History article
This article was published on 8 September 2014 at 10:33.
The last change is the 8 September 2014 at 11:05.
Archived Day of Unity, returns to the scene of the Parliament. This week, we will clarify the government’s priorities for the agenda of the House and Senate, which promises to be busy for a lot of “irons in the fire” that the Government intends to “cook” without “give an inch” of schedule. Word of the premier Renzi. Hence, already in the week, beginning in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of Deputies of the second reading of the reform of the Senate, while the examination via dell’Italicum landed in Palazzo Madama in the Senate will give it a meeting, perhaps as early as tomorrow, between the Chairman of the Committee for Constitutional Affairs Anna Finocchiaro with the Premier and the Minister for Reforms Woods.
Electoral Reform, risk new protests in the House
Despite the determination of the President of the Council that even at the party the Democratic Party in Bologna confirmed as New Italicum and Senate are the two cornerstones of the road map reformist (“bring them forward albeit with modifications’), the political debate in Parliament promises to be switched on, even to the risk of new clamorous protests and clashes in the classroom after those that have characterized the approval of the first reading of the reform of the Senate in July and August. On the Italicum, in addition to Sel and M5S that promise a stiff opposition, the more friction for the reform are recorded within the same majority. Ncd, quite cooperatively with the Democratic Party on the amendment of the Constitution, places strong veto on the election law calling for a lowering of the electoral threshold and a mechanism to reintroduce preferences.
Reform Senate, speech in the House
As for constitutional reform, Thursday, Sept. 11 the two rapporteurs, Commission President Francesco Paolo Sisto (Fi) and Emanuele Fiano (Pd), illustrate the text, thus starting ITER. Sisto spoke of “a reasonable time” examination, but did not want to talk about dates. On the content you are reflecting on the method of electing the President of the Republic, but it is critical issue since the approval of the Mattarellum.
Agenda dense, flooding in view
But on the table there are only electoral law and reform of the Senate. At Palazzo Madama The committee has just begun consideration of the Bill Madia for the reform of Pa and the reorganization of the government, and the commission will resume work tomorrow consideration of the bill on the delegation Jobs Act, politically very sensitive. A Montecitorio will come later in October the Law of Stability. Finally, the decree on Justice and Unlock Italy that have yet to be published in “Journal” and assigned. It will then examine other decrees minors (including one on sports events) and the legislative decrees implementing the proxy tax.
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