Saturday, February 14, 2015

Reforms, ok to amendments. Renzi: “We do not stop.” M5S … – The Messenger

Reforms, ok to amendments. Renzi: "We do not stop." M5S … – The Messenger

“We parliamentarians M5S we are ready to resign to bring down Parliament and go to the polls.” The warning is Alessandro Di Battista and comes after the night marathon in which the ‘Hall of the House has completed its examination of the amendments and then the items to the bill on the reforms. The final ok to the text by the House (the second of the four steps required) is expected within the first days of March. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was in plenary.

Di Battista speaks from Piazza Cola di Rienzo in Rome in front of the gazebo of the petition # fuoridall’euro. “We are certain – he adds – that the other oppositions do not, are attached to the seats.” But the parties of the Democratic Party minority felt his bad mood. Francesco Boccia, Budget Committee Chair of Cameraanche Boccia, warns: If in March, at the time of the final vote on the reforms , you were to repeat the absence of all opposition, the minority of Democratic Party would not take part in the vote itself. You vote in one night more than 350 amendments to a constitutional reform, I do not know if it is a record, but if it is, is a record low. “

Boccia explains that minority of the Democratic Party voted evenly to the group (except on a couple of amendments), ‘for compliance with the decisions of the Assembly group. In the Assembly – refers Boccia – we have given to the Secretary-premier credit in his attempt to mediate with the opposition. In my opinion there were conditions for mediation yesterday, why have a classroom full worth a day of more work. This mediation has not been done, and so some of us have not participated in the vote (Fassina and Civati ​​ed), others have voted not to undermine the foundations of the Democratic Party remains the only center of gravity in a political system in dissolution. But now that in March we will have to express the final vote, I have no intention of voting reforms with a half-empty Parliament, because it would be a bad precedent. “

” Some opposition, as M5s – admits Boccia – have wrong tones and methods, because when disallow another colleague to speak, disallow the basic functioning of democracy. But if all the opposition parties have decided to get out we can not think that they are all subversives. There is something wrong and we must farcene load. Yesterday Renzi asked an open-end credit, he has been given with the commitment to keep open the mediation, if not, it remains to this reform we can not vote. ” “I’ll move it to the direction of the Democratic Party that in all public occasions because the Democratic Party to avoid repeating the mistake of the past, the approval of a majority of strokes reform. The Constitution must be loved by all Italians and approval with the votes of only one party undermines this goal. Renzi then open a mediation, while also offering the ability to edit the text again in the Senate. ”

Renzi on Twitter . “Thanks to the tenacity of the deputies completed the votes on the second reading of the constitutional reform. Hugs to owls and green mice, “wrote the president of the Council at the end of the marathon Parliamentary leading to the approval of the constitutional bill in the House.

Then attacks : “I think to regret should be the center, the oppositions. We all right, let’s move on. “

And, again on Twitter , the prime minister added:” After QE, investment plan, commission on flexibility, dollar-euro, thanks to reforms Structural #italiariparte not we stop it #lavoltabuona. “

Not only that, also comes the announcement on the measures in the pipeline for the Council of Ministers next Friday:” Next Council Ministers (Friday). Enactment of VAT numbers, e-invoicing, CoCoCo, maternity #lavoltabuona. “

In short, Renzi does not stop and continues to challenge the opposition. But have no intention of giving up their struggle and hope in the help of a part of the minority of the Democratic Party that, even in this last parliamentary passage, showed signs of impatience with the prime minister-secretary.

“Matteo Renzi buuuuuuu … He laughs best who laughs last, in Etruria and around,” he replies, always on Twitter, Renato Brunetta, leader of Forza Italy in House.

The Hall of the House has approved nela night the last four items to the bill on reforms (38-41) on the coordination, transitional provisions and the final ones as well as the article on the entry into force dates. The green light to articles was greeted by applause of the deputies of the Democratic Party, who have also stood up.

             Saturday, February 14, 2015, 08:21 – Last Updated: 18:24


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