Saturday, February 28, 2015

Matteo Salvini in Rome with his ‘League’ with CasaPound – CATANIAVERA.IT

Matteo Salvini in Rome with his 'League' with CasaPound – CATANIAVERA.IT


Matteo Salvini in Rome with his 'League' with CasaPound

Matthew Salvini doing a rally in Rome? And what’s more with CasaPound? No, not fantasy, or a movie, it’s reality! It ‘happened yesterday in Piazza del Popolo, where the federal secretary of the Northern League, has gone to seek approval from the non-leaguers throwing the challenge to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. A demonstration blindatissima, as we imagined unrest of any kind, riots, and instead the end, according to the organizers came to Rome to hear the words of Salvini, over 100 thousand people. There are those who talk of not less than 20 thousand, the fact is that the league perhaps for the first time in its history, was able to find support in the “thieving Rome”, called so many years ago by the founder of the Northern League party, Umberto Bossi. But things change and now, after many years of that sentence, and in particular Roma Piazza del Popolo where there took place the event was renamed the League’s secretary, “the sq uare of the new resistance.” The capital was put into extraordinary coverage by security forces for fear of clashes between protesters and members of the League against the demonstration organized to repel the invasion of salviniani. Eventually won pacifism. According to Matteo Salvini, the problem in Italy, is not the other Matteo Renzi, as a “puppet in the hands of the powers that be, as the Confederation of, as Marchionne, as Brussels.” “Renzi is a pawn – Salvini thunders from the stage in Piazza del Popolo – Renzi is the foolish servant available to someone who has no name. Brussels wants to control the lives of each of us and Renzi is the tool of the left, the sympathetic, which is available to anyone who wants to destroy what remains of the Italian economy. The problem is not the Renzi or Alfano, the problem are the policies that advance. ” “Today in the newspapers – is keen to stress the League Secretary – th ere was talk of a triumph because Istat said that in the first quarter of Italy, thanks to the reforms of Renzi, up 0.1%. A blockbuster, but to make matters worse there is the spread much lower. And thanks to this as I have done to pay less coffee at People’s Square today because the spread is very low? “.

Event ‘League’ and against the event
Meanwhile the streets of Rome, at 15 began against the event, organized by the social centers to say” no “to the policies of Matteo Salvini and his ‘League’, but also to the government Renzi. Many choirs were directed precisely against the other event, choruses shouting “never with Salvini.”

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The League to the streets in Rome with CasaPound – L’Unione Sarda

The League to the streets in Rome with CasaPound – L'Unione Sarda

In Rome, the manifestation of the Northern League along with other far-right movements for the event “Renzi home.”

“The problem is not Renzi, he is a pawn, is the foolish servant available to Brussels”, attacked Matteo Salvini from the stage. “Renzi is a tool left at the disposal of those who want to destroy the economy of Italy.”


“I take a commitment: we will cancel the law Fornero. Vaffanc … to Fornero and those who brought it to the government,” said still the leader of the League. “This square is fighting off enemies, conformity and fear.”

“Unlike Renzi spitting in dishes where he ate until yesterday, I will be eternally grateful and say thank Bossi that woke me and woke us up, otherwise we were still sleeping” .

THE EVENT – From the first afternoon Piazza del Popolo was covered by several hundred flags of the Northern League, the Lombard League and the Liga Veneta, waiting Matteo Salvini took the stage.

The people of the Northern League joined far-right movements, including CasaPound, entered the Piazza del Popolo in the parade. The militants have fallen from the Pincio and joined the tens of thousands of supporters and members of the League of Salvini. Leading the parade, giant posters of the two Marò, Girone and Latorre: “Liberate our soldiers.” From the square started a round of applause.


League in Rome, Casapound with Salvini, “The Northern League has changed” – The Messenger

League in Rome, Casapound with Salvini, "The Northern League has changed" – The Messenger

Do not ‘die leaguers, “ensure, but certainly at least for a while will live side by side. Meanwhile occur together, because “in the League has anything changed, profoundly. They apologized for the offenses. They know that the north is not saved alone but that one should speak of the Nation. And Salvini does it. ”

The combination of Casapound League and, hand in hand with nationalist ‘Po, may seem of less predictable. Certainly, when in Rome must pull out thousands of “antagonistic” to give the halt to Matteo Salvini, is also potentially explosive, especially after the riots of the vigil at Piazzale Flaminio. But in the end it went as both the head of the League that his allies had announced: no contact with the militants of the movements, kept well separated from the place of Casapound by a massive (and dual) police cordon.

Via Napoleone III, address of the movement, made watertight from morning to night by armored police and police to bar the crossbars. In the distance, behind the barriers, you can glimpse Piazza Vittorio, the gathering place of the antagonists. “If we are attacked not flee but are others who do their best to raise the tension,” says an executive. It does not happen. Their march direct to the Pincio, where they await the coach of militants from outside Rome, is quiet and quick, banners folded. Then, the “fascists of the Third Millennium” are all in the Piazza del Popolo, with giant posters of Marò, to support the leader lumbard. And with a new symbol, the one with three ears of “Sovereignty”, “ our new formation – the vice president of Casapound Simone Di Stefano – who wants to collect all social movements and identity and take them without hesitation to Salvini, it also needs a right in it .

To Casapound, which already supported the candidacy of Mario Borghezio in Europe, there are no doubts about who both the anti-Renzi. “ If Giorgia Meloni is put in head to say that Salvini is the leader in opposition to Renzi’d be happier all adds Di Stefano, teasing at home the very Roman leader of FDI, while the right antileghista today manifested in Prati runs on a siding: They prefer to remain residual: they do not, there is room in this great adventure .

Also because Salvini obviously knows how to touch a chord: “ Last night on TV was clear: when Gruber said” those are fascists, “he said,” what’s the problem ” . I do not think you’re ashamed of us. ” And then, “he said” first Italians “and not” before the north. ‘”

Last but not least, Casapound no secret to know that today the Northern League is the bandwagon:” We want win, the other likes to remain marginal – says no doubts Di Stefano – We are strong in our identity, we do not step back. It is what binds us to the Social Republic, a path through the MSI comes to us. ” The Flame and the Sun of the Alps never so close: “Now the path is clear and precise Salvini – concludes Di Stefano – The” boy “is sincere and believes in.”

             Saturday, February 28, 2015, 11:54 – Last Updated: 22:07


League, Roma armored to the rally of Salvini. Yesterday clashes, three thousand … – The XIX Century

League, Roma armored to the rally of Salvini. Yesterday clashes, three thousand … – The XIX Century

 The League leader from the stage of the event of the Northern League in Piazza del Popolo in Rome attacks the premier


Rome – Vaffa to Renzi (“foolish servant of Brussels’), but also to Alfano and Fornero . And then the “ticks” of the social centers that occupy churches. Matteo Salvini has talked for about half an hour from the stage in Piazza del Popolo and fired to zero on its strong themes: safety (“there is no excess of legitimate defense”), taxation (“when we get to Government will put a single rate of 15%, the Swiss will be here to bring money “), security (” the borders must be defended, with discrimination complaints office I will blow my nose “).

