Saturday, February 28, 2015

League, Roma armored to the rally of Salvini. Yesterday clashes, three thousand … – The XIX Century

League, Roma armored to the rally of Salvini. Yesterday clashes, three thousand … – The XIX Century

 The League leader from the stage of the event of the Northern League in Piazza del Popolo in Rome attacks the premier


Rome – Vaffa to Renzi (“foolish servant of Brussels’), but also to Alfano and Fornero . And then the “ticks” of the social centers that occupy churches. Matteo Salvini has talked for about half an hour from the stage in Piazza del Popolo and fired to zero on its strong themes: safety (“there is no excess of legitimate defense”), taxation (“when we get to Government will put a single rate of 15%, the Swiss will be here to bring money “), security (” the borders must be defended, with discrimination complaints office I will blow my nose “).

Wide the range of quotations , by Don Milani to Oriana Fallaci, by Marco Paolini to the Sicilian Don Luigi Sturzo. Because, says Salvini, “we must start from the concept of” Italie “to highlight the differences.”

On the stage have also spoken Giorgia Meloni and Luca Zaia , only executive League with the right microphone. His challenger Flavio Tosi was in the crowd in the square.

For the rest, everything went smoothly in terms of public order: Northern League and Pound House on the one hand, antagonists on the other (photo gallery) .

The center of Rome remained armored (photo gallery) in a day of demonstrations by red dot after the riots yesterday culminated with the occupation of the basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo part of the “anti-racist”. Salvini opened the event talking about a challenge to Renzi “in her house,” and the project also open to disappointed “Renzi and Grillo.” It closed at Venditti: “Grazie Roma” (photo gallery) .

The event also Umberto Bossi and Roberto Maroni (photo gallery) .


18:37 Concluded the event anti-League
It was concluded without incidents feared on the eve of the march organized by grassroots unions, community centers, Sel, movements the house to protest the meeting of the League in Piazza del Popolo. Collected under the slogan “Never with Salvini”, participants – at least thirty thousand seconds the organizers – marched in an entirely peaceful from Piazza Cavour to St. Andrew the valley, along streets patrolled by a large deployment of police. The event originally was to end in Campo dei Fiori, the square but being too small, it was decided to make a U-turn, so the anti-Salvini are back to the old town and have closed the parade square in Venice.

17.47 Hug between Tosi and Salvini
Hug Piazza del Popolo between the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini and the mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, who followed the manifestation of the Northern League from the stage but not among the delegates Venetian streets. Among the throng of reporters and protesters, the mayor has made its way up to Salvini which continues to be surrounded by photographers and reporters.

In Rome also the governor of the Veneto, Luca Zaia . This square? It is “a place where everyone is against Renzi. It is a piece of the Institute what it takes to win, “emphasizes Tosi adding:” We all work for the same goal. ” And who notes that in the square there is also Zaia and asked what would happen with respect to the regional Veneto, Tosi responds: “Monday we’ll see you in Milan and if there is mutual respect and respecting the autonomy of each one goes on as usual », also said Tosi who then reached the governor of Lombardy, Roberto Maroni and then together to leave the Piazza del Popolo.

17,42 The anti-League:” We are too many. ” Reversing
“We have a problem, we are too.” Arrived at the height of Sant’Andrea della Valle, the organizers take note of what seemed obvious enough: Campo dei Fiori, original destination of the march “never with Salvini” is not big enough to contain the participants (30 thousand according to the latest estimate ). Hence, inevitably, the program change: the parade heads back, the tail current becomes the head and back all towards the Colosseum. “Now we can say, we double them,” cry the organizers of the truck, where “they” are of course the League gathered in Piazza del Popolo. “We chased the League from Rome,” sing triumphant protesters.

17,38 Salvini: “I hope to do the Secretary for little ‘
” I hope to do the Secretary for the shortest time possible. It is a wonderful adventure but the shoulders are heavy, though not nothing wrong you break his balls anyway. ” So the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, from the stage of the event in Rome.

