Saturday, February 28, 2015

The League in the square with Casapound. Salvini: I love Rome but thieving … – Il Sole 24 Ore

The League in the square with Casapound. Salvini: I love Rome but thieving … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on February 28, 2015 at 24:08.
The last change is the February 28, 2015 at 16:14.

The far-right movements, including CasaPound, entered in the Piazza del Popolo in joining the parade the event “Renzi at home”, organized by the Northern League in Rome. The militants have fallen from the Pincio and joined the tens of thousands of supporters and members of the League of Salvini arrived for the demonstration against the government. Leading the parade, giant posters of the two Marò, Girone and Latorre: “Free our soldiers.” They carry flags of Europe changed with a red X to delete the Union. In the square is also a billboard depicting Benito Mussolini making the fascist salute and beside the word “Salvini, expecting you!”.

Tosi: I do not want to break
“The break depends on who wants it, we do not want. We place the stakes under the statute of the League, “said Flavio Tosi, reporters in the Piazza del Popolo in Rome. The mayor of Verona is among the militants away from the stage.

Mega banner: “Berlusconi is politically dead”
Two large tractors are positioned on either side of the Piazza del Popolo as representatives of farmers’ associations that have joined the demonstration of Salvini. “Berlusconi politically dead, only better,” is written on a mega banner hoisted by the Northern League behind the stage of the event in Piazza del Popolo. In the square there is a mix of flags and slogans. Many of the Veneto, Piedmont and Padania, among the members of the League. “Simply euro”, “Stop invasion”, are slogans against Europe and immigration. Some leaguers hold up signs along the lines of those that indicate the names of the streets: “Salvini Largo” and “Via Renzi”. Do not miss “Marino at home.”

She takes all’Esquilino against the parade
Meanwhile, the organizers of the parade “Never with Salvini” are parading all’Esquilino. Disputes anti-League yesterday have caused tensions in the capital, concentrated in the area of ​​Piazza del Popolo (where today there will be the manifestation of the Northern League) with throwing paper bombs and tear gas, police charges, five activists anti-Salvini stopped and a police officer injured. It was even occupied and then cleared the basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo, where he was a banner: “Never with Salvini, respingiamolo.”

In the square Salvini, Zaia and Meloni
In addition to Matteo Salvini and Luca Zaia, also the leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, is on stage. In Piazza Vittorio, where will, however, start at 14 the procession of radical movements, the police have installed grates over two meters high. Fences, patrolled by police, blocking the entrance to Via Napoleone III, national headquarters Casapound. All surrounding streets are closed by armored law enforcement.

Bossi: alliance with transient Casapound
“We should not abandon it ‘Tosi’ Berlusconi. Does not suit us, “said the leader and founder of the League, Umberto Bossi, today in the square in Rome for the manifestation of the Northern League. “With Casapound there is an alliance, this alliance is temporary because when you’re surrounded,” said Senatur speaking with reporters in Piazza del Popolo.

Salvini: Rome is full of crooks, citizens need a mayor League
Salvini said they would do well to Rome, “as in all cities of a ‘ Italy beautiful that someone is trying to sell off. ” Thieving Rome, said he continues, “there yet. Look Buzzi and Mafia Capital. But I have it with the corridors of power, not with the driver or with the newspaper. ” So for Salvini “the capital is full of crooks. Citizens victims need a mayor League. “

Tripped the security plan in the capital
Meanwhile tripped the security plan in the capital to lock down the city. Three thousand agents and 80 crews of the Crime Prevention Department of the State Police and the Carabinieri will be used in the demonstrations planned today in Rome. Yesterday was held at police headquarters the operational meeting, chaired by the Quaestor D’Angelo, for the preparation of the security services. Snapped since yesterday evening controls at toll stations, consular roads, the historic center, in the subways and squares meeting. Expected the arrival of over 150 coaches from all over Italy as well as four special trains. The Police Headquarters has announced that the attention has focused on the conduct of the event of the League in the Piazza del Popolo and the concomitant procession from Piazza Vittorio to Campo de ‘Fiori, which will pass through Piazza Venezia.



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