Saturday, August 1, 2015

Renzi: “Never rubber-stamping of the judges’ Tick the proposal Pd jure soli – the Newspaper

Rome before the “hit” of the Democratic minority in the Senate, then the heavy data on the crisis in the South and those on employment. With the Financial Times that describes a Matteo Renzi, who has no more “plain sailing” and that must be able to take home the reforms a thousand obstacles. One unfortunate day, when there was some of a bill “Ius Soli soft” in the Constitutional Affairs Committee presented to the House by the rapporteur of the Pd Marilena Fabbri of the Democratic Party. Foreign minors born in Italy or residents for years in the country can obtain Italian citizenship, if they meet certain conditions such as school attendance or residence in the country for several years by one of the parents. This is what provides the text continues on its way already begun under the government Letta. The prime minister is in the press room at Palazzo Chigi, following the Council of Ministers, and faces with an air of decided the siege of reporters, including uncomfortable questions. Beginning with those on the case Azzollini, which opened a new rift with the controversy faced executioner.

But Renzi defends the choice of the Senate to deny the arrests for the exponent Ncd, flatly denying even those who, as his Deputy Secretary Debora Serracchiani, it had criticized. It goes down hard in defending the role of the Parliament: “We are not rubber-stamping of the Prosecutor of Trani. The Senate is not the rubber-stamping of the Prosecutor, “marks. It defends the choice of the Democratic Party leader Zanda to leave a free vote to his senators: “When he saw the papers said I leave freedom of conscience, because I am convinced that this is a very complicated matter and on which a prima persecutionis there may be”. As for the tripping of the minority Democratic Party in the Senate on Rai, Renzi gives a read-all politics: “They wanted to take advantage of the many absences to send a message to the government. It is a method that is not mine: when we were in the minority we did not so sure. But I’m not afraid: go ahead anyway: the numbers are there, both the House and the Senate, and we are not worried. ” Moreover, “going under on individual amendments is normal,” the important thing is the result: the reform was approved, and the second reading in the House is “correct” what has been changed by a vote of the minority Democratic Party and Fi. It defends the Jobs Act, despite the negative data in June at work: The picture is “still very far from what we would like, but the direction is right,” he says. The Jobs Act “has stimulated employment and allowed to return to the plus sign,” said the prime minister, noting however that “employment is always the last thing to start again after a period of crisis, preceded by industrial production, consumption and GDP. ” And the figures given by Istat report that “grow both employed and unemployed, because the inactive, who were disheartened or resigned, returned to believe and look for work. This is also an index of small-start. ”


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