Wide the range of quotations , by Don Milani to Oriana Fallaci, by Marco Paolini to the Sicilian Don Luigi Sturzo. Because, says Salvini, “we must start from the concept of” Italie “to highlight the differences.”

On the stage have also spoken Giorgia Meloni and Luca Zaia , only executive League with the right microphone. His challenger Flavio Tosi was in the crowd in the square.

For the rest, everything went smoothly in terms of public order: Northern League and Pound House on the one hand, antagonists on the other (photo gallery) .

The center of Rome remained armored (photo gallery) in a day of demonstrations by red dot after the riots yesterday culminated with the occupation of the basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo part of the “anti-racist”. Salvini opened the event talking about a challenge to Renzi “in her house,” and the project also open to disappointed “Renzi and Grillo.” It closed at Venditti: “Grazie Roma” (photo gallery) .

The event also Umberto Bossi and Roberto Maroni (photo gallery) .


18:37 Concluded the event anti-League
It was concluded without incidents feared on the eve of the march organized by grassroots unions, community centers, Sel, movements the house to protest the meeting of the League in Piazza del Popolo. Collected under the slogan “Never with Salvini”, participants – at least thirty thousand seconds the organizers – marched in an entirely peaceful from Piazza Cavour to St. Andrew the valley, along streets patrolled by a large deployment of police. The event originally was to end in Campo dei Fiori, the square but being too small, it was decided to make a U-turn, so the anti-Salvini are back to the old town and have closed the parade square in Venice.

17.47 Hug between Tosi and Salvini
Hug Piazza del Popolo between the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini and the mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, who followed the manifestation of the Northern League from the stage but not among the delegates Venetian streets. Among the throng of reporters and protesters, the mayor has made its way up to Salvini which continues to be surrounded by photographers and reporters.

In Rome also the governor of the Veneto, Luca Zaia . This square? It is “a place where everyone is against Renzi. It is a piece of the Institute what it takes to win, “emphasizes Tosi adding:” We all work for the same goal. ” And who notes that in the square there is also Zaia and asked what would happen with respect to the regional Veneto, Tosi responds: “Monday we’ll see you in Milan and if there is mutual respect and respecting the autonomy of each one goes on as usual », also said Tosi who then reached the governor of Lombardy, Roberto Maroni and then together to leave the Piazza del Popolo.

17,42 The anti-League:” We are too many. ” Reversing
“We have a problem, we are too.” Arrived at the height of Sant’Andrea della Valle, the organizers take note of what seemed obvious enough: Campo dei Fiori, original destination of the march “never with Salvini” is not big enough to contain the participants (30 thousand according to the latest estimate ). Hence, inevitably, the program change: the parade heads back, the tail current becomes the head and back all towards the Colosseum. “Now we can say, we double them,” cry the organizers of the truck, where “they” are of course the League gathered in Piazza del Popolo. “We chased the League from Rome,” sing triumphant protesters.

17,38 Salvini: “I hope to do the Secretary for little ‘
” I hope to do the Secretary for the shortest time possible. It is a wonderful adventure but the shoulders are heavy, though not nothing wrong you break his balls anyway. ” So the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, from the stage of the event in Rome.

17,35 Salvini thanks Bossi
“Unlike Renzi spitting in dishes where ate until yesterday, I will be eternally grateful and say thank Bossi that woke me and woke us up, otherwise we were still sleeping. ” So Matteo Salvini from the stage of the event of the League in Rome. “Thanks to Gianfranco Miglio, Roberto Maroni, and those who come after me,” he added.

16,48 Salvini on stage, “Renzi foolish servant of Brussels’
“The problem is not Renzi, he is a pawn, is the foolish servant available Brussels» .So Matteo Salvini from the stage during the event of the League in Rome.

He smiles from the stage when the Salvini Square rise choirs’ vaffa … ‘to Renzi and Alfano: “We will be a little’ free range – says the leader of the League from the stage – but this square we will leave cleaner unlike other ticks that smash windows, we are with the police, and we thank them. “

” But because every time I say Renzi you say “vaffa …”? Then they say that this is a square rude. Not good. Then Renzi is offended and also puts a tax on vaffa … “so Salvini choirs who get up in the square while intervenes at the conclusion of the event of the League.

He adds: “I pledge to cancel the law … to Fornero Fornero and vaffa.”

“They have tried everything to not fill this square, from community centers to nerds occupies churches. The answer is you, “says Salvini from the stage to the protesters, also evoking the category of” ticks “to attack those who contested the event in the Capital League.

” This is a beautiful square, which I fights against two enemies: conformism and fear, “added the leader of the League.

16,36 Giorgia Meloni on stage
” They thought of having reduced to be quiet. To have scared half and bought the other half. But in Italy there is still who cares Brussels and slides, and the secret son of Vanna Marchi: Matteo Renzi. ” It is a Giorgia Meloni “attack” the one that bears the greeting of Brothers of Italy on the stage of the League. “From the Roman, I can only be happy,” adds that this path “depart from Rome,” and is going through “one of the worst moments thanks to the allegro surgeon,” he adds, referring to the mayor Ignazio Marino who, he says, will be placed “after the sack of lansquenets and the fire of Nero. ”

16,17 Movements “Never with Salvini”: “We are 35 thousand”
“We are 35 thousand, Salvini Rome is ours.” This is the message from the movements “Never with Salvini ‘who are marching in the center of Rome against the manifestation of the leader of the Northern League in Piazza del Popolo. Activists also attack Casapound. “Close it is a duty,” said the megaphone.

From 16,16 square chorus of “vaffa” the Government
From Piazza del Popolo full of protesters leaguers salt also a chorus of “vaffa” addressed to the Prime Minister before Renzi and then, when it comes to immigration, the Interior Minister, Angelino Alfano.

16.14 Bossi: “Do not abandon Berlusconi»
“We should not abandon nor Tosi nor Berlusconi. It is not convenient to go forward without the Knight. ” This was stated by Umberto Bossi on the sidelines of the event alloy North “Renzi at home ‘in Rome (photo gallery) . “With Casapound no alliance – adds – the current one is transitory.”

16,10 Tosi: “I do not want to break ‘
” Rupture depends on who wants it, we do not want. We place the stakes under the statute of the League. ” He said Flavio Tosi, reporters in the Piazza del Popolo in Rome, where the event takes place in the League: the mayor of Verona is among the militants away from the stage.