17,35 Salvini thanks Bossi
“Unlike Renzi spitting in dishes where ate until yesterday, I will be eternally grateful and say thank Bossi that woke me and woke us up, otherwise we were still sleeping. ” So Matteo Salvini from the stage of the event of the League in Rome. “Thanks to Gianfranco Miglio, Roberto Maroni, and those who come after me,” he added.

16,48 Salvini on stage, “Renzi foolish servant of Brussels’
“The problem is not Renzi, he is a pawn, is the foolish servant available Brussels» .So Matteo Salvini from the stage during the event of the League in Rome.

He smiles from the stage when the Salvini Square rise choirs’ vaffa … ‘to Renzi and Alfano: “We will be a little’ free range – says the leader of the League from the stage – but this square we will leave cleaner unlike other ticks that smash windows, we are with the police, and we thank them. “

” But because every time I say Renzi you say “vaffa …”? Then they say that this is a square rude. Not good. Then Renzi is offended and also puts a tax on vaffa … “so Salvini choirs who get up in the square while intervenes at the conclusion of the event of the League.

He adds: “I pledge to cancel the law … to Fornero Fornero and vaffa.”

“They have tried everything to not fill this square, from community centers to nerds occupies churches. The answer is you, “says Salvini from the stage to the protesters, also evoking the category of” ticks “to attack those who contested the event in the Capital League.

” This is a beautiful square, which I fights against two enemies: conformism and fear, “added the leader of the League.

16,36 Giorgia Meloni on stage
” They thought of having reduced to be quiet. To have scared half and bought the other half. But in Italy there is still who cares Brussels and slides, and the secret son of Vanna Marchi: Matteo Renzi. ” It is a Giorgia Meloni “attack” the one that bears the greeting of Brothers of Italy on the stage of the League. “From the Roman, I can only be happy,” adds that this path “depart from Rome,” and is going through “one of the worst moments thanks to the allegro surgeon,” he adds, referring to the mayor Ignazio Marino who, he says, will be placed “after the sack of lansquenets and the fire of Nero. ”

16,17 Movements “Never with Salvini”: “We are 35 thousand”
“We are 35 thousand, Salvini Rome is ours.” This is the message from the movements “Never with Salvini ‘who are marching in the center of Rome against the manifestation of the leader of the Northern League in Piazza del Popolo. Activists also attack Casapound. “Close it is a duty,” said the megaphone.

From 16,16 square chorus of “vaffa” the Government
From Piazza del Popolo full of protesters leaguers salt also a chorus of “vaffa” addressed to the Prime Minister before Renzi and then, when it comes to immigration, the Interior Minister, Angelino Alfano.

16.14 Bossi: “Do not abandon Berlusconi»
“We should not abandon nor Tosi nor Berlusconi. It is not convenient to go forward without the Knight. ” This was stated by Umberto Bossi on the sidelines of the event alloy North “Renzi at home ‘in Rome (photo gallery) . “With Casapound no alliance – adds – the current one is transitory.”

16,10 Tosi: “I do not want to break ‘
” Rupture depends on who wants it, we do not want. We place the stakes under the statute of the League. ” He said Flavio Tosi, reporters in the Piazza del Popolo in Rome, where the event takes place in the League: the mayor of Verona is among the militants away from the stage.

15,48 Bossi: “No alliance with CasaPound”
“There is no alliance with CasaPound. There Salvini and then there’s the league: two things both with a thinking head and a heart. ” So the leader and founder of the League, Umberto Bossi, on the sidelines of the event in Piazza del Popolo, to those who ask for the presence of CasaPound streets. “With CasaPound is a temporary alliance. When you’re surrounded … »says Bossi referring to immigrants and to the danger terrorism.

15,44 In the square there is also Tosi There is also
the mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, in Piazza del Popolo. It is not on the stage, is reported, but it is in the square with the delegation of the militants of the Veneto.

