Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gay marriage, Alfano: “Delete all transcripts occurred at … – The XIX Century

Gay marriage, Alfano: "Delete all transcripts occurred at … – The XIX Century

 Virginio Merola among many leading citizens who want to defend the decision


Rome – Minister of the Interior Angelino Alfano announces the sending of a circular to the prefects, mayors formally invite so that a delete the transcripts of gay marriage contracted abroad, and is now facing one of the first citizens: from Bologna to Naples from Rome to Grosseto, mayors are there and invite you to disobedience.

The majority of government spa cca, between Ncd that supports Alfano and Pd and Sel who invite him to leave it to Parliament, while all the gay community, both left right, points his finger at the minister. “The point is one: all the evidence to the directives which have been given by measures of Mayors, which require the registrars to provide for transcription of marriages celebrated abroad between persons of the same sex, does not comply with the Italian law . In Italy it is impossible for us to marry between persons of the same sex, then those marriages may not be entered in the registers of civil status in Italian, for the simple reason that it is not allowed by law, “Alfano said this morning, speaking at a transmission radio. Adding that in the morning he would sign a circular to be sent to the prefects.

Immediate reaction of some mayors who in recent months have promoted transcripts in the municipal registers of homosexual unions celebrated abroad. The first is Virginio Merola, Mayor of Bologna : “If you want to annul acts of the transcripts of marriages contracted abroad do so. I will not withdraw my signature. Therefore they do but not in the name of Bologna, which I represent as mayor. I do not obey. ” “It has over a court ruling that a circular from the Minister,” echoes Emilio Bonfazi, mayor of Grosseto , where a sentence imposed for registration of a gay marriage contracted abroad. “A question like this can not be resolved with circular bureaucratic, but must be brought in Parliament or before the Constitutional Court,” comments the mayor of Udine, Furio Honsell .

And the mayor of Empoli, Brenda Bar nini, announces that it will “resistance” but admits that the prefect may revoke the decision taken by the City. The Deputy Mayor of Rome, Luigi Nieri , has announced that will fight for the transcription of gay marriage in the capital. The City of Naples Do you know that, “recur in the competent judicial offices” against the circular. Even the mayor of Parma, the grillino Federico Pizzarotti , is “the part of the mayors and against Alfano.”

One lone voice is that of the mayor of Chieti, Umberto Di P rimio (not in the case of Ncd, the political party of the Minister of the Interior), for the Alfano which “has made the right decision” because “the mayors may not replace national laws with ordinances that are unlawful or even in conflict with the Constitution.”

Net reaction of the Democratic Party, with President Matthew Orf ini inviting Alfano “instead of canceling the transcripts of gay marriage” to “make possible even in Italy ‘and the parent company Democrat in the House, Robert Hope, who tweets: “Alfano deals with much insistence of gay marriage. As if this depended on the security of the country. And the rights of the people instead? ‘.

For the Undersecretary for Reform Ivan Scalfarotto , “it would be desirable that Alfano before deciding on equal opportunities will co-ordinate with the holder of such delegation, Matteo Renzi.” Ironic leader of Sel, Nichi Vendola: “You should tell Alfano to get out of the caves.” Choral condemnation of the intervention of Alfano by all the associations of homosexuals.

Even Gaylib, political orientation close to that of the Minister, use harsh words: “Alfano change your mind on the circular to the prefects, or has the political responsibility to resign from a place that deals mainly thanks to the votes of the electors of the People of Freedom party and a leader, Silvio Berlusconi, that he is no more, and that, in particular, on civil rights is making openings historical. ”

In the evening comes the reply of the Minister Alfano, “I have seen too many ideological controversies about my decision, which instead concerns only the respect of the law. I only intended to enforce the law . ” In a series of interviews with Tg, Alfano said he did not have “made no attack on the autonomy of local mayors, but rather, I watched through the prefects, as it is in my power and duty of the State.”

“The Italian law – said Alfano – does not require that two people of the same sex can marry .” And “much less is possible that two people who marry abroad, the same sex, then transcribe, in the records of the State Civil Italian, their wedding.”

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