Sunday, February 15, 2015

Renzi: go forward, to March Rai – Il Sole 24 Ore

Renzi: go forward, to March Rai – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on February 15, 2015 at 08:12.


“I think to regret should be the center-right opposition. We fine. Let us go forward. ” And yet, on Twitter: “Thanks to the tenacity of the deputies were completed the votes on second reading of the constitutional reform. Hugs to #gufi and #sorciverdi. ” Matteo Renzi is back for the second night following the House to give its manforte, left alone with the centrists to vote for the abolition of the Senate and the reform of Title V. And in the evening, speaking of Tg1, does not hide a certain bitterness for the uproar of these days in the House and to the Aventine decided by the opposition. “But it would be a mistake to stop. I am 20 years that Italy stops. We have done everything to the opposition were at the table. If they go, what can we do? The important thing is that Italy goes ahead, that finally face the reforms. ” Reforms that does not fail to remind the prime minister, have hitherto been shared and voted also by Silvio Berluscon i. “Berlusconi has changed the ideas many times, and this time too. I’m sorry for him essentially. Italy has changed the past, do not allow him to change the future. If you want to know where we are, otherwise we will reform themselves. ” Archived for now page reforms (the final grade will be in March, then will be the time dell’Italicum), the premier reiterated that the end of the legislature remains fixed at 2018 and already is projected on upcoming deadlines. Starting from the expected Council of Ministers of February 20, which will have to put his hand – he said – to the question of VAT as well as, with the decrees of the Jobs Act, the CoCoCo and motherhood. Then, revealing that will see the final of the Sanremo Festival as many Italians, announces the microphones of Tg1 that in March the government will intervene on Rai: “We want to make the Rai the most innovative company culture that exists in Europe.”

Full speed ahead, then. Sure, the show of the House of Deputies in the half-empty hours of yes to the constitutional reform is not of those who put tranquility. If only because the reform will have to go over in the Senate to finish the first two readings provided by the Constitution, and will not be an easy transition if Forza Italy will continue to remain at the barricades. True that the Senate will have to express only the parts in the meantime amended by the House, but the compactness of the group Pd will be crucial not to risk. On the night of Deputies deputies dem have actually responded compactly despite the reservations of the minority on the method, sensing that this time at stake was not just reforms but the fate of the legislature. “Of course we wanted to make reforms with the most highest possible consensus, but what should we do? – Say s Giorgio Tonini, the secretariat -. Go behind Brunetta going to protest by Mattarella because he was elected President, as the reason for the breach of the covenant of the reforms is this? Or go to vote with Consultellum would like Grillo so then we are forced to do the government with Berlusconi? “.

All in all home renziana atmosphere is positive. The yes to the reforms came Friday night, one day earlier than announced, and the final go-ahead will be as set out in early March. “We gasatissimi, a thousand,” admits another renzianissimo Ermini like David, who was also in the office. “The pictures of the press conference Sel-League-Forza Italy is the photo of the losers,” adds Ermini, saying he was confident even sull’Italicum. “If you see that there are numbers you can find an alternative to the blocked list headers wanted by Berlusconi – is the” threat “facing Fi, but also to the minority Democratic Party that would like a mixed list locked / preferences -. We can for example introduce the colleges. ” Full speed ahead, therefore, beyond the CDM of 20 February. The only real concern Renzi, trusts who spoke to us at this time, is Libya.




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