History article
This article was published on 9 September 2014 at 19:15.
The last change is the 9 September 2014 at 20:13.
“I think and I believe in the law of stability we will have a further reduction of taxes on labor. There are several hypotheses on modes, but fund it with spending cuts. ” He said Matteo Renzi, host of the show on Rai Uno, Porta a Porta. Among the hypotheses for the coverage “is the solution that the solution IRAP contributions have pros and cons,” said Renzi, but for sure, “the finance with reduced spending.” Which will mean that “not immediately come out positive data, because when you cut the spending cuts of the money circulating, maybe at first it stutters a bit ‘.” The budget that the government is carrying out will continue with the Law of Stability “has never made anyone before us – has claimed Renzi -: we are reducing the weight of the state and cutting the tax burden.”
From Draghi’s move to the turning point in monetary policy
Then he spoke of the president of the ECB, Mario Draghi, who gave a turn to monetary policy. “Draghi has made available 200 billion euro and gives them to me, but to the banks; but the banks said to be given to entrepreneurs and not to take money in less than 1 percent and then work on government bonds without risk. It is an important step that could make a turning point in European monetary policy, “the premier said Matteo Renzi. It also spoke of euro, that if “falls against the dollar, if it came closer to 1.20 than 1.30 would be good for our businesses.”
Operation from 20 billion: we will not make linear cuts
The goal of a maneuver of “20 billion euro is to have not only the operation of larger cuts never made but also money that can be put to reuse, “for example,” a billion on school. ” He reiterated that “we are not making linear cuts.” He pointed out that “we have resources for recovering 20 billion euro and 80 other: either the lowering of taxes or investing in strategic sectors.” Sarao difficult to broaden the audience of 80 euro bonus. “For the audience the current 80 euro will remain in a stable way, then we’ll see if we can enlarge it: they are not yet in a position to say it, but it may be that there is a face,” said the Prime Minister.
Cottarelli three months ago he asked to go away
Then he talked about Cottarelli who returns to the IMF after the law of stability. “Cottarelli three months ago he asked to return to the IMF in Washington, citing family reasons. Sounds good to me, but I told him that was made before the law and stability of the spending review because otherwise it gave the impression that it was because they were impossible to do, “said the premier. “But the spending is done with or without Cottarelli Cottarelli, with or without Renzi Renzi is done with determination.” Then some detail. “The plan includes three Cottarelli recovery from escaping and seventeen billion of spending cuts. There are things that I agree with and some, such as turning off the lights in the towns, which seem to me total nonsense. ”
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