Thursday, September 11, 2014

Bonaccini three hours by prosecutors: “I’m going forward” – Corriere della Sera

Bonaccini three hours by prosecutors: "I'm going forward" – Corriere della Sera

he knew of the investigation Monday ‘, Richetti from Tuesday’

Bonaccini three hours by prosecutors: “I’m going forward,”
disputed costs 4,000 €

I am related to reimbursement for lunches and dinners. The lawyer: “We demand the filing.” A Richetti disputed 5,500 €

BOLOGNA – Stefano Bonaccini was heard for three hours by prosecutors in Attorney Antonella Scandellari and Morena Plazzi that, under the supervision of the Chief Prosecutor Roberto Alfonso and dell’aggiunto Valter Giovannini, investigating the alleged charges outside control in the Region. Bonaccini, which is under investigation for embezzlement, he had asked to be heard, with instance advanced Tuesday by his attorney, Victor Manes. “I was calm before and are more so now – he said coming out of the prosecutor’s office – I think I have given explanations for any wrongdoing, I acted correctly: it is modest costs related to the activity of the Regional Council. You can continue with the campaign of the primaries. Surveys in clockwork? I have full confidence in the judiciary. ”

Bonaccini exit of the Prosecution

CHALLENGED THE COSTS A Bonaccini – Expenses question are in the order of about four thousand euro relating to reimbursement for lunches and dinners. It is at most meals from 50 euro each, 25 medium, displacement and fuel for 200 euro, but no charges for personal purposes. Refunds modest 200 euro per month, accumulated during the twenty months ended under the lens of the Prosecutor (May 2010 – December 2011): contested expenses because they have no evidence. The lawyer Manes, assisting Bonaccini, already announced on Thursday an instance storage “solicit a definition as diligent as possible to allow Bonaccini to continue with the greatest serenity participation in the electoral competition.”

CHALLENGED THE COSTS A Richetti – A Matthew Richetti, however, the other big finished investigated for embezzlement and already withdrew from the race in the primaries Emilia, prosecutors dispute costs 5,500 euro : lunches, dinners, taxis and hotels, including two nights in a hotel in Riva del Garda for 500 euro. No expenditure of a personal nature, assures him that says he is ready to clarify the dispute. His lawyer, lawyer Gino Carboys, is considering whether to ask for an interrogation pm. The deputy put online, on his Facebook page, a video message in which he explained his withdrawal from the race for the nomination for the presidency of Emilia-Romagna: “Let us not stop, will not be intimidated, let’s get our heads held high because we started to change the Emilia-Romagna and Italy and we will not stop. ” It’s a reference to the investigation: “If the regional council of ‘Emilia-Romagna today is devoid of blue cars, is devoid of annuities and expenses is because the action of recent years has cut all those elements for which privilege our action goes on, our race goes on. ”

OTHER SUSPECTED? – As the investigation as a whole, it is not clear at the time the number of directors investigated: in addition to the eight of the Democratic Party of which it became known yesterday – whose inscriptions were made in August after the filing of notices of Finance – and in addition to all the leaders of the Legislative Assembly (PD, PDL, UDC, M5S, Ln, Sel-Greens) investigated from October, 2013, new registrations are coming.

JUSTICE TO WATCH? The PM: EVEN WORK IN August – Compared to the times, then, there is another detail that is confirmed. “The prosecutor has also worked in August. Instances of the former 335 Procedure Code were received Monday and Tuesday by the defenders of Bonaccini and Richetti, who immediately got the certifications required. These are the facts. We continue to work with seriousness and in silence. ” So the pcuratore added to Bologna, Valter Giovannini, when asked about the controversy on the timing of the investigation, which also involves those who until yesterday were the main challengers to the primary center. Richetti, in particular, has learned of his inclusion in the docket Tuesday morning, then first of its decision – arrived Monday night – leaving the race: the timing therefore endorse the reconstruction according to which its was a political decision.

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