15,48 Bossi: “No alliance with CasaPound”
“There is no alliance with CasaPound. There Salvini and then there’s the league: two things both with a thinking head and a heart. ” So the leader and founder of the League, Umberto Bossi, on the sidelines of the event in Piazza del Popolo, to those who ask for the presence of CasaPound streets. “With CasaPound is a temporary alliance. When you’re surrounded … »says Bossi referring to immigrants and to the danger terrorism.

15,44 In the square there is also Tosi There is also
the mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, in Piazza del Popolo. It is not on the stage, is reported, but it is in the square with the delegation of the militants of the Veneto.

15,39 Meloni: “In the square credible alternative to Renzi”
“Here is a credible alternative to Matteo Renzi and his failed policies.” He says Giorgia Meloni, leader of Brothers of Italy, in Piazza del Popolo to the manifestation of the League. The hope, adds to those who question whether a new center is being born today, is that this alternative “will spread.” Meloni door today his greetings on stage to Matteo Salvini and the leader of the League will be March 7 to bring the greetings of the Northern League in the event of FDI that will take place in Venice. So we will work together for a common initiative to be carried out in April inviting possibly Marine Le Pen.

15.38 – Movements of the extreme right to the streets with giant Marò
movements of the extreme right, including CasaPound, entered in the Piazza del Popolo in the parade. The militants have fallen from the Pincio and joined the tens of thousands of supporters and members of the League of Salvini arrived for the demonstration against the government. Leading the parade, giant posters of the two Marò, Girone and Latorre: “Free our soldiers.” From the square started a round of applause.

15.33 – The shirt Salvini
“I’m with Stacchio, with those who defend the territory”, is written on T-shirt worn by the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, for the manifestation of the Piazza del Popolo. Graziano Stacchio is the gas station that killed a robber in the Vicenza area.

15.08 – The parade anti-League
It just started from Piazza Vittorio the march organized by movements that are recognized under the slogan “Never with Salvini.” Several thousand people are marching in via the Statute behind a long banner designed by Zerocalcare, that read “No to austerity policies. No government Renzi. “

14.56 – Salvini:” This square is already a show “
This square” is above all a show already. ” So the leader of the Northern League, Matteo Salvini, arrived in the square between the People dl standing ovation and handshakes militants. To those who question what to expect from today’s event, he replied: “A peaceful square, determined and courageous, willing to change” in Italy and in Europe.

14.51 – Start the parade anti-League
the cry “Salvini, Rome does not want you,” has just left from Piazza Vittorio, in the Esquilino neighborhood in Rome, the procession of the movements “Never with Salvini,” which now will cross Rome city center until you get to Campo dei Fiori. “Rome is fascist,” reads one of the many banners displayed by activists. “No to austerity policies, not to the government Renzi ‘reads instead on the banner that opens the parade.

Rome armored
Four agents
and 80 crews of the Crime Prevention Department of the State Police and dell ‘ Carabinieri are employed in the demonstrations in Rome today. clicked since yesterday evening controls at a tollbooth, train stations, consular roads, the historic center, in the subways and squares meeting.

The focus is on the conduct the event of the League in the Piazza del Popolo Casapound and the concomitant parade in front of the “ never with Salvini ” Piazza Vittorio to Campo de ‘ Flowers, passing through Piazza Venezia.

The tensions in the square yesterday
Five protesters were stopped by police following clashes took place in the afternoon at Piazzale Flaminio, to protest the event convened by the League. The demonstrators blocked the road launching several paper bombs and bottles to agents who guarded the entrance to Piazza del Popolo where you set the stage for the intervention of the Northern League leader. In the square itself, to reaffirm the role of anti-Renzi on a Saturday that promises to “hot.”

But the showdown of the League is far from burying the idea of ​​alliance with FI, starting from the Veneto where the puzzle remains tied to the choices of the “rebel” Flavio Tosi . It is from the Veneto, however, who will start the game of joints for the definition of a center-right alliance in which if Ncd raises the stakes, thanks to its “weight” in Campania, Salvini former premier forwards a real AUTORANGE aut: “ or me or Alfano .”

On Monday, the federal council League
Everything, in any case, will be decided after Monday, when it meets the federal council League. Only then Salvini, and especially Silvio Berlusconi, melt the reservations about what to do while, for now, the former prime minister, seems to play a role of “mediator” between two fires, the Northern League and the alfaniano. Today, in Rome, a will speak Salvini and Zaia , in a demonstration and clashes that already in his eve saw riots starring the social movements. Disorders on which Salvini tersely: “I’m not Italian, are four thugs of the social centers.”

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The League in the square with Casapound. Salvini: I love Rome but thieving … – Il Sole 24 Ore

The League in the square with Casapound. Salvini: I love Rome but thieving … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on February 28, 2015 at 24:08.
The last change is the February 28, 2015 at 16:14.

The far-right movements, including CasaPound, entered in the Piazza del Popolo in joining the parade the event “Renzi at home”, organized by the Northern League in Rome. The militants have fallen from the Pincio and joined the tens of thousands of supporters and members of the League of Salvini arrived for the demonstration against the government. Leading the parade, giant posters of the two Marò, Girone and Latorre: “Free our soldiers.” They carry flags of Europe changed with a red X to delete the Union. In the square is also a billboard depicting Benito Mussolini making the fascist salute and beside the word “Salvini, expecting you!”.

Tosi: I do not want to break
“The break depends on who wants it, we do not want. We place the stakes under the statute of the League, “said Flavio Tosi, reporters in the Piazza del Popolo in Rome. The mayor of Verona is among the militants away from the stage.

Mega banner: “Berlusconi is politically dead”
Two large tractors are positioned on either side of the Piazza del Popolo as representatives of farmers’ associations that have joined the demonstration of Salvini. “Berlusconi politically dead, only better,” is written on a mega banner hoisted by the Northern League behind the stage of the event in Piazza del Popolo. In the square there is a mix of flags and slogans. Many of the Veneto, Piedmont and Padania, among the members of the League. “Simply euro”, “Stop invasion”, are slogans against Europe and immigration. Some leaguers hold up signs along the lines of those that indicate the names of the streets: “Salvini Largo” and “Via Renzi”. Do not miss “Marino at home.”

She takes all’Esquilino against the parade
Meanwhile, the organizers of the parade “Never with Salvini” are parading all’Esquilino. Disputes anti-League yesterday have caused tensions in the capital, concentrated in the area of ​​Piazza del Popolo (where today there will be the manifestation of the Northern League) with throwing paper bombs and tear gas, police charges, five activists anti-Salvini stopped and a police officer injured. It was even occupied and then cleared the basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo, where he was a banner: “Never with Salvini, respingiamolo.”

