ROME – “With this decree the Democratic Party of Renzi become the party of the strong interests. After arriving on the positions of Ichino now reached Sacconi, at this point, can enter the Pd Renzi “. Stefano Fassina, a member of the minority of the Democratic Party, did not vote the Jobs Act, and today categorically condemns the delegated decree passed by the government. Still, Renzi announced that the second decree on the job would be more leftist than the previous. There was the cancellation of the fake employees, the extension of some safeguards. Do not you think an attempt to do some ‘cleaning in the jungle of temporary contracts? The President Renzi said he had scrapped the collaborators. From now on there will or self-employment or that subject. Is not it an improvement? Yes, but the project workers there are in the private sector. Always Premier , however, argues that for a whole generation of young workers there will be rights and protections. There motherhood for VAT numbers. The government aims on extending the contract indefinitely increasing protections. It is better than a partnership contract or temporary? The government has not taken into account the views, non-binding, the parliamentary commissions. What do you think?
“It is an extraordinary propaganda operation. They remain all forms of precarious contracts. With this decree the Italian labor law back the fifties. Renzi implement the economic agenda of the Troika with a fidelit y that – I am sure – Professor Monti envy. “
“Propaganda. The scrapping of the co. Co. Co’s already been, remain only in the public service where, for the hiring freeze, there will be no transformation” .
“Yeah, but with the exceptions that have been planned will not change anything. For example, will remain all as now for professionals without VAT. There remain also-term contracts without causality remain intermittent work, work well and accessory apprenticeship requirements without stabilization. The book of temporary contracts does not change. It is a leaf fig tree to cover the only real objective of this government at work: delete the possibility of reintegration into the workplace in the event of unjustified dismissal, ie delete Article 18 “.
“Another propaganda operation. There is nothing more than what was already required by law Fornero. “
” There is already . He introduced Livia Turkish for all working women. “
“The expected increase in permanent contracts there will be no thanks to the deletion of Article 18 but due to the cut in contributions for three years for new employees in 2015. A measure that costs a lot and that , given the state of our public finances, will not be repeated. “
“That is a very serious matter. The government has not only ignored the opinion of the Parliament but also the agenda of the Executive Board of the Democratic Party that called for the reinstatement for dismissal for disciplinary and collective ones. It shows that those who, like me, chose not to participate in the vote on the Jobs Act was right while deluded those who thought that Parliament could change the decrees. But I also think that our parent should make an assessment of what happened. “
- Arguments:
- Interview Politics
- Starring:
- Stefano Fassina
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