ROME – It seems to have unlocked the process of conversion of the decree “Milleproroghe”. After a marathon night, commissions Budget and Constitutional Affairs of the House have finished examining the text, which will arrive here today at 18.30.
The government has signaled that it is willing to put the issue of trust, given the ever shorter. Among the highlights, to signal the blocking of the increase in contributions for the self-employed management separate, very salient issue by category: the rate would have to rise this year from 27.72 to 30.72 percent, instead will remain at the same level and then grow to 28.72 in 2016 and 29.72 the following year. An audience similar targets the extension of the system of minimum tax , which will coexist with the new regime for the entire 2015. The lawmakers also decided not to make changes to the rules and responsibilities for television frequencies . Therefore, there will b e a return of fees to the levels of 2013, nor the transfer of powers on royalties dall’Agicom to the Ministry of Development. Good news for Mediaset and Rai, who may pay less carriage fees even if, according to sources, the issue could be revived in another decision in the approval process, for example the decree on banks.
Scheduled also a “mini extension” for 4 months of the block evictions and block sanctions to the regions that have not respected the Stability Pact in 2014. Also inside Road esplanade also the proposal to reopen the terms for rescheduling of Equitalia folders and the two-year extension of the incentives for the return to Italy of “brains”. As said, times are tight: the decree must be converted by March 3. It also lacks the second passage in the Senate.
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