In the square Salvini, Zaia and Meloni
In addition to Matteo Salvini and Luca Zaia, also the leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, is on stage. In Piazza Vittorio, where will, however, start at 14 the procession of radical movements, the police have installed grates over two meters high. Fences, patrolled by police, blocking the entrance to Via Napoleone III, national headquarters Casapound. All surrounding streets are closed by armored law enforcement.

Bossi: alliance with transient Casapound
“We should not abandon it ‘Tosi’ Berlusconi. Does not suit us, “said the leader and founder of the League, Umberto Bossi, today in the square in Rome for the manifestation of the Northern League. “With Casapound there is an alliance, this alliance is temporary because when you’re surrounded,” said Senatur speaking with reporters in Piazza del Popolo.

Salvini: Rome is full of crooks, citizens need a mayor League
Salvini said they would do well to Rome, “as in all cities of a ‘ Italy beautiful that someone is trying to sell off. ” Thieving Rome, said he continues, “there yet. Look Buzzi and Mafia Capital. But I have it with the corridors of power, not with the driver or with the newspaper. ” So for Salvini “the capital is full of crooks. Citizens victims need a mayor League. “

Tripped the security plan in the capital
Meanwhile tripped the security plan in the capital to lock down the city. Three thousand agents and 80 crews of the Crime Prevention Department of the State Police and the Carabinieri will be used in the demonstrations planned today in Rome. Yesterday was held at police headquarters the operational meeting, chaired by the Quaestor D’Angelo, for the preparation of the security services. Snapped since yesterday evening controls at toll stations, consular roads, the historic center, in the subways and squares meeting. Expected the arrival of over 150 coaches from all over Italy as well as four special trains. The Police Headquarters has announced that the attention has focused on the conduct of the event of the League in the Piazza del Popolo and the concomitant procession from Piazza Vittorio to Campo de ‘Fiori, which will pass through Piazza Venezia.



Renzi: Tuesday in CDM also plan for ultra-wideband … – Il Sole 24 Ore

Renzi: Tuesday in CDM also plan for ultra-wideband … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on February 27, 2015 at 15:29.
The last change is the February 27, 2015 at 20:47.

At the Council of Ministers next Tuesday will arrive also the plan for ultra-wideband. He said the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi during the meeting with the MPs of the Democratic Party to the Nazarene, also communicating the probable date for the regional elections: May 10. A meeting, today, preceded by the tearing of Pier Luigi Bersani, who in an interview with Avvenire (-of which excerpts were released yesterday) announced its absence. And today the uproar: “It’s time to seriously discuss, not to spot.” Have deserted the convocation also other members of minority dem, including Pippo Civati ​​and Gianni Cuperlo. “A mistake,” the deputy secretary Pd Lorenzo Guerini. While Forza Italy comes support for deserters. “The minority of the Democratic Party – writes Mattinale, the policy note prepared by the blue group in the House – rebelled openly against Renzi. This is why we like the slogan: strength Bersani. “

Woods:” They did tease ‘
From Florence the minister Maria Elena Boschi throws cold water on “This definition of last clash in the Democratic Party seems to me a bit ‘exaggerated. When are offered in most places to discuss, I do not think there is reason for controversy or complain but if one prefers not to participate we respect his choices. ” As for the “Forza Bersani” of Mattinale, curtly: “I think that they made a big annoyance. I think the first not to be happy will Bersani. ” Ready replication via twitter the parent Fi in the House, Renato Brunetta, “Woods says that Forza Bersani spite? Woods and then Forza Forza Renzi. And no one will have a male. #gigliomagicostaisereno. ”

Al CDM Tuesday’s school and broadband
On the a genda of the meeting, as well as Rai and tax authorities, there have been measures and school (a dl and a bill) that will be considered by the Council of Ministers next Tuesday. Present at the meeting also Education Minister Stefania Giannini, recently passed by the Democratic Party Civic Choice, who confirmed: “180 thousand teachers will be hired by September”, also including the places that will be banned by the new competition that will cover three years from 2016 2019. Palazzo Chigi next week, according to reports from the President of the Council will also adopt the national ultra-wideband, after the public consultation phase. In the following weeks in several measures, or already incardinated in Parliament or dl ad hoc, will be followed by the measures to achieve it.

Rai, a bill within two weeks
on public television, Renzi has confirmed its willingness to act now, within two weeks, it will become the “first cultural producer in the country.” But the tool will not be a law: it will first try the parliamentary road, with a bill. Even so, the prime minister reiterated, “we will verify if Grillo wants to get serious’ after opening made yesterday on the reform of Viale Mazzini.

Bersani: discuss seriously, not to spot
To go to the meeting at the Nazarene “I do not think so,” Bersani said in the long interview in the newspaper of the CEI. “Why I bow to the demands of communication, but that the leading bodies should be set out in a movie I’m not.” Avvenire former Secretary dem took off more than a pebble in the shoe. The Jobs Act? “It puts the worker in a relationship of forces pre-70 ‘and therefore arises” out under the Constitution. ” Reforms? “The conjunction” between Italicum and constitutional bill “breaks the democratic balance. If the reform of the Constitution goes on like this, I will never vote for the election law. ” Today the Gr1 Bersani confirmed: “Beware that we are changing shape our democracy and are not just little things. It’s time to seriously discuss, not to spot. Just make an orderly discussion. We do as we have done with so-called method Mattarella. “

From Cuperlo” counter-agenda “six-point
The leader sinistradem, Gianni Cuperlo, has instead given the its position in a letter. “Do not participate in the parliamentary party because in three minutes you do quizzes, not tax reform.” The counter is the six-point agenda: poverty level (with the creation of a universal institution), tax credit for companies that invest in innovation and research, citizen’s income, the law on civil unions and end of life (” Just referrals “), extension of the 80 euro to retirees with less than 1000 Euros per month, three changes all’Italicum (reduce the number of MPs appointed to no more than 30%; provide for the possibility OF AFFILIATION between different lists in case of ballot for the award of the majority; predict a true clause linking election law and constitutional law) and to the constitutional bill.



Renzi forward, minority in the trenches – Il Sole 24 Ore

Renzi forward, minority in the trenches – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on February 28, 2015 at 08:12.


The Secretary democratic vote in local elections on 10 May. Tomorrow the primaries

in Campania: even the IDV

retires, will race three


So the minority dem keeps apart from the meeting of the parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party on the agenda of government. Pier Luigi Bersani is of course the great missing, followed by almost all the tighter. Someone among non renziani decide to go, do so Robert Hope and Cesare Damiano. But the shy and isolated attempts not to break the thread of dialogue with the summit, despite the palpable tensions, can not erase the impression of being at the lowest point in internal election of Sergio Mattarella. The satisfaction with the debate still leaves the prime minister at the end disappointed. “We have offered an opportunity for comparison in addition, the complaints are incomprehensible,” his outburst. And the concept emphasized in the words of Deputy Secretary dem Lorenzo Guerini is “excess controversy” not useful, in reference to the line of dissent.