15,39 Meloni: “In the square credible alternative to Renzi”
“Here is a credible alternative to Matteo Renzi and his failed policies.” He says Giorgia Meloni, leader of Brothers of Italy, in Piazza del Popolo to the manifestation of the League. The hope, adds to those who question whether a new center is being born today, is that this alternative “will spread.” Meloni door today his greetings on stage to Matteo Salvini and the leader of the League will be March 7 to bring the greetings of the Northern League in the event of FDI that will take place in Venice. So we will work together for a common initiative to be carried out in April inviting possibly Marine Le Pen.

15.38 – Movements of the extreme right to the streets with giant Marò
movements of the extreme right, including CasaPound, entered in the Piazza del Popolo in the parade. The militants have fallen from the Pincio and joined the tens of thousands of supporters and members of the League of Salvini arrived for the demonstration against the government. Leading the parade, giant posters of the two Marò, Girone and Latorre: “Free our soldiers.” From the square started a round of applause.

15.33 – The shirt Salvini
“I’m with Stacchio, with those who defend the territory”, is written on T-shirt worn by the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, for the manifestation of the Piazza del Popolo. Graziano Stacchio is the gas station that killed a robber in the Vicenza area.

15.08 – The parade anti-League
It just started from Piazza Vittorio the march organized by movements that are recognized under the slogan “Never with Salvini.” Several thousand people are marching in via the Statute behind a long banner designed by Zerocalcare, that read “No to austerity policies. No government Renzi. “

14.56 – Salvini:” This square is already a show “
This square” is above all a show already. ” So the leader of the Northern League, Matteo Salvini, arrived in the square between the People dl standing ovation and handshakes militants. To those who question what to expect from today’s event, he replied: “A peaceful square, determined and courageous, willing to change” in Italy and in Europe.

14.51 – Start the parade anti-League
the cry “Salvini, Rome does not want you,” has just left from Piazza Vittorio, in the Esquilino neighborhood in Rome, the procession of the movements “Never with Salvini,” which now will cross Rome city center until you get to Campo dei Fiori. “Rome is fascist,” reads one of the many banners displayed by activists. “No to austerity policies, not to the government Renzi ‘reads instead on the banner that opens the parade.

Rome armored
Four agents
and 80 crews of the Crime Prevention Department of the State Police and dell ‘ Carabinieri are employed in the demonstrations in Rome today. clicked since yesterday evening controls at a tollbooth, train stations, consular roads, the historic center, in the subways and squares meeting.

The focus is on the conduct the event of the League in the Piazza del Popolo Casapound and the concomitant parade in front of the “ never with Salvini ” Piazza Vittorio to Campo de ‘ Flowers, passing through Piazza Venezia.

The tensions in the square yesterday
Five protesters were stopped by police following clashes took place in the afternoon at Piazzale Flaminio, to protest the event convened by the League. The demonstrators blocked the road launching several paper bombs and bottles to agents who guarded the entrance to Piazza del Popolo where you set the stage for the intervention of the Northern League leader. In the square itself, to reaffirm the role of anti-Renzi on a Saturday that promises to “hot.”

But the showdown of the League is far from burying the idea of ​​alliance with FI, starting from the Veneto where the puzzle remains tied to the choices of the “rebel” Flavio Tosi . It is from the Veneto, however, who will start the game of joints for the definition of a center-right alliance in which if Ncd raises the stakes, thanks to its “weight” in Campania, Salvini former premier forwards a real AUTORANGE aut: “ or me or Alfano .”

On Monday, the federal council League
Everything, in any case, will be decided after Monday, when it meets the federal council League. Only then Salvini, and especially Silvio Berlusconi, melt the reservations about what to do while, for now, the former prime minister, seems to play a role of “mediator” between two fires, the Northern League and the alfaniano. Today, in Rome, a will speak Salvini and Zaia , in a demonstration and clashes that already in his eve saw riots starring the social movements. Disorders on which Salvini tersely: “I’m not Italian, are four thugs of the social centers.”

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