Monday, February 23, 2015

Jobs Act, Landini: “Premier unelected undermines democracy” – BBC

Jobs Act, Landini: "Premier unelected undermines democracy" – BBC

Milan , February 23, 2015 – 14:49


An axis between unions and the political left and vast cross that objects in a clear to the government. Typhoid, 48 hours after his interview on “Made Daily” drops made in the field, not stopping the role of the union but raising the level of confrontation with Matteo Renzi. And, while the case of the Secretary of Fiom CGIL already agitated, left and minority Dem, cashing the investiture of Sel and the chill of bersaniani, in the evening is the same Landini to reverse its potential descent into the field, denying any aspiration to found but a party talking, in its reply to the attack of Renzi, almost from the father of a new political project, “I defeated? Fiom has 350 thousand subscribers, more party Renzi. And we do not do dinners from 1000 Euros. ”

” What they did poorly and employees to Renzi? “

” I have not figured out what’s wrong did they Renzi workers. When he says “I can lay off even if you’re right and I will monetized,” Renzi does not understand the plight of the workers, “said Secretary of Fiom, attacking the Jobs Act.” I want to continue to make the union, “explains Landini on TV, ‘Otto e mezzo’, without retreat an inch from the idea of ​​a “broad social coalition” that is opposed to a prime minister, that “despite not having been elected, is erasing the Workers’ Statute. You risk the democratic seal of the country. With Renzi we felt, when I started to tell him that he did not agree, it was not possible to speak to him. I am no different to anyone, if anything, have been discriminated against, “said Landini.

Camusso: “Defeated but react”

For the main Italian unions are theses days, after the green light to the decrees of the Jobs Act Renzi which effectively canceled Article 18. Article 18 to admit that there was” a defeat “is Susanna Camusso, CGIL leader, in an interview with SkyTg24. “But – he added – you react to defeats, which is not, as some think, having been defeated back home: we will continue and we will find the tools necessary to protect the freedom of workers’.
Camusso complaint as” not there is no attention to a world of work that asks different orientations, this – he said – means to govern against the world of work, as objectively you’re doing. ” According to the leader of the CGIL must start from a “serious relaunch of bargaining, the reconquest of the rights.” And above all, “by a new statute of workers and employees, from our proposed statute.”

The meeting Landini-Camusso

Monday Camusso met the secretary of Fiom Typhoid. “It was a meeting that we asked ourselves, already last week to talk about the Assembly of Delegates of the Fiom, to be held in Cervia next Friday and Saturday,” says Landini. “There was no urgent call to clarify anything,” specify the Fiom after the rumors that were noted as the “call” occurred after the publication of an interview in the daily event in which he spoke of the need for Landini social coalition that is open to political representation also.

” I speak in the light of the sun “

” The interview is clear and explicit – noted Landini leaving the meeting – the titles were wrong. These are things that I’m saying for some time in the assets of the CGIL, the newspapers, inside and outside. It is not a new discussion. ” A position that is far from the line that just a month ago, the CGIL leader, Camusso, who has not officially commented on the interview, he outlined during a workshop inside the union. The CGIL, said essentially Camusso, can never “become a political force” nor will ever become an “aggregator consent to build a new political force or an area of ​​the party.”

Instead Landini has immediately denied that on the table of the meeting of Monday, there was also his interview with the Daily Done . Indeed, he said that “it was a meeting that we asked ourselves, already last week to talk about the Assembly of Delegates of the Fiom.” Then, specify the Fiom, “there was no urgent call to clarify anything.”

23 February 2015 | 14:49



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