Inside, the Nazarene, Matteo Renzi keeps a profile on the concrete steps. Confirmed Monday that it will pull the strings to bring the next day in the council of ministers of the two measures on the school and here are confirmed the assumptions as the sum of 180 thousand temporary workers to be stabilized in September and the “inputs” of new teachers following the contest will be banned . Turning to the chapter Rai Renzi reiterates that it is up to become the first cultural producer in the country. Within two weeks the government will intervene: preferentially through parliament, or with a bill and not by decree. Also because the underlying intention is also to expose Grillo after opening made Thursday for a reform of Viale Mazzini. Also in the meeting of Tuesday, the government will adopt the national ultra wide band at the end of the phase of public consultation and in the following weeks – in hinged measures already in Parliament or ad hoc dl – w ill be followed by the measures of achievement. Among other things is made tentatively by the President of the Council on 10 May for the conduct of regional elections. Referring instead to the debate on taxes, a new appointment with the groups is marked for March 9 and then it will be discussed along with Government and the third sector.

But the ground is more political, are equilibria internal and management of the party the real reasons of the current conflict. The nerves are really on edge if Pier Luigi Bersani says loud and clear before the summit that “it is time to discuss seriously not to spot.” Net of a tendentious incitement of Renato Brunetta (“Force Bersani”) the need felt by the former secretary is “an orderly discussion as we did for the choice of Mattarella.” Former leader rejects the reading according to which everything is derived from the idea of ​​Renzi to change the balance of power in the parliamentary groups and committees. The fact is that the letter in which Gianni Cuperlo responds to the premier reinforces the impression that you do not want at all to come to terms with him downward, whereas among the six point program advanced all’Italicum also appear some changes and reform constitutional. A land where the prime minister considers clo sed the game without appeal in the next parliamentary procedures (final vote before the summer for Italicum is the wish of the Minister Woods).

Meanwhile seems to never end instead dispute over the primaries for the selection of the candidate for governor in Campania which also Massimo D’Alema has joked yesterday. Tomorrow will race in three, after the withdrawal of Gennaro Migliore was added to Nello Di Nardo IDV.




The ‘package’ Tuesday in CDM

Matteo Renzi at yesterday’s meeting at the headquarters of the Democratic Party Nazarene before with the secretariat and then with groups confirmed Monday that the government will pull the strings to bring the CDM Tuesday the decree and the draft bill on “Good school.” In the package remains the central chapter of the assumptions, adding approximately 180 thousand stabilizations and new inputs


draft bill within two weeks

On governance reform Rai Prime Minister intends to move forward quickly, even if it is excluded the hypothesis of the decree: no later than two weeks will be approved the bill to make the public service “the first cultural producer in the country.” The new Rai, in the timing of Renzi, will from summer


Chapter postponed to March 9

At the meeting of the Nazarene has not talked instead of the IRS. Choice “not political” explain sources renziane, but dictated by the lack of time. Also because the tax delegation should not go to the examination of CDM next Tuesday. The topic will be discussed in a further meeting the March 9, along with Pa and third sector



Friday, February 27, 2015

Renzi makes the meeting of the Democratic Party, Bersani and a half party deserted –

Renzi makes the meeting of the Democratic Party, Bersani and a half party deserted –

It makes noise in the absence of the Nazarene Bersani and other Big Dem minority, almost a small Aventine, no to a democracy ipermaggioritaria warns former Secretary Bersani, the Jobs Act that defines anti-constitutional reforms and the hypothesis of a change at the helm of groups and parliamentary committees, Bersani is not prepared, and raises the metoso Mattarella, I absent no to issues of power, now being discussed seriously and not to spot, if the italicum remains so, cautions I do not vote, by answering Guerrini replies: “I think it is wrong not to participate, but I think that is not a day to debate “.  Bersani3

without neither three other members of the minority Dem, from Fassina in Civati ​​and Rosibindi, absent because our proposals are always ignored complains Cuperlo in an open letter to Renzi, but not all decide to defect, “Bersani gave no indication, after which there is a contradiction, the content if we do the Parliament, we do not really with five minutes of action in a home party. “

At the meeting of parliamentarians Dem, blitz the Nazarene of a group of high school students against school reform , choirs and some moments of tension, but lasituazione remains under control.


Reforms, Bersani: “Now we need serious confrontation, no spot” – TGCOM

Reforms, Bersani: "Now we need serious confrontation, no spot" – TGCOM

– For Pier Luigi Bersani reforms “it is time to seriously discuss, not to spot. Note that we are changing shape our democracy and are not just little things “. “We do as we have done with so-called method Mattarella,” he added, referring to the former secretary dem need to identify a shared internally by the Democratic Party to be presented to the other political forces.

Reforms, Bersani: & quot; Now we need serious confrontation, no spot & quot;

On the participation in the initiative to the Nazarene “everyone will do what he wants . I sent them to him I have four ideas. Not in gobbledygook, very short. Basically I attended, no? Beyond the jokes it’s time to discuss it seriously, “he explained in an interview with Il Giornale Radio Rai.

“Nothing to ask but my ideas do not give up” – “I have nothing to ask, but to my ideas not giving up, it is clear,” he said. “I hope they are conspiracy commentators. Lubricate them all in a logic of power is an insult,” said then press rumors that the minority pd would be in turmoil because Renzi is preparing to May to change the balance of parliamentary groups.

“Renzi does not want obstacles? Doubt’s” – “Sometimes it is the doubt, but I hope that is not so.”

Cuperlo: absent because proposals always ignored – Even Gianni Cuperlo, leader of the Left Dem, back on the controversy by writing to Matteo Renzi and explaining the absence of the meeting. “On the Jobs Act, the government has ignored exactly suggestions and lines rated by management, on constitutional reform have not given even one vote,” said explaining that “in three minutes I can solve quizzes and tax reform.”

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Democratic Party
Pier Luigi Bersani
Method mattarella

Pd, struggle continues: D’Alema and Bersani. Renzi: “Senate and Italicum … – The Daily

Pd, struggle continues: D'Alema and Bersani. Renzi: "Senate and Italicum … – The Daily


The clash inside the Pd becomes a war of position. The words of Pierluigi Bersani seem to have opened the hostilities, but also a Pandora’s box. Throughout the day, before, during and after the meeting of the President of the Council Matteo Renzi with about 200 MPs, the Left Party has continued to attack the “method” of the comparison on the issues in the coming weeks will mark the work of the government and representatives near the head of the government have defended the road taken. And then, to make names, Gianni Cuperlo – Renzi former rival in the primaries and former party president lasted just over a month – wrote to Renzi explaining that the absence of his and other MPs and senators is due to the fact that the proposals of minorities are regularly ignored and unheard. Back even Massimo D’Alema that the electoral law confirms that “ ;Bersani has raised a real problem and I hope that this gives rise to a serious correction of the text of the law.” Across the Maria Elena Boschi reiterates that, indeed, “when they are offered in most places to discuss, I do not think there is reason to complain” but “if one prefers not to participate we respect his choices.” Indeed, he adds, is discussed more now than in the past. Bersani, therefore, had an “excess of controversy,” said Assistant Secretary Lorenzo Guerini . But at the end of day zero results: constitutional reforms and Italicum remain so, confirms the President of the Council.

