Friday, February 27, 2015

Pd, struggle continues: D’Alema and Bersani. Renzi: “Senate and Italicum … – The Daily

Pd, struggle continues: D'Alema and Bersani. Renzi: "Senate and Italicum … – The Daily


The clash inside the Pd becomes a war of position. The words of Pierluigi Bersani seem to have opened the hostilities, but also a Pandora’s box. Throughout the day, before, during and after the meeting of the President of the Council Matteo Renzi with about 200 MPs, the Left Party has continued to attack the “method” of the comparison on the issues in the coming weeks will mark the work of the government and representatives near the head of the government have defended the road taken. And then, to make names, Gianni Cuperlo – Renzi former rival in the primaries and former party president lasted just over a month – wrote to Renzi explaining that the absence of his and other MPs and senators is due to the fact that the proposals of minorities are regularly ignored and unheard. Back even Massimo D’Alema that the electoral law confirms that “ ;Bersani has raised a real problem and I hope that this gives rise to a serious correction of the text of the law.” Across the Maria Elena Boschi reiterates that, indeed, “when they are offered in most places to discuss, I do not think there is reason to complain” but “if one prefers not to participate we respect his choices.” Indeed, he adds, is discussed more now than in the past. Bersani, therefore, had an “excess of controversy,” said Assistant Secretary Lorenzo Guerini . But at the end of day zero results: constitutional reforms and Italicum remain so, confirms the President of the Council.

The situation becomes so out of control that you see even Renato Brunetta express, through the his Mattinale , solidarity Bersani. “The minority of the Democratic Party, which according to the knowledgeable Stefano Folli worth at least 30 percent of the votes of the entire parliamentary group, rebelled openly against Renzi. This is why we like the slogan: Force Bersani . ” The Woods gets along well saying that “they did a big annoyance: I think the first not to be happy will Bersani”. Brunetta controribattuto on Twitter.

With Renzi 200 MPs (out of over 400)
were over 200 out of the 422 MPs who showed up at the headquarters of the Nazarene for the meeting with Renzi. Party sources have pointed out, talking to news agencies, which in the hall there was a constant coming and going of people depending on the topics covered. Very followed discussions on school and Rai , while the hours pass some MPs are gone and the room began to empty. The theme of the tax , which should have been treated to last, has been, since the discussion on RAI and school lasted beyond the expected. At the meeting “there were also parliamentary minority Democratic Party and also spoke on the merits,” says the deputy leader Ettore Rosato . “All instances are treated when they are entered. Today were posed many questions that have been implemented and that we will find in the next steps of th e government. ” In the absence of the minority, assures, “I do not see the political consequences, today there was a comparison of the merits. There is no break. “

Cuperlo:” In three minutes I solve quiz, not the tax reform “ After a
‘ interview with Future and Gr1 of Bersani (“It ‘s time to discuss seriously, not to spot”), had been Gianni Cuperlo , Left Dem leader, to revive the controversy. In a letter to Renzi has motivated the absence so the Nazarene: “The jobs act, the government has ignored suggestions exactly lines and voted by the management, on constitutional reform have not given even one vote,” he says, explaining that “in three minutes I can solve the quiz and tax reform. ” “Dear President – supports Cuperlo – Ask for suggestions and lines of work after the jobs act, the government has ignored suggestions exactly lines and voted by the direction of the Democratic Party and then by the parliamentary committees. After the constitutional reform have not given even one vote that would have helped, now in the Senate, to correct those mistakes and inconsistencies which may, in fact, to make cumbersome reform. After other ‘failures’ to proposals of pure common sense. ” But ideas, Cuperlo adds, “we are not lacking, the will submit to the groups. The problem is if one listens to them. “

But the minority is in no particular order
Behind Cuperlo Bersani and there are so many MPs Pd, although not all. There is Rosy Bindi , for example: “I agree with the choices of those who have gone there. In an hour you do not share the reforms Rai , the school and tax . There you come and say that because we are late you have to hurry. I would like that because there are conditions you did well. ” For example, for the former president of the party, “the school needs a real reform and not an effect communication. And frankly do not understand why the letter has not arrived double signature of the Secretary and the parent. ” But not everyone has jumped the meeting: “Beyond the call of the method and unusual frankly questionable – says the chairman of the Chamber of Labour and former Minister Bersani, Cesare Damiano – I am of the school that whenever there is a place to discuss it goes even if it is at 5 am and behind the Carmelites. ” And there was also Francesco Boccia : “It ‘was a useful meeting – admits the Budget Committee Chair – but is functional if the things you say then turn into parliamentary acts, when they become tweet end up being what they are, hot air “.

I do renziani square: also returns Nardella
The fact that it is not the usually daily confrontation with blows of words between the souls of the party understand that they come forward all the Praetorian Guard of the President of the Council: the two deputy secretaries, the Minister for Reforms, even is recalled to duty, the mayor of Florence. “The spaces of confrontation – says Lorenzo Guerini – should always be used, because a party that discusses is a party that lives and ensuring the dialectic within itself, which is able to involve all its energies in policy that aims to achieve for the country. Desert spaces of confrontation believe it is not helpful. Invitation to have no polemic that nobody needs. I think that everyone has to make their contribution so that our internal comparison is true, but also loyal and respectful. ” The other vice-Renzi, Debora Serracchiani , adds, “We must go on with the discussion, but also with the ability to respond.” Inevitable Federico Gelli and Andrea Marcucci , recordmen statements pro-Matthew: “It ‘a storm in a glass,” says the first (Pisa), “The debate and discussion are the lifeblood of a party. The Pd with Matteo Renzi practice them every day, “adds the second (Lucca). So much for the comeback of Dario Nardella , former MP and now mayor of Florence: “Bersani will focus more on substantive issues and less on formalities and reaches the conclusion to join the discussion with the party on the reforms that really matter to citizens. “



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