Sunday, January 11, 2015

Fisco, Renzi changes the rules –

Fisco, Renzi changes the rules –

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was a guest on the program “Otto e mezzo” also to talk about is the standard “Save-Silvio”.

The rule excludes from criminal evaders of a sum less than 3% compared to what they said.

The President of the Council, has not proved too successful for its backlash and an attempt to “rescue” of Berlusconi.

Renzi has admitted that the idea is his own and that this point of the tax decree was written by the “the CDM as a proposal. I wrote it, as well as an article that has increased the penalties to the text provided by the Treasury. Through the bill that we have withdrawn to avoid controversy this month, this bill not only would not give less than 16 billion of revenue, but it would give 16 billion for two. It is not true that we’re not going to punish the fugitive, but we hit him twice . “

the Italian tax system does not work for 30 years, sucks, and I will change . I said that we avoid the taxman take it for 5-10 thousand euro with one that is wrong: we do not pay, but we do a criminal trial. For companies: if you pay 10 million 100 thousand euro for taxes and wrong, do not tell you that we do good but I ask you twice. I assume that you do not do it with the idea of ​​cheating but it is a mistake “.



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