The situation becomes so out of control that you see even Renato Brunetta express, through the his Mattinale , solidarity Bersani. “The minority of the Democratic Party, which according to the knowledgeable Stefano Folli worth at least 30 percent of the votes of the entire parliamentary group, rebelled openly against Renzi. This is why we like the slogan: Force Bersani . ” The Woods gets along well saying that “they did a big annoyance: I think the first not to be happy will Bersani”. Brunetta controribattuto on Twitter.

With Renzi 200 MPs (out of over 400)
were over 200 out of the 422 MPs who showed up at the headquarters of the Nazarene for the meeting with Renzi. Party sources have pointed out, talking to news agencies, which in the hall there was a constant coming and going of people depending on the topics covered. Very followed discussions on school and Rai , while the hours pass some MPs are gone and the room began to empty. The theme of the tax , which should have been treated to last, has been, since the discussion on RAI and school lasted beyond the expected. At the meeting “there were also parliamentary minority Democratic Party and also spoke on the merits,” says the deputy leader Ettore Rosato . “All instances are treated when they are entered. Today were posed many questions that have been implemented and that we will find in the next steps of th e government. ” In the absence of the minority, assures, “I do not see the political consequences, today there was a comparison of the merits. There is no break. “

Cuperlo:” In three minutes I solve quiz, not the tax reform “ After a
‘ interview with Future and Gr1 of Bersani (“It ‘s time to discuss seriously, not to spot”), had been Gianni Cuperlo , Left Dem leader, to revive the controversy. In a letter to Renzi has motivated the absence so the Nazarene: “The jobs act, the government has ignored suggestions exactly lines and voted by the management, on constitutional reform have not given even one vote,” he says, explaining that “in three minutes I can solve the quiz and tax reform. ” “Dear President – supports Cuperlo – Ask for suggestions and lines of work after the jobs act, the government has ignored suggestions exactly lines and voted by the direction of the Democratic Party and then by the parliamentary committees. After the constitutional reform have not given even one vote that would have helped, now in the Senate, to correct those mistakes and inconsistencies which may, in fact, to make cumbersome reform. After other ‘failures’ to proposals of pure common sense. ” But ideas, Cuperlo adds, “we are not lacking, the will submit to the groups. The problem is if one listens to them. “

But the minority is in no particular order
Behind Cuperlo Bersani and there are so many MPs Pd, although not all. There is Rosy Bindi , for example: “I agree with the choices of those who have gone there. In an hour you do not share the reforms Rai , the school and tax . There you come and say that because we are late you have to hurry. I would like that because there are conditions you did well. ” For example, for the former president of the party, “the school needs a real reform and not an effect communication. And frankly do not understand why the letter has not arrived double signature of the Secretary and the parent. ” But not everyone has jumped the meeting: “Beyond the call of the method and unusual frankly questionable – says the chairman of the Chamber of Labour and former Minister Bersani, Cesare Damiano – I am of the school that whenever there is a place to discuss it goes even if it is at 5 am and behind the Carmelites. ” And there was also Francesco Boccia : “It ‘was a useful meeting – admits the Budget Committee Chair – but is functional if the things you say then turn into parliamentary acts, when they become tweet end up being what they are, hot air “.

I do renziani square: also returns Nardella
The fact that it is not the usually daily confrontation with blows of words between the souls of the party understand that they come forward all the Praetorian Guard of the President of the Council: the two deputy secretaries, the Minister for Reforms, even is recalled to duty, the mayor of Florence. “The spaces of confrontation – says Lorenzo Guerini – should always be used, because a party that discusses is a party that lives and ensuring the dialectic within itself, which is able to involve all its energies in policy that aims to achieve for the country. Desert spaces of confrontation believe it is not helpful. Invitation to have no polemic that nobody needs. I think that everyone has to make their contribution so that our internal comparison is true, but also loyal and respectful. ” The other vice-Renzi, Debora Serracchiani , adds, “We must go on with the discussion, but also with the ability to respond.” Inevitable Federico Gelli and Andrea Marcucci , recordmen statements pro-Matthew: “It ‘a storm in a glass,” says the first (Pisa), “The debate and discussion are the lifeblood of a party. The Pd with Matteo Renzi practice them every day, “adds the second (Lucca). So much for the comeback of Dario Nardella , former MP and now mayor of Florence: “Bersani will focus more on substantive issues and less on formalities and reaches the conclusion to join the discussion with the party on the reforms that really matter to citizens. “



Anm in the trenches: we want to normalize – The Messenger

Anm in the trenches: we want to normalize – The Messenger

ROME – A very tough stance, although the judiciary is now associated balkanized. Until a few days ago the many internal divisions led to the decision not to implement any form of strike against the law on civil liability, yesterday the National Magistrates’ Association held a press conference by barricades. The tort reform has political and the “real issue” is “rebalancing of the relationship between politics and the judiciary,” is the center of the discourse ANM that speaks of genuine ‘attempt to normalize the judiciary. ”


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Civil liability, Orlando: “Disappointed by the magistrates, reactions … – The Messenger

Civil liability, Orlando: "Disappointed by the magistrates, reactions … – The Messenger

Reactions that embitter and arriving late in relation to a text that “does not expose the magistrates to any kind of pressure” and that “absolutely not make it more difficult investigations of mafia and corruption.”

The Justice Minister Andrea Orlando tries to reassure “togas”, welcoming the proposal of the vice president of CSM John Legnini to perform monitoring of the effects of the new law on civil liability for then make a “cutting” in six months.

Minister, the judges did not strike but their reaction against the law is very heavy. Expected it?

 “Frankly, no, and I’m also sorry. There is no punishment will from the government towards them. I find that there is a disproportion between the law passed and reactions. I would point out that the text was passed in the Senate with an overwhelming majority not “nazarenica”, amid criticism of Forza Italy, the abstention of Sel and yes M5S. It is exactly the same text now approved in the House. “

The President Mattarella drew the judges to be neither actors nor bureaucrats. Is not that for fear of making mistakes togas, now, vireranno towards normalization, as the ANM complaint?

