Rome, February 21, 2015 – The tweet of the Minister of PA Marianna Madia (“After 20 years at the flex is added security: shock absorbers, motherhood ‘, just CoCoCo and cocopro”) does not attenuate raabbia the minority Democratic Party and the trade unions after the approval of the decrees Jobs Act (CARD – What changes) launched yesterday by the Council of Ministers. It does not dissolve certain climate underscores the minister of infrastructure, Maurizio Lupi, satisfied the “defeat of the conservative center-right and center-left.”
FASSINA FURIOUS – “ With this decree the Pd Renzi become the party of the strong interests . After arriving on the positions of Ichino now reached Sacconi that, at this point, can enter the Democratic Party of Renzi “. The day after the approval of the Jobs Act., The Democratic Party is more than ever in turmoil. Stefano Fassina, former Deputy Minister for Economics and member of the minority of the Democratic Party, interviewed by Republic rejects the decrees: “It is an extraordinary propaganda operation – highlights -. There remain all forms of precarious contracts. With this decree the Italian labor law back the fifties. Renzi implement the economic agenda of the Troika with a fidelity that, I am sure, Professor Monti will envy. “
‘FICO LEAF’ – Fassina lists why: “The scrapping of there already, only remain in the public service where, for the hiring freeze, there will be no transformation. For example, everything will remain as it is now for professionals without VAT. There remain also the fixed-term contracts without causality remain intermittent work, work well, and the accessory ‘apprenticeship without stabilization requirements. The book of temporary contracts does not change. It is a fig leaf to cover the only real objective of this government on work: delete the possibility of reintegration into the workplace in the event of unjustified dismissal, ie delete Article 18 “.
PARLIAMENT BETRAYED – “The government has decided not even to acknowledge what were the recommendations contained in the opinions of the parliamentary committees” , is disconsolate Gianni Cuperlo, another exponent of miniorazna dem in controversy with Renzi. Serious matter, because the recommendations – in the Democratic Party – had been taken up by the whole party, “majority-minority”.
‘REBATES UNREPEATABLE’ – Fassina dribble so the expected success of the Prime Minister: “ The expected increase in permanent contracts there will be no thanks to the deletion of Article 18 but due to the cutting of the contributions for three years for new employees in 2015. A measure that costs a lot and that, given the conditions our public finance, will not be repeated. “
VENDOLA ANGER -” We are at a turning point, but very, very, very negative . This is a counter. Confirmation, despite the contrary intention of the Parliament, collective redundancies, does not clarify what the useful resources to fuel social safety nets, confirming the disappearance article 18, disappears the right to work and advancing the right to dismissal, 45 are atypical of 47 “says the leader of Sel, Nichi Vendola.
RISK SPLIT – Keep collective redundancies in the Jobs Act was” a wrong policy choice, “says Cesare Damiano (Pd), former Minister of Labour and Chairman Work of the Committee of the Chamber. “On collective redundancies – explains the Corriere della Sera is likely to open up a dispute now before the courts. In fact, the collective will emerge in a clear manner the structural division between old and new employees that runs through the Jobs Act. In the case of collective redundancies illegitimate, the judge should order the reinstatement in the job of those who were hired prior to the reform while those taken with the contract in protections increasing the financial compensation would be enough. “
CELEBRATING CONFINDUSTRIA – A Stephen Lamb, vice president of Confindustria with responsibility on industrial relations, the appetite comes with eating : “It is important that the contract at increasing protections be extended to everyone, even to old assumptions. It is a condition essential if you want to attract foreign investment. “
BARBAGALLO CAUSTIC – The general secretary of Uil, Carmelo Barbagallo, is very critical “They said they would remove all contracts of insecurity, when in fact they have added new ones, such as the possibility of extending the use of vouchers. They were to extend the protections and even that they did. Even with tax relief for permanent contracts you had to predict stakes in such a way that in the face of three years of contributions were then secured another three years of occupation. But even here nothing. And if a business owner wants to be clever as you protect? “ It predicts tough times for the cheering Confindustria , who” does not know what to expect. “Why now “We all those rules about the protections that we have obtained from the government will try to put them into contracts.”
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