Sunday, September 14, 2014

Salvini, “Another fee and come to Rome with sticks” – Time

Salvini, "Another fee and come to Rome with sticks" – Time



“If Renzi put one half fee plus go to Rome with sticks.” While Milan is being Ecofin meeting, Matteo Salvini, from Monviso, where is the Feast of the peoples in the course of the Po Valley, sounded the charge against the government. A brief Economy Minister must present the note to update the document in economics and finance that will serve as the basis for the next law of stability. And since the trend of GDP is lower than estimated, and you still keep the deficit below the 3% compared to GDP, there is a risk that in addition to cutting spending recourse dele increase taxes. But the League is there and threatens to wield the sticks even if Salvini corrects the pitch: “Obviously democratic sticks, walking sticks and foam. We must also touch on the portfolios’ and raised the day of tax resistance for mid-November. “

Then the leader of the Northern League goes to the bureaucrats in Brussels who put the shirt strength of the economy. “Is there a European reality of the constraints of Brussels fregherà because if they take you to die you gotta rub.” It points the finger against the trap of 3%, compared with the stability pact and stressed that “someone cares and is making them money down the economy. Instead Renzi has no bite because then he says that it will respect all the constraints in Europe and do not really know where it will find the money. “

Not convinced by the strategy of the cuts that are” disguised tax . Because if you close a hospital is a fee for the citizen who must make 50 more km to go and seek treatment, if you close a school is a hidden tax. ” Salvini raises the League’s proposal: that the single tax rate fixed, dried 20% working in 40 countries around the world, fight tax evasion, cash is more to the state. “We presented to Renzi and do not understand why it has not yet responded.”

The number one of the Northern League inflames the audience when he says “I have bothered to read every day of entrepreneurs, artisans, retirees who commit suicide because they do not make it anymore. Other than sticks, waited too. ”

Then, speaking of the referendum in Scotland for independence, picks a theme dear to the Northern League: “It was never closed the issue of independence. If Scotland wins is a breath of fresh air for Europe and there will Veneto, Lombardia but also the Salento. It is an historical fact that in Scotland the votes. It is an important step towards democracy. The battle for independence we never mitted. “


Leonardo Ventura


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