 “I think that all Italian magistrates have fear of committing inexcusable negligence and not for this are put in judgment. We have rejected any theory of liability associated with the interpretation of the rules. Prior to the approval of the law had met the ANM and his concerns had focused on the cancellation of the filter eligibility of Appeal, which could clog the courts or determine indirect pressure. But not to the point of calling into question the independence and autonomy of the judiciary. ”


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Bersani, breakout Jobs Act and Italicum. Deserted the meeting: ‘No … –

Bersani, breakout Jobs Act and Italicum. Deserted the meeting: 'No … –

Rome, February 26, 2015 – Pier Luigi Bersani not participate in the meeting of the Democratic Party called by Matteo Renzi for tomorrow, as Cuperlo and On Attorre. Ready is the replica of the premier, that says the minority: “Do not waste time in controversy.”

BERSANI – Former Democratic Secretary said that the meeting in diserterà an interview with Future that will be published tomorrow, “No way. Why I bow to the demands of communication, but that the leading bodies should become set of a film I’m not. ” Bersani has also launched a sharp warning to the premier on Italicum and constitutional reform : “The conjunction” between the two texts “breaks the democratic balance. If the reform of the Constitution goes on like this, I will never vote for the election law. ” The Jobs Act instead “puts the employee in a relationship of forces pre-70s” and therefore arises “out under the Constitution.”

Cuperlo AND Attorre – Besides Bersani also Gianni Cuperlo and Alfredo D’Attorre will waive the assembly to the Nazarene. “We never subtracted confrontation nor do we subtract every convocation true, but this way to squeeze in an hour discussion on problems imortanti parliamentary political agenda is seen by many as a joke,” said D ‘ Attorre which then records, not without a touch of disappointment, the premature end of the Method Mattarella: “Unfortunately at the Mattarella method is proving to be a parenthesis that has’ closed quickly and it was back to the old ways.

Renzi – “ No one has the truth in his pocket and no one wants to start with fireplaces tight old-fashioned way: we are for the comparison, always. Open and inclusive, without which no one is excluded. All major decisions of these 15 months have been discussed and voted in the bodies of the party: the Jobs Act to the constitutional reforms, the electoral law to the measures on the Law of stability, “said Renzi, saying ” astonished “to those who in the minority Democratic Party, “plays the card of internal controversy” deserting the meeting tomorrow.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Milleproroghe, yes final Senate: is law. From evictions lows … – The Messenger

Milleproroghe, yes final Senate: is law. From evictions lows … – The Messenger

The government collects the second trust decree Milleproroghe that becomes law: the final go-ahead by the Senate, without any changes to the text fired by Deputies arrived with 156 yes, 78 no and 1 abstention. With a tail controversy by the Democratic Party right on time granted to the two houses of parliament to examine the texts: “There is a disproportion in the examination of the decrees that often disadvantage the Senate – said the leader of the Democratic Party in the Budget Giorgio Santini – that the chairmen of the House and Senate assign the decrees establishing a binding an equitable division of the times “.

Many innovations entered in the race, very few expectations. These include the mini extension of evictions (4 months) or the intervention on dips Iva and block del’aumento contribution rates. Instead jumped intervention on royalties frequencies tv. Here are the main changes.

EVICTION FOR 4 MONTHS YOU CAN STOP ASKING: in the end it is not a “perpetual extension,” as emphasized Maurizio Lupi, but a solution ‘bridge attentive to the nuclei needy, that
 evaluates “case by case”. The judge, upon request, may suspend the execution of an eviction “up to one hundred and twentieth day after the entry into force of the Law of Conversion” to allow
 “the transition from home to home.”

SAVE-MINIMUM, STOP EVEN INCREASE CONTRIBUTIONS: among the measures most eagerly awaited, comes back to life the old system of minimum Iva (with preferential taxation 5%) that coexist throughout 2015
 with the new regime (15%). Stopped for this year also increased contributions for the self-employed members to separate management INPS, which remain at 27% and then rise gradually.
 Unfortunately for the VAT increase on the pellet.

rescheduling BIS EQUITALIA: reopen the time to ask for a rate plan for the debts with the IRS. Who is decayed to the end of 2014 can make the request by 31 July. No actions
 executive who has access to a new plan.

RETURN BRAINS: he had already spoken with the Investment Compact, to end the extension of incentives to stem the ‘brain drain and make more attractive the prospect of return home is
 arrived, for the next two years. He also spends 4 to 6 years, the term of research grants.

BACK JUDGES OF PEACE IN SMALL TOWNS: until July 30 mayors, including unions of municipalities, may request the reopening of the offices suppressed to effect the rearrangement. Sled at year end the term to complete the union of Commons.

A COMMON INCASSI FINDINGS: the mayors participating in the activity of assessment will continue to get 100% of the taxes
 state until 2017. Sledge to September 1, 2015 the obligation to purchase goods and services with unique central.

ADVANCE CONTRACT TO 20%, 70% BACK TO SOLIDARITY: to ‘compensate split payment and reverse charge VAT shall be extended until the end of 2016, the advance of a share of contracts to
 businesses, share increased 20% to alleviate the liquidity problems of companies. Frozen for 2015 widening access to the Guarantee Fund for SMEs to enterprises up to 499 employees.
 Back to 70% for 2015 integration of the reduced salary as a result of solidarity contracts.

LAWYERS AND PHARMACIES: sled 2017 reform examination enabling lawyers,
 and for two years the ownership of pharmacies will be achieved with the single registration, except for the 2,600 new homes to the competition extraordinary.

THE EAGLE AND EMILIA, AND SAVE AND LAZIO VENICE: arrive also some extensions much expectations in the territories. No penalties for Aquila also in 2015 for the excess of the Pact
 Stability, measure similar to that adopted for Lazio (amid protests, in particular the League), and another year ‘of breath, until mid-2016, for the Emilian firms who switched mortgages to pay
 taxes. There is also the ‘save-Venice loosening sanctions and allows you to take despite the accounts in disorder. Stretched end of the year also the contract for school employees of Palermo.


Turn on the M5S Quirinale: “Encounter friendly and nice” – The Press

Turn on the M5S Quirinale: "Encounter friendly and nice" – The Press

‘); adX25Out var j = $ (‘

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 Article taken from the edition on newsstands the day 02/27/2015 .


Turn on the M5S Quirinale: “Encounter friendly and nice”


 Grillo and Casaleggio ask Mattarella: defend the Chambers and “weigh” the Italicum

Grillo was received at Colle in a serene, almost good-natured. The proof is a small detail, but indicative: the end of the interview with Mattarella, the delegation to five star attempted to make a celebratory Selfie quirinalizio from the courtyard. The speakers were the cuirassiers to warn Grillo which normally could not, the pictures there are prohibited for reasons of safety. But then the Selfie was tripped too few yards away, and this time no one objected. Co … more

 ugo lean

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francesco grignetti

The Justice Minister Orlando try mediation: a cutting reform in six months, but the tone is dell’Anm raise: “It is an attempt to normalize the judiciary”


It will be punished even inertia. If convicted in the magistrate may be reduced salary up to 50%

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Salvini freezes Berlusconi: “We and you are different” – The Press

Salvini freezes Berlusconi: "We and you are different" – The Press

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 Article taken from the edition on newsstands the day 02/27/2015 .


