Saturday, February 28, 2015

Renzi: Tuesday in CDM also plan for ultra-wideband … – Il Sole 24 Ore

Renzi: Tuesday in CDM also plan for ultra-wideband … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on February 27, 2015 at 15:29.
The last change is the February 27, 2015 at 20:47.

At the Council of Ministers next Tuesday will arrive also the plan for ultra-wideband. He said the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi during the meeting with the MPs of the Democratic Party to the Nazarene, also communicating the probable date for the regional elections: May 10. A meeting, today, preceded by the tearing of Pier Luigi Bersani, who in an interview with Avvenire (-of which excerpts were released yesterday) announced its absence. And today the uproar: “It’s time to seriously discuss, not to spot.” Have deserted the convocation also other members of minority dem, including Pippo Civati ​​and Gianni Cuperlo. “A mistake,” the deputy secretary Pd Lorenzo Guerini. While Forza Italy comes support for deserters. “The minority of the Democratic Party – writes Mattinale, the policy note prepared by the blue group in the House – rebelled openly against Renzi. This is why we like the slogan: strength Bersani. “

Woods:” They did tease ‘
From Florence the minister Maria Elena Boschi throws cold water on “This definition of last clash in the Democratic Party seems to me a bit ‘exaggerated. When are offered in most places to discuss, I do not think there is reason for controversy or complain but if one prefers not to participate we respect his choices. ” As for the “Forza Bersani” of Mattinale, curtly: “I think that they made a big annoyance. I think the first not to be happy will Bersani. ” Ready replication via twitter the parent Fi in the House, Renato Brunetta, “Woods says that Forza Bersani spite? Woods and then Forza Forza Renzi. And no one will have a male. #gigliomagicostaisereno. ”

Al CDM Tuesday’s school and broadband
On the a genda of the meeting, as well as Rai and tax authorities, there have been measures and school (a dl and a bill) that will be considered by the Council of Ministers next Tuesday. Present at the meeting also Education Minister Stefania Giannini, recently passed by the Democratic Party Civic Choice, who confirmed: “180 thousand teachers will be hired by September”, also including the places that will be banned by the new competition that will cover three years from 2016 2019. Palazzo Chigi next week, according to reports from the President of the Council will also adopt the national ultra-wideband, after the public consultation phase. In the following weeks in several measures, or already incardinated in Parliament or dl ad hoc, will be followed by the measures to achieve it.

Rai, a bill within two weeks
on public television, Renzi has confirmed its willingness to act now, within two weeks, it will become the “first cultural producer in the country.” But the tool will not be a law: it will first try the parliamentary road, with a bill. Even so, the prime minister reiterated, “we will verify if Grillo wants to get serious’ after opening made yesterday on the reform of Viale Mazzini.

Bersani: discuss seriously, not to spot
To go to the meeting at the Nazarene “I do not think so,” Bersani said in the long interview in the newspaper of the CEI. “Why I bow to the demands of communication, but that the leading bodies should be set out in a movie I’m not.” Avvenire former Secretary dem took off more than a pebble in the shoe. The Jobs Act? “It puts the worker in a relationship of forces pre-70 ‘and therefore arises” out under the Constitution. ” Reforms? “The conjunction” between Italicum and constitutional bill “breaks the democratic balance. If the reform of the Constitution goes on like this, I will never vote for the election law. ” Today the Gr1 Bersani confirmed: “Beware that we are changing shape our democracy and are not just little things. It’s time to seriously discuss, not to spot. Just make an orderly discussion. We do as we have done with so-called method Mattarella. “

From Cuperlo” counter-agenda “six-point
The leader sinistradem, Gianni Cuperlo, has instead given the its position in a letter. “Do not participate in the parliamentary party because in three minutes you do quizzes, not tax reform.” The counter is the six-point agenda: poverty level (with the creation of a universal institution), tax credit for companies that invest in innovation and research, citizen’s income, the law on civil unions and end of life (” Just referrals “), extension of the 80 euro to retirees with less than 1000 Euros per month, three changes all’Italicum (reduce the number of MPs appointed to no more than 30%; provide for the possibility OF AFFILIATION between different lists in case of ballot for the award of the majority; predict a true clause linking election law and constitutional law) and to the constitutional bill.



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