Friday, February 20, 2015

Green light to the decrees on the Jobs Act “scrapped 200,000 CoCoCo and art. 18 ‘- BBC

Green light to the decrees on the Jobs Act "scrapped 200,000 CoCoCo and art. 18 '- BBC

Milan , February 20, 2015 – 10:12


” Today is the day awaited for years. The #JobsAct scrapping the CoCoCo various scrapes and the income position of the usual suspects #lavoltabuona », wrote Friday morning Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Twitter the day that saw, after five hours of the council of ministers, the launch of the decrees the labor reform. The decree provides for the possibility of demansionare the employee and includes the rules on dismissals also collective redundancies (not taking into account so than requested by the Commissions work of the House and Senate).


Jobs Act: What changes, from stop to in 2016 the rights of motherhood and leave


The contract protections growing


“Recognized the rights to a generation”

In press conference after the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister talking about “historic day” stressed: “A generation sees finally recognized their right to have more protections. Words such as mortgage, vacation, severance pay, rights enter the vocabulary of a generation until now excluded. ” Moreover, now the government has “taken off his alibi” to those who say that taking in Italy is not convenient, “It’s the right time, now or never,” stressing that “200,000 contract workers will spend time indefinite.” And one certainty: “No one is more only when he loses his job or is fired.” On newly acquired rights, Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti wanted to emphasize that have been “treated with maternity and paternity or adoption leave.”

“Assumptions collective, not layoffs”

What worries many is the norm regarding removals from work collectives, adopted despite the negative opinions of the Commissions work of the House and Senate, but Renzi reiterates: “These measures involved in recruitment group. This is a country that looks to the future, which is sharing. The decrees approved by the CDM are used to make assumptions collective, not collective redundancies’. According to the President of the Commission in the House, however, it is “a wrong policy choice and not respectful of the parliamentary debate.”

The other decrees and measures on land registry postponed

There is no doubt that for the government the green light to the first decrees of the Jobs Act, those on the new contract in protections and increasing over shock absorbers, is an important step for the beginning of the second year of the team Renzi (” After a year of government we would not have thought to be at this point, “said the Prime Minister). In Council has also proceeded with the draft bill competition, with the new liberalization that will affect booksellers and noticed (while on the sale of drugs skip the rule providing for the sale of drugs-end C in places other than pharmacies). Further postponement, however, for the fiscal package that the Economy Ministry had already prepared: jump standards, very important, the new land registry, but also those which set the calendar to get to the electronic invoices that form the basis for the exceeding the sales receipt as we know it today.

Jobs Act: March contract protections growing

But the attention, on Friday, it was all on the labor reform: the new contract “to increasing protections’ will start from March. What does? For new hires with permanent contract limits the possibility of reinstatement of the worker, instead providing some financial compensation and increasing with length of service. The reinstatement will be possible only in the case of discriminatory dismissal or disciplinary dismissal for which it is proven that there was no dispute of material fact.

Farewell to contracts from 2016

The Council of Ministers, on first reading, also examined the draft decree to delegate implement new types of contracts. It is expected in this context, the elimination of project collaborations with the ban on new contracts of this type. Is deleted when the contract of association in participation, mainly used in the commercial sector. The abolition of project contracts and participation in the association and the reshaping of other types of contracts should go into effect in 2016. For this year – we learn – it will still be possible to sign these contracts while also after 2016 will be able to enter into co with union agreements.

Here comes the new reels and dis-coll

Ok definitive for the new social safety nets. The first is the Dis-Coll, ie unemployment benefits for employees who have at least three months of payments and contributions will last half of the month of payment and will reach a maximum of six months. The other novelty is the Naspi, which snaps from May and that, compared to Aspi will last longer. The subsidy will be equal to half of the contribution periods of the last four years, in practice may be up to a maximum of 24 months.

CGIL:” It’s not fight against insecurity “

” The Jobs Act is the maintenance of the differences and not the fight against insecurity. ” It is the first comment of the CGIL, the union led by Susanna Camusso. The note read the criticisms already made to the new contract protections growing: “Now the company can fire freely paying a paltry compensation.” The union, then, confirms: “What the government is taking away and does not extend to permanent workers and temporary workers, will recaptured with bargaining and a new Workers’ Statute.” In the morning Camusso, from Pasian di Prato, he added, “the only result will be to have liberalized layoffs, had decided that the employment relationship instead of being stabilized is the result of a growing monetization. I do not think so – said the general secretary of the CGIL – that this is the answer that you expect a country that continues to have a very high unemployment, which has no pr ospects for young people and that instead of facilitating layoffs should build solutions for the job . “

Landini:” It does not help those who need to work ‘

Of the same opinion, the general secretary of Fiom Typhoid: “I think today will confirm those bad choices that enable and easier layoffs and who do not cancel the precariousness. We are not in the presence of the extension of unemployment benefits so universal protections for all, we are in the presence of a reform that does not improve the conditions of those who need to work. “

CISL and UIL:” It is not enough, only partial action ‘

Dissatisfied also CISL and UIL. For the former, according to the leader Anna Maria Furlan, it is “a first intervention only partial. We would have liked a more courageous attitude of the government on the effective abolition of forms of precariousness of young people “, said talking about” rejoicing of the Prime absolutely unjustified. ” Also the number one critic of the UIL, Carmelo Barbagallo: “What the government has done in the field of work does not go in the right direction. You had to eliminate all contracts precarious. ” Instead, he adds, “They were the ones fixed term to 36 months without reason and have extended the possibility of using the vouchers.”

Confindustria: “Well layoffs, contracts and change work ‘

Satisfied, however, Confindustria points out that with a note that the legislative decree on contract increasing protections “under some technical aspects, has been improved,” and welcomes the confirmation of the rules on collective redundancies and for esto contract types. “The new rules on changing jobs captures – says the Association of Industrial – respecting the fundamental rights of workers, the need for regulatory certainty and flexibility of the business organization that business has long demanded. We must now continue on this path of reform fully endorsing the whole package of measures. “

February 20, 2015 | 10:12



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