Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bertolaso ​​not back together around the center – Il Sole 24 Ore

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This article was published on February 14, 2016 at 10:34.


Following the descent into the field of Guido Bertolaso, the single candidate Fi, League and Brothers of Italy in Rome, burst the controversy on the (missed) primaries of the center. It begins with a tweet Assistant Secretary Pd Lorenzo Guerini: “They choose the candidates in a 3 Arcore villa or condominium meetings and blackmail and talk about democracy. A little ‘check not? “. Replicates the manager of Forza Italy Deborah Bergamini Communication: “In the Democratic Party decides everything one with the primary deceptive mask (made in China) and all silent. There is a prime minister not elected by the citizens, the government rests on defectors from the center-right and Guerini talk about democracy. “

But it is in Rome that goes up the pressure on primary, revealing the ripples in the moderate, on which he also insists the entrepreneur Alfio Marchini. Back to the office Francesco Storace (The Right), which for now does not show any intention to withdraw from the race and sticks: “Berlusconi has done everything wrong.” Echoes Raffaele Lease, leader of the Conservatives and Reformists in a public event has formalized its support for Marchini, also pleasing to many big Forza Italy. “Nothing personal to Guido Bertolaso ​​- he explains – but it is quite evident that it is self-destruction of what remains of the center. Everything you could still avoid a possible and appropriate choice: the primaries. But Berlusconi, Salvini and Meloni have chosen to play to lose. ”

Marchini repeats to be available in the primaries with Bertolaso ​​and Storace but specifies that it is “academic hypothesis.” As the former head of the Civil Protection ensures that you have “the skills to stop the degradation” of the capital, he said that if convicted will respect the law Severino and tow the primary: “I have no party membership cards, I think you have to be to make them members, if they want to do the do. The three center-right parties have asked me to represent them as well as civil society. ”

Squaring the circle of Bertolaso ​​has nevertheless added an important piece to the puzzle of administrative June, revealing that in the two main cities of Italy outlining the horizon a challenge from very different contours. In Milan there is a clear ballot “classic” between the former Commissioner of Expo Giuseppe Sala, supported by the center and Sel who yesterday said that “respect the covenants,” and Stefano Parisi manager, candidate of the center, including Ncd. Two technical high-profile, deep knowledge of the city, whose playing time will be played on the programs.

But if Milan is fresh from the success of Expo, Rome’s commissioner after the disappearance of Ignazio Marino, chaos in the Democratic Party and the open wounds of Mafia capital. No wonder that in the capital the view is much more rugged. Also to the left. With Marino has not yet withdrawn its reservations on his possible candidacy. The Democratic Party goes to the primaries of March 6, with Roberto and Roberto Giachetti Morassut as a leading candidate. Stefano Fassina running for the left. And the great unknown of the M5S: are 205 on-line candidates for comunarie which should come out the name for the Capitol. But it continues to hover the hypothesis of the deputy Alessandro Di Battista, who yesterday attacked Bertolaso ​​( “It’s all the candidate” giannilettiano “anti-Francesco Curia, symbol of inner decay”) and assured: “The M5S is the only force policy that is not responsible for the destruction of the capital. Try us. ”




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