Sunday, August 2, 2015

Storm in Florence –

A storm, with rain, hail and strong gusts of wind, made landfall in Florence . Flooding and falling trees are engaging teams of firefighters and reinforcements are coming from Prato and Pistoia to meet the requests. It has raised the level dell’Arno.Particolarmente hit the south of the city. The the vehicle traffic has gone haywire virtually throughout the city : All underpasses flooded. Reactivated in railway Rome-Florence.

And ’round to meet shortly after eight o’clock this morning the Crisis Unit of the City of Florence evaluate issues still on the table after the violent storm that hit the area last night south of the city. Deputy Mayor Cristina Giachi confirms that in the night “is reopened the road in the main streets of the districts two and three, while much remains to be done in the secondary.” Confirmed the resumption of rail traffic after the night was reactivated yesterday that the airline had blocked convoys eighteen long and short haul. In the Florence train station there is still a hundred people who spent the night waiting to resume their trip. The budget of the wounded is confirmed in a total of twenty, one serious (nineteen surprised by a storm near the Arno and shot in the head by a branch). Among the problems of Civil Defense also to find a place to distribute meals to over a hundred refugees sheltering in the house Pertini: a huge tree has fallen on the roof of the canteen. No injuries and guests were able to sleep in their rooms because the only damage was recorded in their dining hall. Since yesterday evening, the Fire Department have carried out 235 interventions with the help of teams coming from various parts of Tuscany. The damage will be assessed in the next few days and “although the area where it struck the violence of the storm is very limited, are enormous,” adds Deputy Mayor Giachi.

Delrio, thanks to everyone for Work on Av – “regular trains again. Thanks to the technicians, managers Railways and Civil Protection for the big night work on the line Av.” The Minister of Infrastructure, Graziano Delrio, thanks to a tweet all those who have contributed to the restoration of the railway line between Rome and Florence after the storm that hit the city in Tuscany interrupting connections. The Minister has been monitoring the situation for the whole night and was on the phone with the CEO of Fs, Michele Mario Elia, with the aim of solving the problems on the railway Florence-Rome – says a spokesperson for the Minister – threatened to break the country in two.

In the district of Gavinana in Florence one of the hardest hit by the violent storm tonight, people are climbing on parked cars, walls and even garbage bins, to avoid the strong

current of water in the flooded streets . The water rose to over a meter in height. Invaded wineries, shopping, money and basements. And ‘what emerges after the storm struck the city. Several calls arrive at the central 118 Florence that two hours trying to manage the situation.

Some wounded is reported also by the fire. Blocked avenue for Michelangelo allow firefighters to remove branches with chainsaws, logs and fallen trees. In addition to flooding in the capital, under water and even the suburbs of Tavarnuzze Ponte a Ema. A Galluzzo was closed the road for Volterra for the fall of a wall.

E ‘was redrawn the person was feared over the Arno during the violent storm that hit Florence. And ‘what is learned from sources sanitary. The man had managed to return to his home where he was found

Appeals of the City, do not get in the car – “Do not get in the car, especially in districts 2 and 3″ for “traffic problems to flooding and fallen trees.” And ‘the invitation of the City of Florence on twitter. Deputy Mayor Cristina Giachi communicates with the “police commander” who is trying to manage the situation created after the storm. Meanwhile Publiacqua always with a tweet announced that the water supply is shared “even if the emergency” and that in “the next few hours there could be problems.” Some discomfort for motorists who were on the A1: for about half an hour, at around 20:00, was also closed on the Firenze South.

Two people have almost drowned in their car in an underground quickly allagatosi in Calenzano were rescued by firefighters. The water is rising fast level trapping the occupants of a car. Other motorists have raised the alarm at 115 allowing a decisive intervention. The rain has flooded underpasses other, especially in the south of the city.

The water infiltration and hail have caused the collapse of the roof of a building in the Gavinana: all the tenants in the street. Evacuated by firefighters even the inhabitants of the lower floors. Now I am being technical testing to assess the practicability of the building. Expelled the inhabitants of another damaged building.

Three passengers who were in a car were injured: a large branch struck the car while transiting lungarno Colombo, one of the worst affected areas. The wounded, they not in serious condition, were transported to the hospital emergency room in Ponte Niccheri. A total of twenty wounded who have made medicare hospitals in Florence.


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