Tuesday, February 17, 2015

VAT numbers: battle won in the mid – BBC

VAT numbers: battle won in the mid – BBC

The estimated time for reading this post is 6 minutes i.

by Nicola Di Turi

Lock the rate for 2015 social security and freedom of choice between old and new system of minimum. It arrived this morning the news is keenly awaited by VAT registration. In Milleproroghe decree was approved an amendment that fixed at 27% the contribution for professionals enrolled in the Separate INPS.

Nothing increase from 27.72% to 30.72% for 2015, on the contrary is expected a lowering of the rate drops to 27% altogether. From next year, however, the rate begins to recover up to 28%, reaching 29% in 2017 , saving for professionals of only 1.72 percentage points higher than the increase in fixed previously to 30.72%.

According to estimates by the Ministry of Economy, approved changes in the complex will cost 360 million euro for the three years covered by the decree , covered 265 million from the Fund for structural economic policy, and 95 million through the reduction of other funds of the Ministry of Economy.

But also the system of minimum will undergo changes, and professionals can choose independently whether to opt for the new scheme or join the old. In the night the MEF has found the covers to allow professionals the freedom to continue to pay the 5% per annum on the positive, instead of 15% under the new regime in force since January.

And to take on the expected boom of accessions to the old regime, already registered last December, and cover the loss of revenue for the state, the MEF has allocated a total of 258.2 million euro until 2020. Since 2021, however, the state coffers should record increased revenue to EUR 24.7 million, thanks to the incentive triggered by the maintenance of the tax to 5%.

Even with the new VAT registration open from January should be given the freedom to fix the rate of 5%. At present, however, in the measure there is no trace of retroactivity , and it may be the most penalized unfortunate that they had started a new business from January 1, 2015, adhering to the new system of minimum tax of to 15% of the tax.

“The freelance won a first battle, but the game is still open on the front of the protections, primarily disease ‘, explanatory ACTA. To date for the subscribers of the Separate INPS shall not include any pension coverage figurative in the event of unemployment or illness, or you can transfer to other management their contribution payments, or years necessary to achieve the retirement pension cumulation of the payments made to other managements.

In the decree Milleproroghe there is no trace of these themes , which according to the intentions of the government should be the subject of a more organic, postponed time is not yet established.

The government has kept its word to those who had not benefited from the measures provided for in the law of stability,” says the BBC Chiara Gribaudo , deputy PD. And while the association of freelance ACTA emphasize that “the Government Renzi, unlike the two previous governments, so far had not intervened to prevent the increase of the contribution ‘, to express satisfaction is the deputy PD Antonio Misiani, also among the signatories of the measure approved.

For months we were in contact with ACTA and other associations. The theme was also shared by the M5s and by the center, avoiding a heavy burden objectively for a world that needs to be recognized a peculiarity from a tax perspective. There have been two steps forward, that open the way to an intervention of a more structural nature . But the real turning point is the recognition of the political world of freelance, “thinks Misiani. In anticipation of the launch of an ad hoc measure, in short, professionals cashing the first two results on security and taxation.



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