Friday, January 2, 2015

Courmayeur, Renzi for New Year skiing, yesterday meeting the … – The Press

Courmayeur, Renzi for New Year skiing, yesterday meeting the … – The Press

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Courmayeur, Renzi for New Year skiing, yesterday met the President of the Region Rollandin

Renzi is spending with family

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in Courmayeur



He wanted to start early in 2015 on the slopes of Courmayeur Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who is spending a few days with family vacation in Valle d’Aosta. The Prime Minister has left at 9:30 am driving a car the mountain barracks `Perenni’ and headed toward the lifts.

Renzi has spent the last evening of the year in the guesthouse of the military structure with their family members and did not go – as was expected – to the ice rink in Courmayeur, where it was broadcast live on the program New Year Raiuno.

Renzi met yesterday evening regional president Augusto Rollandin. The meeting, held in the barracks of the Alpine Perennials where President Renzi stays and lasted about an hour, also participated MPs Aosta Valley, Senator and Congressman Albert Laniece Rudi Marguerettez, the mayor of Courmayeur Fabrizia Derriard and the secretary of the Democratic Party Valle d’Aosta Fulvio Centoz.

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