History article
This article was published on 16 September 2014 at 09:28.
The last change is the 16 September 2014 at 11:17.
“I Mille days are the last chance to recover lost time. So the premier Matteo Renzi in his speech in the House today to the Chambers for an urgent statement on the program of the Thousand Days, in which he raised the need for reforms, “an instrument of growth” and “to do all along.” Renzi has called “grotesque” the reading of those who have interpreted the thousand days as a “delay.” It said he was sure of the fact that “at the end of this process we will be able not only to reverse the history of this term, but in Italy back on track.” Not only that. The chairman of the board said he was then available “to miss consensus for reforms.” It has drawn attention to the action of the government in scandenza natural legislature in February 2018 with a top priority, the adoption of the new electoral law. It is a goal for the end of the Thousand Days, “a tax simpler and less expensive as possible.” Renzi will speak to 15 in the Senate.
Election Law: melina stop, but not to go to vote
chairman of the board has dedicated the opening words of his speech to ‘approval of the new electoral law, to do right away, because a “yet another uncooperative” on the electoral law, he explained, “would sound like an insult to what was said by senior figures such as President of the Republic and it would be an insult to the dignity of the political class that would prove incapable of finding solutions. ” He added that nell’iter dell’Italicum “we are ready to listen, but some points are unchangeable”
Italy has stopped falling but not enough
“Today we are in a time when the eurozone is at a standstill, Italy has stopped falling but not enough, it is not enough. The numbers are not the most devastating but who was content to break the fall should be seen. We have to leave and return to growth, “the premier said in the House.
Reforms produce growth, should be done all at once
The Prime Minister stressed the urgency of a comprehensive reform package. “O reforms are made all at once or you do not take home the path of change – assured Renzi – the benaltrismo as political philosophy ignores the fact that the reforms or you do together or you quit with the pace of the turtle 20 years of stagnation. “
Fisco cheapest possible need shared strategy
Renzi has also raised the need for a reduction of the tax burden. “We need a common strategy to reduce the tax load of taxes on labor with the reduction of IRAP for the first time,” said the prime minister, for whom “the IRS must be the least expensive as possible.”
Objective term expires in February 2018
Renzi has set a target of the government of the natural end of the legislature, although not “afraid to confront Italians” with the vote . ‘E’ duty of this government to indicate where we want to lead the country: we propose to use as the expiration of the term of the natural end, knowing that it is possible at any time to deny the Chambers of confidence in the government, “said the premier Matteo Renzi talking to room, indicating horizon in February 2018.
Return to grow and boost employment
“Our goal is to return to growth starting from the busy” because the increase of 83,000 recorded in a year in June “is not enough: we need to reset the political and economic challenge and overthrow of this country,” added the premier.
A side of Italy that is broken back
The prime minister claimed: “We are with Italy that breaks the back” and not with “professionals sandwich and alleged experts who have not predicted the crisis and then have to give the wrong respondents ‘and now with’ complacency explain “what we should do.
By the law of stability
Yesterday OECD and Standard & amp; Poor’s has come a new alarm about the recession and the accounts of our country. The prime minister has promised for today a long speech in Parliament on these issues. While the Secretary Graziano Delrio yesterday assured: “The OECD data do not force us to an additional maneuver. The government – he said – do not want to load new labors Italians but wants to find savings in the reorganization of the state, and then we will work harder on this, “with a stability law made spending cuts.
At 18, the direction to formalize new secretary Pd
Today Meanwhile, it will be for Renzi also a mild day in key party. The prime minister-secretary is in fact called to arrange a new secretary at the enlarged minority Dem, a collegial management of the party, as called for in his speech at the closing of the Unity Day on September 7. The management meeting during which Matteo Renzi ufficializzerà the new answering machine is set to 18.30. Area Reform, which is headed by Robert Hope, to the secretary has indicated a shortlist of six names, with specific expertise in various fields, and could see each assigned two positions in the secretariat. Among the names of those listed Enzo Amendola, dalemiana of origin, the role of responsible foreign vacated by Federica Mogherini. Another name could be that of Micaela Campana. But among the options there are also Andrea Giorgis, Danilo Lever, Cecilia Guerra, Silvio Lai and Federico Fornaro.
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