Friday, February 20, 2015

Forza Italy, Lease is pappa Berlusconi … Lease Lease Lease! –

Forza Italy, Lease is pappa Berlusconi … Lease Lease Lease! –

Lease torpedoes Berlusconi Berlusconi . Forza Italy at the end? Lease Lease is not sparing Berlusconi Berlusconi with which relations are completely deteriorated, Lease is preparing to debut with its Rebuilders February 21. In the event of Lease scheduled in Rome Auditorium Maximum, in front of an audience made up of militants from all regions of Italy and parliamentarians blue, the head of Frondeurs will send a clear message to Cav: we are not afraid to say what we think, we have to change step, start from the territory and legitimacy from the bottom of the ruling class. And it is the voters to Forza Italy disappointed by Forza Italy of the government, until the breaking of the covenant of the Nazarene, pointing Lease ready After Rome, to travel the length and breadth of Italy with an agenda already thick of meetings and appointments.

Brunetta and Romans that in a joint statement (a way to also put an end to the tensions between them) point out that it is necessary for a party that is “dialectic and internal debate”: something different though than those who “takes off from this open debate, reducing a comparison that should focus on content and about a continuous and aggressive attack bodies and those who hold positions and roles, to the leadership itself. ” Berlusconi will wait to hear what he will say Lease and based on what he will say Lease of Puglia will decide whether to respond or not.


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