Salvini freezes Berlusconi: “We and you are different”


 Tomorrow, the Northern League leader wants to bring 50 thousand people in the square in Rome

The table between him and Berlusconi is far from closed. And the differences, Matteo Salvini holds us that you know, count and weigh more in the vicinity. From the valleys of Tuscany Barberino del Mugello, the Northern League leader again raises the bar in comparison with Forza Italy and prepares the descent of tomorrow in Rome; square test and insidious sentitissimo by leaders of the Northern League who hope to overcome fifty appearances. “To date there is no agreement with Berlusconi on the political national – … more


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francesco grignetti

The Justice Minister Orlando try mediation: a cutting reform in six months, but the tone is dell’Anm raise: “It is an attempt to normalize the judiciary”


It will be punished even inertia. If convicted in the magistrate may be reduced salary up to 50%

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Bersani attacks Renzi and refuses meeting: “I am not a helper.” The … – The Messenger

Bersani attacks Renzi and refuses meeting: "I am not a helper." The … – The Messenger

And ‘again open clash between Pier Luigi Bersani and Matteo Renzi. Former Secretary Friday will not go to the meeting of parliamentarians of the Democratic Party with the premier. “I do not think so. Why I bow to the demands of communication, but that the leading bodies should be set out in a movie I’m not, “says the former secretary in a long interview which will be released on Friday Avvenire.

The Jobs Act” puts worker in a relationship of forces pre-70s “and thus arises” out by the constitutional, ‘says Bersani then.

The former Secretary of the Democratic Party then launches a sharp warning to the Prime Minister on Italicum and constitutional reform: “The conjunction” between the two texts “breaks the democratic balance. If the reform of the Constitution goes on like this, I will never vote for the election law. “

” Ours is a Democratic Party, in the name but also in the choices and in the method. All major decisions of these 15 months have been discussed and voted in the bodies of the party: the Jobs Act to the constitutional reforms, the electoral law to the measures on the Stability Law, “Renzi replica.

” No one has the truth in his pocket and no one wants to start with the fireplaces narrow old-fashioned way: we are for the comparison, always. Open and inclusive, without which no one is excluded, “added the prime minister, saying he was” astonished “by those in the minority Democratic Party,” plays the card of internal controversy “deserting the meeting tomorrow.

” I do not understand the controversy of these hours on meetings tomorrow to the Democratic Party – still claims Renzi -. Ours is a democratic party, in the name but also in the choices and in the method. All major decisions of these 15 months have been discussed and voted in the bodies of the party: the Jobs Act to the constitutional reforms, the electoral law to the measures on the Stability Law. We organized initiatives on school, foreign policy, Europe, party form, social, local and much more. “

On Friday, the leader dem explains,” we have offered an opportunity for more, just an opportunity to comparison, as always direct and blunt, we thought might be appreciated by those who often calls for more collegiality. A simple exchange of ideas, we are convinced that only by listening we can improve. ” Nobody says Renzi, “has the truth in his pocket and no one wants to start with the fireplaces narrow old-fashioned way: we are for the comparison, always. Open and inclusive, without which no one is excluded. “

” It is surprising, therefore, that there are those who – at this time – plays the card of internal controversy. Our people, what we vote in the primaries, and that, after so many defeats, gave 41% to change Europe and Italy, does not deserve unwarranted controversy even timetable and the procedures for convening of these informal meetings . Externally, we have delicate cases opened, beginning with the Libyan crisis. Domestically, even as we build the conditions of the recovery, a new right populist European trial to challenge the Democratic Party. We have no time to lose, do not waste a single minute in sterile polemics. At work, to restore hope and confidence to Italy. “


Salvini: no agreement between the League and Berlusconi, we are different – Il Sole 24 Ore

Salvini: no agreement between the League and Berlusconi, we are different – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on February 26, 2015 at 16:20.

“To date there is no agreement with Berlusconi on the national political level in Brussels because we sit on different banks, he defends the euro that we consider a coin wrong , he is together with Merkel, we at Le Pen. We have a vision of Italy and of Europe completely different. We want to bring a bit ‘of fresh air. ” So the League Secretary Matteo Salvini, two days after the mega-rally called by the Northern League in Rome, freezes the leader of Fi on alliances ahead of regional elections in Veneto and Campania.

Salvini: Tosi? Who makes it difficult to sit down Zaia out
On the controversy Zaia Tosi-secretary of the Northern League reiterated the line in favor of the current governor of the Veneto, having offered yesterday to the mayor of Verona a mediation proposal , offering him the nomination in five years, at the expiration of the second term of Zaia. “Zaia is one of the most popular governors of Italy, Veneto is one of the most efficient in Europe – said Salvini – then Zaia is not discussed, will have total and full mandate to recur for another five years. Tosi is a great mayor, is the secretary of the League in Veneto, if claims Zaia is welcome. Anyone turmoil in Zaia does a favor to the left and makes a sorrow to Veneto and then settles out. “

The moves Berlusconi
Silvio Berlusconi for now prefers to stay out of the clash inside the league. The Knight before exposure wants to understand how it will end the melee between Matteo Salvini and Flavio Tosi. Meanwhile, however, send a clear message to both sides. “Hard” that Fi can support a possible list Tosi against the current governor Luca Zaia, says spokeswoman Deborah Bergamini blue, but remember to Salvini that if insists on “going it alone, is likely to deliver the Veneto to the left” .
But the League leader pulls straight: “Never with Ncd, then Berlusconi will make his choices,” insisted yesterday. Now expects the Federal Council of the Northern League on Monday. If the league does not march compact, the risk of going out to the defeated regional is high. A risk, however, is also Fi. Why Berlusconi has curbed typhoid Brunetta and the magic circle for mayor of Verona. The story Venetian feel its effects even in Campania. Zaia support would mean to give up reapply Fi Stefano Caldoro since the Ncd not accept alliances variable geometry

Reforms: final vote Tuesday, March 10 in the House
Meanwhile, the conference of leaders set for Tuesday, March 10 in the House for a final vote on Constitutional reforms. It will start at 12.00. Voting on the agenda will start on March 9th. The Democratic Party aims to return in the Chamber of the opposition. “We offered – said the leader of the Democratic Party Robert Hope – more time for the return of the reforms in the House to reach a political fact essential: the return of the opposition in Parliament. Why not have more to repeat the scene that we saw during the voting on the amendments. ” In fact, the initial proposal was to hold a final vote as early as next week, but then it was decided by a slip conference of leaders.

