public administration, constitutional reform, judicial reform, construction unit mission priorities for Italy we want. “
But it is Sbloccaitalia really what they need and Genoa Italy landslide that drowning in the mud? No, at least to hear the environmental organization, Legambiente, whose data are being plundered and dossier (often without quoting it) in times like these by the media before inattentive and always ready to rumble tomorrow against environmentalists pain in the ass they do not want development and progress .
In fact, Article 7 of the Order Unlock Italy faces the problem of hydrogeological with the implementation of specific interventions, “without putting in place a comprehensive strategy of the government of the territory and the rivers and the effective policy of adaptation to climate change – say Legambiente – from the urban areas that today are the most affected. ” Holy Grammarian, president of Legambiente Liguria, notes that “In Genoa, a resident on six lives or works in areas alluvionabili and, in fact, the population coexists with the hydrogeological risk in a city unsafe and dangerous. A policy of adaptation and mitigation to climate change means acting on the maintenance and upgrading of waterways, drainage systems of rainwater, increasing the capacity of flooding of rivers and permeability of urban land or relocate those structures that today cause a hazardous condition putting resources on this. The municipalities, however, are undergoing unprecedented financial crisis and the region has limited funds available. So in Genoa, once again, the water takes up the space that were stolen from the asphalt and concrete. “
Legambiente, whose volunteers shoveling mud in Genoa there are, sends word Renzi, the government and the opposition, the regions and the dominus of the Italian economy, “Just great works unnecessary, it is time to think seriously about prevention and the safety of the territory” and reminds the Prime Minister that “The planned investment Law Aim for the area of Genoa speak only of major infrastructure: three billion for the Second motorway in Genoa “Eaves of the west,” six billion for the third rail crossing, the high-speed line Milano-Genova in gestation for over 20 year old. To which can be added to the € 45 million earmarked for the implementation of the floodway Fereggiano, intended to convey the waters of the creek. To protect the population, we need a maintenance program of the territory and risk prevention, providing concrete tools and funds to make them operational as well as an effective information and training of citizens on the “Living with risk”, to know what do in case of phenomena such as these. “
But also for the Minister of the Environment Gian Luca Galletti is the panacea ” sbloccaitalia “:” The work for the safety of the Bisagno, with 35 million already allocated and ready to spend stuck for three years due to a dispute to the administrative courts. The result is that perhaps at the end of last July, the legal issue has been resolved, but in the meantime we expect another victim and other extensive damage. In the decree “unlocks Italy”, we have included provisions that allow you to speed up administrative procedures on strategic projects for the safety of the area. And ‘painful repeat that these sites have to leave, leave immediately, and starting with extreme decision, transparency, extreme, extreme speed. The hydrogeological not expect the timing of administrative disputes, kills and sweeps. When we launched the unit of mission for the disruption knew that was Bisagno, along with Sarno and Seveso, an absolute emergency. The tragedy of today tells us once again that you can not tolerate delays and inefficiencies. “
The President of Swan Green, Vittorio Cogliati Dezza, is not at all convinced that everything can be solved by downloading the faults bureaucracy (because the litigation-blocking sites are put up by companies which, according to Renzi and Galletti would be stifled by that same bureaucracy that, as needed, using far more than willingly) and stressed that ‘We must reverse the trend of recent years , which has spent about 800 thousand euro a day to repair the damage and less than a third of this figure to prevent them, but we have a policy infrastructure that continues to support the great work, and projects that continue to remain only on paper at the expense of the safety of persons and the contrast of the hydrogeological. Environment Minister Galletti says that in Italy are inserted Unlock rules designed to speed up administrative procedures on strategic projects for the safety of the area and asserts that these sites partano immediately. We ask, however, that beginning is especially effective ordinary political risk mitigation and you finally come out from the logic of the special commissioners. “

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