Tuesday, February 17, 2015

VAT numbers, frozen contribution rate to 27.72%. Lock-evictions … – Il Sole 24 Ore

VAT numbers, frozen contribution rate to 27.72%. Lock-evictions … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on February 16, 2015 at 14:19.
The last change is the February 17, 2015 at 16:10.

After the green light at dawn this morning in committee, the decree Milleproroghe arrives this afternoon in the House Chamber. At 18.30 will BEGINNING general discussion, followed by voting, while waiting the request of the vote of confidence of the Government.

Extension to 2015 of the old regime of “minimum”
The most expected was the extension to 2015 of the old system of minimum VAT at 5% and the reopening of deferral of Equitalia folders. The amendment approved on dips establishes that the holders of VAT, with gains of up to 30 thousand euro, throughout 2015 will qualify for both the new system of minimum with the flat rate to 15%, as required by law Stability 2015 for both the old regime to 5% but with a limit of up to 5 years or after 35 years of age.

Matches Iva, stuck at 27.72% the increase in the INPS
Among the changes last minute, even Adopting Saltamartini always on matches Iva, signed by all the parliamentary groups: stuck at 27.72%, for the third consecutive year, the expected increase in the contribution rate INPS for matches I va, graces the cover of € 120 million identified by the government . The rate of social security contributions payable by VAT registered subscribers to separate management INPS will gradually increase over the next few years later: will rise to 28% in 2016 and to 29% in 2017.

Parliamentarians satisfied
To Congresswoman Clare Gribaudo (Pd), a member of the Committee on Labor, “Parliament has done its job and the government has kept its word,” a measure of “important for all self-employed Management separate, now mostly young or low-income, so we worked hard. Also fulfilled Barbara Saltamartini (Mixed), which speaks of “great victory of the whole Parliament that has recovered all’autogoal. Now #lapartita is closed. ” Claim your a decisive role in the approval of the amendment also M5S: “After a tough battle in the end we did it.”

Evictions, mini extension of four months
Among the changes to the decree Milleproroghe launched by commissions gathered Constitutional Affairs and Budget also a kind of “mini-extension” for 4 months of the block evictions: the reformulation of several amendments provides that the court may “have the suspension of the “eviction” of up to one hundred and twentieth day after the entry into force of the Law of Conversion “to allow” passage from home to home. ”

Wolves: attention to cases actually in need
The amendment – said Infrastructure Minister Maurizio Lupi – does justice in double sense: not a perpetual automatic extension of evictions, considered unconstitutional by the Advisory, and gives time to the cases actually need to be implemented because the transition from home to home. ” For their “municipalities may use the bottom rents, funded in 2014 with 100 million euro in 2015 and with other 100. Until these funds are materially available, just to ease the transition from home to home, at the request of the tenant the judge responsible for the execution of the eviction has 120 days from the date of conversion of the law to decide the suspension of the eviction and its duration. ” In short: “No automatic generalized, but real will to resolve the emergency case by case carefully to the needs and respecting the rights of all.”

Guarantee Fund, limited audience
It was then restricted to companies with up to 250 employees of SMEs that the audience will have access, for 2015, the Guarantee Fund . The amendment, proposed by the M5S and approved by the commission, suspend until 31 December 2015 the widening of the base introduced by the Law of Stability for companies up to 499 employees, postponing 2016.

Earthquake Emilia, more time for entrepreneurs to return the loan
Approved in the night also an amendment that postpones the start of the term of repayment of the loan by the entrepreneurs of the area of ​​the earthquake in Emilia to pay the taxes. “The term to begin restituzione- recall in a note MEPs dem Modena Davide Baruffi and Matthew Richetti – was set for June 30 this year. Thanks to the amendment, the new date is now June 30, 2016, “deadline that guarantees” over a year of further breath for businesses that were damaged by the quake and that, in this way, they have no time to find their own financial balance before starting to return the debt taken out to pay taxes. “

The opposition announced troubled waters
The passage in the House the decree will not be easy: Forza Italy has already warned that, after the breaking of the covenant of the Nazarene, “the government in the House will see the green mice” precisely from Milleproroghe. Even the 5 Star Movement challenged the ‘method Renzi’ that explained George Sorial, vice president of the Budget Committee, “in fact completely isolates the Democratic Party, which in the end is to work alone, carrying on what comes from the government without a parliamentary work seriously. ” The chairman of the Budget Committee, Francesco Boccia, appealed “to the good sense of all.”



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