Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gay marriage, Alfano: unprecedented violence against me, I have applied … – Il Sole 24 Ore

Gay marriage, Alfano: unprecedented violence against me, I have applied … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History article


This article was published on 8 October 2014 at 10:56.
The last change is the 8 October 2014 at 11:05.

“I’ve seen him pull a lot of insults and adjectives of unprecedented violence” while having “only exercised the law.” He said the Interior Minister Angelino Alfano to Agora about the controversy surrounding the circular sent yesterday to the prefects, so formally invite the mayors to delete the transcripts of gay marriage contracted abroad. Alfano emphasizing that they “lay” on civil unions but “the family is untouchable” and marriage “is only between man and woman.”

Alfano: political line of Renzi is not in favor of gay marriage
Interior Minister claimed identity of views with Renzi on this point. “The leader of the Democratic Party and President of the Council won the primary by proposing the German model and those of the Democratic Party who lost the primaries argued, for example, gay marriage, and the clarity has already made Renzi when he said he won the primary on a policy that is not what is Orfini, “said Alfano, who then made a cautious opening on gay civil unions:” If there is to intervene from the point of view of legislation to better accommodate the relationship from the point of view balance sheet of an unmarried couple we are ready and available: we are people of this century, not obscurantist and we have a great respect for the affection of all. ”

Mayor Bologna: the prefect wedding delete them, not me
Yesterday, after the announcement of the circular to the prefects was immediately revolt among the first citizens: from Bologna to Naples from Rome to Grosseto, many mayors invited to disobedience. And the government majority was split between Ncd that supports Alfano and Pd and Sel who invite him to leave it to Parliament, while all the gay community, both left and right, pointing the finger at the minister. The first to rise yesterday was Virginio Merola, Mayor of Bologna (“If you want to annul acts of the transcripts of marriages contracted abroad do so. I will not withdraw my firmam not obey”), which now returns to the charge: “We will read the circular, and that ‘came into the City this morning, and we’ll see if he has any legal basis or if’ a policy circular. Then, legal … are endless. ” It states: If you want to annul their marriages they do not in my name and Bologna »

Protests in Milan, Rome, Grosseto and Udine
On the same wave-length, the mayor of Milan Giuliano Pisapia, that the microphones of Tg1 yesterday assured: “The City of Milan will continue to transcribe marriages between persons of the same sex celebrated abroad, without” no doubt. ” “It has over a court ruling that a circular of the minister,” he echoed Emilio Bonfazi ago, the mayor of Grosseto, where a sentence imposed for registration of a gay marriage contracted abroad. “A question like this can not be resolved with circular bureaucratic, but must be brought in Parliament or before the Constitutional Court,” said the mayor of Udine, Furio Honsell. And also the mayor of Empoli, Brenda Barnini, has announced that it will “resistance”, while admitting that the prefect may revoke the decision taken by the City. The deputy mayor of Rome, Luigi Nieri, has announced that it will fight for the transcription of gay marriage in the capital. The City of Naples is known that “recur in the competent judicial offices” against the circular. Even the mayor of Parma, the ‘grillino’ Federico Pizzarotti said to be “on the side of the mayors and against Alfano.”

In the chorus, the mayor of Chieti: right Alfano
One lone voice was that of the mayor of Chieti, Umberto Di Primio (Ncd) for which Alfano, “has made the right decision” because “the mayors may not replace national laws with ordinances that are unlawful or even in conflict with the Constitution.”

The clash Pd-Ncd
In the government has consumed a serious battle between Pd and Ncd. The President invited dem Matthew Orfini Alfano “instead of canceling the transcripts of gay marriage” to “make possible even in Italy” and the leader in the House Democrat, Robert Hope, tweeted: “Alfano deals with much insistence of gay marriage. As if this depended on the security of the country. And the rights of the people instead? ‘. To the Secretary for Reform Ivan Scalfarotto, “it would be desirable that Alfano before deciding on equal opportunities will co-ordinate with the holder of such delegation, Matteo Renzi.” Ncd instead defended to the hilt the Minister Alfano. For the President of the Senate of Ncd, Maurizio Sacconi, “Alfano has only applied the law.” Even Carlo Giovanardi, “Alfano ago dutifully apply the principles laid down by our Constitution and the laws in force.”



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