A warning to which the former mayor of Turin did follow a more complex reasoning. “With the government – said Chiamparino – we signed a pact to health that has committed, up to December 31, to write plans of reorganization of health services and has provided a fund of 109 billion euro, an increase of about 2 billion and a half more in the year to 2015 and 2016 to fund the NHS. ” In a nutshell the sacrifices laid down in the spending review, in the opinion of Governors, would violate the agreements made just a month ago. In the face of protest (“what the government is an act of war”) attacked the president of Lombardia Roberto Maroni) followed closely by the President of Lazio Luca Zingaretti (“the cuts? Sciagura unspeakable”), Palazzo Chigi attempted to resize the case. “No one wants to cut health care – have assured sources close to Matteo Renzi – but nobody wants to waste.”
A clarification welcomed “with satisfaction” by Chiamparino. But evidently insufficient to close the question why the governor of Piedmont has warned that “it is one thing that says you have to save in health care through the reorganization and modernization, another is to reduce the background. In that case we will oppose. ” The governor of the Veneto Luca Zaia, after promising battle, has said: “We take note of clarification of the government and the fact that you will therefore to cut spending where supplies costing 100-600 per cent more than in Veneto. The method to do this is, however, extremely simple: apply standard costs by taking the virtuous Regions as the basis of calculation.
We await the facts and do not tweet, however, will be watching, trusting notoriously ads by this government. ” Compliance with the covenants was also invoked by the President of Campania Stefano Caldoro who nevertheless pointed out that the governors “are ready to face all the speeches and the commitments that have been made on efficiency.” “If you have to find resources – has spurred the president of the Tuscany Enrico Rossi – it is good to look for them in the inn over three thousand euro, a figure high and more than enough to live on, especially in a country where health care is public. ” On the trade union, the CGIL outcry. “Adding 30 billion in cuts already made in recent years on health care an additional 3% is absolutely unsustainable. A choice of this type is equivalent to the decision not to insure the most basic levels of care, “protested Vera Lamonica, confederal secretary and Stefano Cecconi, head of Health. “The waste – continued from Corso Italy – there are and should be fought decisively.
the resources recovered must be returned to the people, with more services and less ticket.” The hypothesis cuts, meanwhile, has produced widespread discontent in the Democratic Party. “We – warned the former secretary Pier Luigi Bersani, followed by a lot of members of the party – we can not betray the universalism of the welfare and health care. We can make the system more efficient, but certainly not cut services. ”
12 September 2014 05:29 – Last Updated: 08:11
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